
mí jīn
  • maze;labyrinth;wrong path
迷津 [mí jīn]
  • [labyrinth;wrong path] 找不到渡口,多指使人迷惘的境界

  • 此即迷津也,深有万丈,遥亘千里。--《红楼梦》

迷津[mí jīn]
  1. 她在迷津中迷失了好几个小时。

    She was lost in the maze for several hours .

  2. 结果迷津作业平均反应时与效标F5有非常显著偏相关(r≥0.3082P<0.05),验证了心理运动与评价飞行活动中目标追踪能力有关的假设;

    RESULTS Average reaction time on the maze task had a significant partial correlation with the validity F5 ( r ≥ 0.3082 P < 0.05 ) .

  3. 我感激她为我指点迷津。

    I was grateful for her wise counsel .

  4. 其中一位通灵者揪出了一个貌似迷失方向,急需人指点迷津的男人。

    One of the practitioners picked up on a male who seemed lost and in need of direction .

  5. 在MBA学生开学之际,我们邀请了一些知名教授,让他们就如何从商学院获得最大收获给新生指点迷津。

    As MBA students start their programmes , we ask leading professors for tips on how to glean the most from business school .

  6. 这才手执火把,飞到赫利俄斯面前,请他指点迷津。

    This hand torch , Helios flew before , please him .

  7. 回忆到这儿,马丁笑了,他想起了实验室中的迷津。

    Smiling as he remembered , Martin thought of the laboratory maze .

  8. 愿祈祷为您带来力量并为您指点迷津。

    May you find strength and guidance in your prayers .

  9. 你从上天降到地上,指引迷津;

    You came from heaven to earth , to show the way ;

  10. 她激励我们要有所建树:并一直为我们指点迷津。

    She challenged us to succeed & and then showed us the way .

  11. 他自命为政治哲人,为后代指点迷津。

    He appointed himself a political sage , signposting the path for future generations .

  12. 他们祈求上帝指点迷津。

    They prayed to God for guidance .

  13. 如果你存在,求你为我指点迷津,我以后的路该怎麽走?

    If so , please deliver me out of this maze and show me the way .

  14. 但当年的我迫切需要指导,只有几个前辈为我指点了迷津。

    But back then I desperately needed guidance , and a few senior colleagues provided it .

  15. 这本书对于那门复杂的课程,可以起起到指点迷津的作用。

    This book may serve the purpose of Ariadne 's thread in respect to the complicated subject .

  16. 从今往后,我要祈祷,但是我只求指点迷津。

    Henceforth I will pray , but my cries for help will only be cries for guidance .

  17. 当代中国文学语言意识的迷津&及物,还是不及物?

    On the Confusion of the Language Consciousness of the Contemporary Chinese Literature & Transitive or Intransitive ?

  18. 你需要专家就这个问题的规则指点迷津。

    You need an expert to guide you through the labyrinth of rules and regulations on this subject .

  19. 因此,针对进化方面普遍存在的谎言和误解,《新科学家》杂志的下列文章为您指点迷津。

    So here is New Scientist 's guide to some of the most common myths and misconceptions about evolution .

  20. 神也听我的祷告,并以他的方式指点我的迷津。

    God also listens to my prayer and He leads me out of the labyrinth in His own way .

  21. 肯尼亚:我不太清楚,但我觉得她喜欢给我指点迷津,和我分享她的专业知识。

    Kenya : I 'm not sure , but I think she enjoys giving me pointers and sharing her expertise .

  22. 在“雾失楼台,月迷津度”之时不会忘记你!

    In the " missing fog up the house , maze degree on " the time will never forget you !

  23. 这不是盖茨先生第一次为那些在人生路上乘风破浪的年轻人点拨迷津了。

    This isn 't the only time Gates has doled out advice for navigating your years as a young adult .

  24. 一条迷津似的小径,弯弯曲曲地伸入远处的林野,向着那山坡青翠。重重叠叠的岗峦迤逦而去。

    Deep into distant woodlands winds a mazy way , reaching to overlapping spurs of mountains bathed in their hill-side blue .

  25. 然而,当语言本体论变异为语言游戏或语言消费时,当代写作便陷入了迷津。

    However , when the language ontology becomes a language game or a language consumption , contemporary writers fall into a confusion .

  26. 开罗迷宫般的大街小巷、民区、市所构成的复杂体系,宛如古代说书人编造的迷津。

    Cairo with its complex system of streets and lanes , its quarters and markets is like a labyrinth invented by ancient storytellers .

  27. 在任何情况下,怯弱都是一种道德迷津:到底需要多少勇气才能成为尽责了呢?

    Cowardice is , in any case , a moral maze : how much courage did it take to be a conscientious objector ?

  28. 扫描电子显微镜的结果表明,高的退火温度或高的激光能量均会导致迷津结构的形成。

    The scanning images of electron microscopy show that high annealing temperature or high laser energy can induce the nanocrystalline Si film with mazes .

  29. 雪莉麦亚思是一名婚姻和家庭问题咨询专家,将现身说法,为婚姻之后的爱情之路指点迷津。

    Sheri Meyers ( marriage and family therapist ) gives expert video advice on : what are some tips to rekindle romance in marriage ?

  30. 他需要有人帮助指点迷津,一个能帮他找到自己天赋用武之地的人。

    He needs a hand to hold , a voice to guide , someone that might help him find a purpose for his gifts .