
  • 网络Cement bonding logging;cbl;sbt
  1. 声波水泥胶结测井解释方法评述

    Review of CBL Interpretation Methods

  2. 扇区水泥胶结测井仪SBT是目前检查固井质量及管外窜槽的最新最有效的测井仪器之一。

    SBT is one of the latest and the most effective tools for checking cementing quality and its channeling .

  3. 文章针对常规声波变密度测井的局限性,介绍了分区水泥胶结测井(SBT)的优越性,阐述了SBT的解释方法。

    The principle of the Sector Bond Tool ( SBT ) and its interpretation methods are introduced in this paper .

  4. 以扇区水泥胶结测井仪(SBT)在固井质量实验井的测井响应为基础,分析了可能影响SBT响应的几种因素。

    Based on the logging response of Sector Bond Tool ( SBT ) in the experimental well of bond quality , several factors influenced logging response of SBT were analyzed .

  5. 扇区水泥胶结测井仪(SBT)是一种检测套管水泥胶结质量及探测孔穴孔道的声波测井仪器。

    Sector Cement Bond Tool ( SBT ) is an acoustic log tool for inspecting quality of the cement bond around the circumference of the casing tubing ans for measuring the pore paths .

  6. 通过比较大庆油田现用的不同频率的CBL/VDL型水泥胶结测井仪测量结果及固井质量结果,讨论了声波频率对这种仪器评价结果的影响。

    This paper compares the CBL / VDL cement bond logging unit of various frequency used in Daqing Oil Field with the result of cement job quality , and Discusses the effect of the unit on the evaluation result .

  7. 胜利油田测井公司KM-11、KM-12刻度井的启用,对确保水泥胶结测井评价的精度和准确性具有较好的效果。

    It is proved that the logging applications of the KM-11 and KM-12 calibration wells of Shengli Logging Company in Shen-gli Oilfield have shown better effect .

  8. 套管井水泥胶结测井实验模拟

    Experimental Modelling for Cement Bond Logging in Cased Wells

  9. 水泥胶结测井在开窗侧钻井中的应用与评价

    Application and evaluation of cement bond log in cased hole directional window cutting drilling

  10. 水泥胶结测井存在的问题和建议

    Problems and Suggestions of the Cement Bond Log

  11. 声波水泥胶结测井是检查套管井固井质量的常规方法。

    Cement bond logging is a conventional method to check cement bond quality in cased hole .

  12. 水泥胶结测井刻度方法的改进及基线漂移的克服

    Improvement of the calibration method for cement bond logging and overcome of the base line shift

  13. 声波水泥胶结测井的定量分析

    Quantitative Analysis of Cement Bond Log

  14. 声波水泥胶结测井仪器频率对水泥石声学特性的影响

    Effect of the frequency of acoustic cement bond logging tool on the acoustic characteristics of cement stone

  15. 声波水泥胶结测井实质上就是通过测量石油套管井的水泥胶结面的有关声学参数来判断水泥胶结质量。

    Cement Bond Log virtually measures acoustic parameters related to cement-casing interface to determine the quality of cementation .

  16. 声波频率对CBL/VDL型水泥胶结测井仪评价结果影响的分析

    Analysis on the effect of acoustic frequency on the evaluation result of cbl / vdl cement bond logging unit

  17. 分区水泥胶结测井仪固井质量检测中影响CBL/VDL测井精度原因分析

    An Analysis on the Causes of Affecting the Accuracy of CBL / VDL Logging in the Detection of Cementing Quality

  18. 在井内加压下进行水泥胶结测井带压作业,其目的是将微环空与串槽区分开。

    The purpose of cement bond log ( CBL ) under increasing borehole pressure is to differentiate micro annulus from bypass channel .

  19. 针对单道超声反射式水泥胶结测井,从理论方法上研究如何从一维反射资料反演第一界面窜槽时水层的厚度。

    Thickness reversion method of water layer from one dimension reflective data in ultrasonic reflective cement bond logging is theoretically studied when the first interface is bad bonded .

  20. 水泥胶结测井带压作业技术因此,声波水泥胶结测井结果受被测介质(套管水泥环、水泥环地层)的声阻抗的影响。

    Cement Bond Log Under Increasing Borehole Pressure . So acoustic cement bond log is affected by the acoustic impedance of the media ( the thimble-cement sheath , cement sheath-the layer ) measured .

  21. 固井质量评价主要依赖于水泥胶结测井结果,而声波水泥胶结测井结果受被测介质(套管水泥、水泥地层)的影响。

    The evaluation of well cementing quality mainly depends on the well logging results of cementation . And the sonic logging results of cementation are influenced by the measured mediums ( casing pipe-cement slurry and cement slurry-stratum ) .

  22. 分析了影响声波水泥胶结测井的各种因素,利用多口刻度井来量化各种影响因素,建立一套新的固井质量定量解释模型,提高了固井资料解释的可靠性。

    This paper focuses on factors affecting cement bond logging . On the basis of the analysis some suggestions about quantifying all factors of several calibration wells are proposed to establish a set of new quantitative interpretation model of cementing quality .

  23. 在开窗侧钻井中使用国产SJC2C水泥胶结综合测井仪替代进口的DDL系列CBL测井仪已取得了较好应用效果。

    Satisfactory results have been reached by substituting imported CBL logging tool of DDL series with home made cement bond logging tool SJC 2C .

  24. 固井水泥胶结声波测井声学机理探讨

    A discussion on the mechanism of acoustic cement bond logging