
  • 网络Jessie;Trish
  1. 感谢英国作家C.S.路易斯(C.S.Lewis)。“佩文西(Penvensy)他们不就是因为这个原因才去狄戈里(Digory)家的吗?”碧翠丝问道(佩文西是路易斯的儿童文学作品《纳尼亚传奇》中的人物——译注)。

    Blessed be C. S. Lewis : " Isn 't that why the Pevensies went to Digory 's house to begin with ? " she said .

  2. 碧翠丝在书架间浏览时发现了一本奇异的书,是由伊妮德·布莱顿根据法国漫画家让·德·布吕诺夫(JeandeBrunhoff)原创绘本《巴巴的故事》(Babar)改编而成,就买了下来。非买不可。

    Exploring the shelves , Beatrice spotted an odd little novelization Enid Blyton did of the original Babar picture book by Jean de Brunhoff , which she had to have .

  3. 在碧翠丝看来,最棒的是“非凡的花朵”,这一鲜花主题的游览串起了国家艺术馆(NationalGallery)的永久典藏,她一见到那些奇花异卉,立即拿起博物馆赠送的铅笔匆忙开始涂鸦。

    The best of these , in Beatrice 's view , was " Marvelous Blooms , " a flower-centric guide to the National Gallery 's permanent collection , which had her eagerly scribbling away with colored pencils provided by the museum . Her mother 's attention , however , wandered during these exercises .

  4. 山姆·曼迪思(SamMendes)的歌舞剧《查理与巧克力工厂》试探性地为下一季的百老汇演出铺路。它并不是另一场《玛蒂尔达》,但碧翠丝却很喜欢,而且还享受到了尊贵的观剧体验。

    Sam Mendes 's musical version of " Charlie and the Chocolate Factory , " which is tentatively slated for Broadway next season , was no " Matilda . " But Beatrice loved it , especially given our own golden-ticket experience .

  5. 有些名人青睐女帽制造品牌杰丝·柯莱特(JessCollett),她家的店铺位于时尚中心区诺丁山。她把店铺比喻成一个糖果店,客户包括桑迪·牛顿(ThandieNewton)和凯特·哈德森(KateHudson)及王室姐妹花尤金妮公主和碧翠丝公主。

    Some celebrities are gravitating to the milliner Jess Collett , whose shop in the heart of the trendy Notting Hill area she likens to a " candy store . " Her clients include Thandie Newton and Kate Hudson , as well as the royal sisters Princesses Eugenie and Beatrice .

  6. 在我思忖这个问题的时候,碧翠丝刚好看完了英国歌舞剧《玛蒂尔达》(Matilda),深深沉醉于作者伊妮德·布莱顿(EnidBlyton)创作的历险传奇。这位已故儿童文学作家在美国海岸地区虽然不太主流,但在英国却备受尊敬。

    As I was contemplating all this , Beatrice happened to be fresh off two viewings of the very English musical " Matilda " and knee-deep in the adventure tales of Enid Blyton , the late children 's book author who remains marginal on these shores but is still revered in Britain .

  7. 翠丝多谢-我的飞船在哪儿?

    Thanks Jess . - Where 's my spacecraft ? -

  8. 翠丝说的对伍迪她的确错了

    Jessie 's right , Woody . She was wrong .

  9. 我想你好像掉下了什么东西先生翠丝?

    I think you dropped something , Mister . Jessie ?

  10. 她是翠丝是整个西部最疯狂最坚强的女牛仔

    This is Jessie . The roughest , toughest cowgirl in the whole west .

  11. 翠丝说的没错权力应当建立在被统治者的合意之上

    Jessie 's right . Authority should derive from the consent of the governed ,

  12. 影片着重讲述翠丝在身体和心智的训练。

    Much of the film focuses on Tris ' training , both physically and mentally .

  13. 事实上,对于内布拉斯加州的碧翠丝小镇来说,甚至已经制定了他们的2010年宅地法。

    In fact , the town of Beatrice , Nebraska has even enacted a Homestead Act of2010 .

