
  • 网络intake
  1. 龙滩水电站进水口坝段碾压混凝土施工技术

    RCC Engineering Technique Applied to Intake Section of Longtan Hydropower Station

  2. 龙滩水电站进水口坝段混凝土温度控制

    Concrete Temperature Control for Intake Dam Section of Longtan Hydropower Station

  3. 水电站进水口平面快速闸门的水力试验研究

    Hydraulic Model Study of Emergency Gate at Hydroelectric Power Inlet

  4. 水电站进水口快速闸门水力学分析

    Hydraulic Analysis of An Emergency Gate at Hydroelectric Station Intake

  5. 某水电站进水口边坡变形特征及稳定性评价

    Characteristics and Mechanism of Slope Deformation at Intake of One Hydropower Station

  6. 步进电机在水工模型试验中的应用&以拉西瓦水电站进水口快速闸门模型试验为例

    In Test Application of stepping motors in hydraulic model test

  7. 水电站进水口拦污栅水头损失试验研究

    Study on the head loss of trashrack of intake in hydropower stations

  8. 龙滩水电站进水口边坡2-2剖面反馈分析

    Feedback Analysis of 2-2 Section of the Intake Slope of Longtan Hydropower Project

  9. 水电站进水口水流流态的研究

    Research for flow pattern in intake of hydroelectric station

  10. 水电站进水口与尾水渠布置对机组出力的影响

    Influence of intake and tail channel layout of hydropower plant on turbine generator output

  11. 龙滩水电站进水口高边坡稳定研究与治理

    Stability Study and Treatment of High Slope Around the Intake of Longtan Hydropower Station

  12. 水电站进水口高边坡稳定性三维极限分析

    3D limit analysis of stability of high slope at intake of huge hydropower station

  13. 百色水电站进水口高边坡与塔基处理设计

    Design of Intake High Slope and Treatment of Intake Tower Foundation for Baise Hydropower Station

  14. 浅层地震反射波法在探测水电站进水口淤泥厚度中的应用

    Application of Shallow Earthquake Reflection Shooting in Sludge Thickness Surveying in Water Intake of Hydropower Plant

  15. 水电站进水口漂浮式拦污排张力计算

    Calculation method for tensile force of drift trash barrier installed at the inlet of hydropower station

  16. 水电站进水口是引水发电的首部建筑物,对水电站的运行安全具有十分重要的作用。

    The hydropower station intake plays a very important role in the safe operation of hydropower station .

  17. 小湾水电站进水口边坡算例体现了该方法的工程应用能力。

    The application of the intake slope of Xiaowan Hydropower Station demonstrates the capacity of this method .

  18. 三峡工程左厂11~14号坝段水电站进水口施工技术

    Construction technique for hydropower station inlet at left No. 11 ~ 14 dam sections of Three Gorges Project

  19. 水电站进水口岩石高边坡及坝坡与洞室相互作用的三维数值分析

    Numerical analysis on deformation and stress of high slope of intake and interaction of dam-slope and tunnel at huge hydropower project

  20. 深进去的伤口、裂缝、边缘、搁板百色水电站进水口左侧边坡稳定复核

    A deep wound , cleft , border , shelf Recheck stability of left bank slope at water intake of Baise HPP

  21. 以拉西瓦水电站进水口快速闸门模型试验为例,简要阐述了步进电机的工作原理。

    It briefly describes the working principle of stepping motor based upon the gate tests at the intake tunnel for Laxiwa hydropower project .

  22. 分析了水电站进水口工作闸门埋件安装过程中遇到的问题及解决方法。

    The problem come forth in the installation process of imbed parts of slab gate at the inlet of hydropower station and its treatment were analyzed .

  23. 该技术与三维可变形离散元法相结合,在白鹤滩水电站进水口高边坡三维可视化和应力变形分析中进行了应用。

    Combined with the discrete element method for deformable bodies , the technique has been well applied to the water intake high slope in Baihetan Hydropower Station .

  24. 锦屏一级水电站进水口引渠内侧边坡位于工程的重要部位,其稳定性问题对工程建设至关重要。

    The inside slope of intake diversion canal of Jinping I Hydropower Station is an important part of the whole project and it is vital for the stability of project construction .

  25. 作为船坞闸的工作闸门和水工建筑物的检修闸门在静水中使用,浮箱门已被证明是排干船坞、渠道、水电站进水口建筑物水的一种最经济有效方法。

    As dock gate and emergency gate using in standing water , the floating bulkhead has proven to be an effective method for dewatering intakes at dams , dock basin , canals , and hydro plants .

  26. 由于体型及受力情况复杂,采用传统的结构力学和材料力学法进行计算是不够准确的,因此,十分必要对水电站进水口进行有限元结构分析。

    As the complexity of size and force situation , using traditional structural and materials mechanics method to calculate is inaccurate , therefore , it is necessary to use finite element structural analysis to the hydropower station intake .

  27. 龙滩水电站左岸进水口钢衬接触灌浆施工

    Contact grouting construction for intake steel linings on left bank of Longtan Hydropower Station

  28. 龙滩水电站左岸进水口边坡锚固预应力的实测研究

    Tests and studies of anchoring pre-stressing force of side slope of the intake on the left bank of Longtan Hydropower Station

  29. 实践证明,针对建筑场地的不同地质情况,采用溶洞灌浆、喷桩和钢管桩进行地基处理均是可行的。龙滩水电站左岸进水口钢衬接触灌浆施工

    The results show that every of them based on different geologic conditions can be feasible . Contact grouting construction for intake steel linings on left bank of Longtan Hydropower Station

  30. 针对18层泥板岩处于龙滩水电站坝址进水口高边坡中这一特殊情况,深入探讨水-岩相互作用使其劣化的损伤机理。

    For the special geologic condition of 18 layers of argillite located in highwall slope of the intake in Longtan Hydropower Station Project , a study on the damage mechanism of the water-rock interaction is carried out .