
  • 网络meaningful memory;meanlngful memory
  1. 缺铁补铁组智商的变化主要表现在视觉记忆(P<0.01)、有意义记忆、语言推理及数量推理(P<0.05)等四方面有明显改善;

    Obvious improvement in IQ of iron-treatment group mainly performed at four ways : visual memory ( P0.001 ), conscious memory , language deduction and amount deduction ( P0.05 ) .

  2. 探索头韵对英语习语意义记忆的影响

    Exploring the Mnemonic Effects of Alliteration on the Retention of the Meaning of English Idioms

  3. 另外一种人常用的学习方式是“意义记忆”,即学过的知识随后还可以轻松的回忆起来,比如在考试中。

    Another common way people learn is through " declarative learning " & learning facts so that they may be easily recalled later on , such as during a test .

  4. 一项独立研究也表明当人们学习分心的时候,比如看电视,他们就会使用与机械记忆而不是意义记忆相联系的那部分大脑。

    A seperate study found that when people are distracted while they learn , for example by the television , they were using the part of the brain associated with habit other than declarative learning .

  5. 正常老年人无意义图形记忆任务的fMRI研究

    Memory tasks in normal aged volunteers : an fMRI study

  6. 享尼希的实验结果表明:初学者能把单词的声音保持短期记忆。享尼希的实验结果表明:初学者能把单词的声音保持短期记忆,而程度高的学生能把词汇的意义保持短期记忆。

    Henning 's results suggest that beginning students hold the sound of words in their short-term memory , while advanced students hold the meaning of words in their short-term memory .

  7. 在L2/FL心理词汇中,单词的形式与意义对单词的记忆与保留起着同等的作用;

    Form and meaning both play important roles in the word 's memory or retention .

  8. 结果显示,考试应激时,高特质焦虑者的P300波幅、无意义图形再认记忆分值显著低于低特质焦虑者,P300潜伏期显著大于低特质焦虑组;

    The results indicated the scores of inanition figure recognize of the high trait anxiety group are significantly lower than low trait anxiety group during the exam stress period ;

  9. 基于这种理论依据,本文设计了一项研究,旨在探讨背景知识在意义获取和意义记忆中所起的作用。

    Based on this rationale , this research designed a study aiming to investigate the role of background information in meaning acquisition and meaning retention .

  10. 无声的游戏提供了对事物的意义如何被嵌进记忆、被传播的探索,并揭露了在一个人工产品的建构者与读者之间的沟通议题。

    The silent game allows exploration of how meaning gets embedded in , and conveyed through , form , and reveals issues of communication between builders and readers of an artifact .

  11. 本文将意义识记有利于记忆的原理运用于《人体组织解剖学》教学中,认为从加深理解和组织材料两方面来发展学生的记忆能力,能起到提高教学效果的重要作用。

    This paper shows theory that the application of meaning memory benefits memory in the teaching of Human Histology and Anatomy will develop students ' memory by deepen understanding and organizing material and promote teaching .

  12. 用于回忆的输入模式必须是完全确定的,但不完整的输入模式更具实用意义,因为联想记忆的重要功能之一就是由残缺信息联想出完整信息。

    The input pattern for recalling must be completely determined , but incomplete input pattern is more practical , because one of the important functions of AM is to restore complete information by association according to incomplete input information .

  13. 结论轻度认知障碍患者对具体视觉形象的记忆能力及对无意义图形的视觉记忆能力受损,存在即刻记忆和延迟记忆障碍,且延迟回忆较即刻回忆损害明显,短时记忆更新的可塑性差;

    Conclusion MCI have impaired function on the material visual memory and visual memory of meaningless pictures , have immediate and delayed memory dysfunction , and delayed recall is poorer than immediate recall . The plasticity of short-term memory updating is poor in MCI .

  14. 材料性质对元记忆监控有显著影响:被试对有意义材料的元记忆监测判断等级要高于对无意义材料的元记忆判断等级,而且判断更具准确性;

    The material types had prominent influence on metamemory monitoring and control : the subjects ' metamemory judgments were affected by the difficult of materials . Both magnitude and accuracy of metamemory monitoring on the meaningful word-pairs were higher than on the meaningless ones ;

  15. 第四章从重构神话的现代意义、文化的记忆与影响、小传统与大传统三个方面来研究《白蛇传》故事对当代文学的影响。

    The fourth chapter researches the influence of " White Snake " story on contemporary literature from the three aspects : the modern significance of reconstructing mythology , the continuity and influence of cultural and the comparison between " little tradition " and " great tradition " .