
  • 网络Kingfisher Airline;kingfisher
  1. 由于定价混乱,私人的翠鸟航空公司已经倒闭。

    Helped along by pricing chaos , private carrier Kingfisher Airlines has gone out of business .

  2. 燃油价格居高不下、赋税沉重和经济下滑等因素,使印度翠鸟航空公司在截至去年12月的九个月里,损失超过两亿美元。

    Because of high fuel prices , hefty taxes , and the economic downturn , India 's Kingfisher Airlines lost over $ 200 million in the nine months that ended in December .

  3. 不过,许多航空公司的高管表示,他们将持观望态度,看看乘坐翠鸟航空等先行者的飞机的乘客反应如何。

    Still , many airline executives suggest they will wait to see how passengers react when flying with pioneers such as Kingfisher .

  4. 沃尔什拒绝透露候选名单上的公司名称,并警告称尚未与任何潜在合作伙伴展开谈判,但翠鸟航空似乎很可能是目标之一。

    While Mr Walsh refused to name airlines on his list and cautioned that no talks had begun with possible partners , Kingfisher will be seen as a likely target .