
  • 网络Cuifeng;Green Lodge
  1. 本文描述了产自云南东部翠峰山群及邻省大致相当沉积中的工蕨化石29种。

    The zosterophylloid remains described in the present paper were found from theCuifengshan Group of eastern Yunnan and its equivalents of adjacent provinces .

  2. 由于翠峰度假村具有独一无二的未受破坏的环境,因此来度假的公众可在真正未开发的环境里徒步旅行、骑自行车旅行、钓鱼、驾驶帆船和观光。

    With such a unique and unspoiled setting , Jay Peak can provide its vacationing public an opportunity to hike , bike , fish , sail and sightsee in a setting that is truly undeveloped .