
  1. 想到故乡翠翠的青草地,真好。

    Its good to touch the green , green grass of home .

  2. 青青的草,翠翠的树,花儿正在开放。

    Grass and trees were green , flower were blooming .

  3. 而傩送宁肯继承一条破船也要与翠翠成婚。

    The Tan Song prefer to have inherited a wreck and Tracy married .

  4. 老船夫只好郁闷地回到家,翠翠问他,他也没说起什么。

    Lao Chuanfu had depressed way home , Tracy asked him , he did not mention anything .

  5. 成长的烦恼与爱的困惑&《边城》人物翠翠的心理透视

    Annoyance in Growth and Puzzlement in Love & The Psychological Analysis for " Cui Cui " of The Character in Border City

  6. 船总顺顺也不愿意翠翠再做傩送的媳妇,毕竟天保是因她而死。

    Captain smoothly does not want to send to his wife Tracy , after all , because she was died of natural forest protection .

  7. 独门独院里,只有爷爷老船夫和孙女翠翠两个人,还有一只颇通人性的黄狗。

    Single detached courtyard , only the grandfather and granddaughter Tracy and Lao Chuan Fu two people , there is a considerable yellow dog .

  8. 老军人杨马兵热心地前来陪伴翠翠,也以渡船为生,等待着傩送的归来。

    Yang Bing old soldiers were eager to come to accompany Tracy ; he was live on ferrying , waiting for the return of Tan Song .

  9. 本文从翠翠的形象塑造入手,探究理想与现实之间的落差和矛盾对沈从文创作产生的影响。

    From the way of portraying this character , the article studied how the gap and the contradictory between ideal and reality influenced Shen Congwen in his writing .

  10. 这一梦寐以求的时刻在4月3日来到了,有上千名观众目睹了熊猫翠翠和武冈长达4分33秒的交配过程。

    The coveted moment came on the morning of April 3 , when thousands of enthusiastic voyeurs witnessed Cuicui and Wugang mate for 4 minutes and 33 seconds .

  11. 《边城》以撑渡老人的外孙女翠翠与船总的两个儿子天保、傩送的爱情为线索,表达了对田园牧歌式生活的向往和追求。

    Border Town ferry elderly granddaughter Tracy stays with the ship two sons total Tianbao , Tan song sending love for the clues expressed idyllic life of yearning and pursuit .

  12. 因此,翠翠与傩送的爱情悲剧实质是性格悲剧、命运悲剧和社会悲剧。它引起读者对“美”的毁灭的深沉思考。

    Therefore , the love tragedy between Cuicui and Nuo song is in fact the tragedy of character , destiny and society , which arouses the readers'deep thinking about the ruin of " beauty " .

  13. 《边城》发表于1934年,小说描写了山城茶峒码头团总的两个儿子天保和傩送与摆渡人的外孙女翠翠的曲折爱情。

    Border Town was published in1934 , the novel describes mountain tea Cave captain 's two sons , Tianbao and Tan Song with Baidu people 's granddaughter Tracy sent with the twists and turns of love .

  14. 作者想要通过翠翠、傩送的爱情悲剧,去淡化现实的黑暗与痛苦,去讴歌一种古朴的象征着“爱”与“美”的人性与生活方式。

    Author would like to by Tracy , Tan Song sent love tragedy , to dilute the reality of darkness and pain , to eulogize the ancient symbol of a kind of " love " and " beauty " of human nature and lifestyle .

  15. 翠一种翠科美洲热带鸟,通常长有绿色和蓝色的羽毛及直铺展至尾尖的长尾巴。

    Any of several tropical American birds of the family momotidae , usually having green and blue plumage with long tail feathers that spread out at the tip .