
  • 网络Jadeite Cabbage;Jade Cabbage;The Green Jade Cabbage;nobody's fool;Jadeite Cabbage with Insects
  1. 我看到了有名的翠玉白菜和东坡肉形石,你知道吗?

    R : I saw famous Jadeite Cabbage with Insects and Meat-shaped Stone .

  2. 站在清朝的翠玉白菜前面曼蒂:这绿色跟白色是天然生成的。

    In front of the Qing Dynasty jade cabbage Maddie : The green and white are natural .

  3. 而其中,翠玉白菜的白,代表女子的纯洁,上面的两只螽斯则象征子孙绵延。

    The white and jade represent a woman 's purity and the two grasshoppers symbolize the hope for progeny .

  4. 如果你有时间,到周末玉市去就可以找到“有虫虫的翠玉白菜”。

    When you have time , visit the Weekend Jade Market and you may find the " Green Cabbage with Cicadas " there .