  14. 我们被抛弃了我们会没事的翠丝那警长为什么要离开?

    We 're being abandoned We 'll be fine , Jessie . So why did Sarge leave ?

  15. 但碧翠丝制定了自己专属的华纳兄弟伦敦影棚游览路线。

    But Beatrice lay down a line of her own at Warner Brothers ' Studio Tour London .

  16. 德普在没有事先通知的状况下,用他在电影《加勒比海盗》的海盗造型,突然出现在碧翠丝的学校。

    Depp showed up in Beatrice 's classroom virtually unannounced in full " Pirates of the Caribbean " costume .

  17. 能在美国买到的所有布莱顿作品碧翠丝都读过了,却仍然意犹未尽。

    She had read all of Blyton 's books currently available in the States but was far from sated .

  18. 我是碧翠丝‧理卡里,我想恭喜您并谢谢您举办这场另人惊艳的比赛。

    I am Beatriz Recari and I wanted to congratulate you and thank you for putting up together this amazing tournament .

  19. 除了碧翠丝公主和欧金妮公主,大多数王室成员都没有社交账号。

    The majority of royal family members do not have social media accounts , with the exception of Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie .

  20. 司仪:汤马士·施拉姆曾凭《仁心仁术》、《翠丝时间》及《白宫群英》赢得最佳编导奖!

    MC : Thomas Schlamme has previously won Emmys for his direction of ER , Tracy Takes On and The West Wing !

  21. 在武断选择加入无畏派之后,翠丝在训练中崭露头角,显现出自己堪比精英的实力。

    After arbitrarily choosing to enter the " Dauntless " clan , she begins training to prove she 's good enough to be among the elite .

  22. 说到甜食,我和碧翠丝一般不会失望,但那天的下午茶却为我们高涨的热情浇了冷水。

    It 's hard to disappoint Beatrice and me when it comes to sweet foods , but high tea presented the soggiest deflation of high hopes .

  23. 到了环球剧院,我们友好地分开了。在那里,碧翠丝跟一个也来度假的好同学见面。

    We also amicably split up at the Globe Theater , where Beatrice reunited with one of her best friends from school , also on vacation .

  24. 埃里克斯•德尼索夫和艾米•阿克饰演由冤家成恋人的班奈迪克与碧翠丝,他们并没有赋予角色任何新鲜且令人兴奋的东西。

    Alexis Denisof and Amy Acker star as bickering would-be lovers Benedick and Beatrice , and they just don 't bring anything fresh or exciting to the roles .

  25. 一名格林威治小学的学生,碧翠丝德拉普,要求杰克船长率领他的部下去推翻他的老师们。

    Beatrice Delap , a student at Meridian Primary School , wrote to Captain Jack Sparrow to ask for his aid in staging a mutiny against her teachers .

  26. 碧翠丝在大英博物馆的时候,懒得听那种老少共用的语音导游器,但在这里,她一路听到丘吉尔战时内阁办公室,心满意足地了解到一个与我的介绍截然不同的版本。

    Beatrice had been loath to listen to the one-size-fits-all audio guide at the British Museum , but she listened straight through the Churchill War Rooms guide , tickled that her version differed from mine .

  27. 碧翠丝在影棚里追捕隐藏的小飞贼,啜饮油腻的奶油啤酒,消磨了三个半小时之后,就已经想回伦敦市了。她拖着我踏上了返程的公交车。

    After three and a half hours of tracking down the studio 's hidden snitches and slurping its unctuous Butterbeer , Beatrice wanted to get back to London already , and I had to be dragged back to the bus .

  28. 16岁的主人公碧翠丝•普赖尔(谢琳•伍德蕾饰演),被称为翠丝,发现自己是“分歧者”,拥有不同领域的力量,并因此成为当权者的眼中钉。

    Our 16-year-old protagonist Beatrice Prior ( played by Shailene Woodley ) , or " Tris , " finds herself labeled as a " divergent , " meaning she has strengths in more than one area and is a threat to those in power .