
  • 网络apparent motion;Apparent Movement
  1. 图形同一性对视觉似动的影响

    The effect of form identity on visual apparent motion

  2. 该研究以单字母为刺激材料考察了图形同一性对视觉似动的影响。

    To investigate the effect of form identity on visual apparent motion , several single letters were used as stimuli in the experiment .

  3. 相位差对闪光信号辨认和似动现象的影响

    The influence of phase differences on the discrimination of flash signals and apparent movement Ho pao-yuan

  4. 第三章论述体势、似动和剪辑的视觉机制与空间生成规律。

    The third chapter demonstrates Tishi , apparent movement and film editing 's visual processes and their making space laws .

  5. 自电影诞生以来,关于电影似动原理的解释,大致存在如下四种(依出现的先后顺序排列):(1)视觉暂留说;

    Ever since the birth of motion pictures , there are four basic interpretations of the illusionary movements : accordingly , persistence of vision ;

  6. 它在空间比较,真实运动和似动三方面较好地描述了已有的一些有关超视锐度现象的心理物理实验结果。

    Our computer simulating results indicate that this model can well explain the psychophysical experiments of hyperacuity in three conditions : spatial comparison , real motion and apparent motion .

  7. 结果表明:(1)自主性眼跳与中枢认知控制联系更紧密,受到似动运动知觉的影响更大。

    The results show that : ( 1 ) Voluntary saccade is much more influenced by motion perception , because it is more cohesive to the central cognitive control .

  8. 该装置利用触觉似动现象,使人在进行生物反馈时具备触、视双重加工效能,放松程度高;

    With apparent motion of tactual sense applied , the device gives the patient the ability to perform biofeedback in tactile and visual ways , and thus makes the patient more relaxed than other cases .

  9. 但是,那个小魔鬼好象对这样干巴巴的食物完全不发生兴趣似的,嘴巴动都不动。

    But the little devil did not seem to fancy such dry sort of fare at all ; he never moved his lips .