
  • 网络length class
  1. 反在文外,略粗的研讨了各类控造算法的本理,设计出适开控造无头轧造长级传动体解的各类控造器。

    It studies the principles of different control algorithm in detail , and designs several kinds of controllers compatible to multi-drive system of endless rolling .

  2. 通过子状态合并方法,构造了符号级的联合网格图,实现了变长符号级的后验概率译码算法(VLS-APP),更加符合信源的先验特征。

    A symbol-level joint trellis is obtained by means of sub-state merging , and a variable-length symbol APP algorithm ( VLS-APP ) is implemented , which is more suitable for the source a priori characteristic .

  3. 某汽轮机长叶片级静叶栅气动性能优化

    The Optimization of Aerodynamic Performance on a Long Blade Stage

  4. 透平长叶片级的气动力计算及某些计算结果的讨论

    Aerodynamic calculation of turbine stage with long blades and discussion of its results

  5. 复合扭曲静叶在透平长叶片级设计中的应用分析

    The analysis on the application of the complex torsional blades in turbine long blade stage designing

  6. 妹株能显著从姊株最长1级匍匐茎和分蘖节生物量获益。

    However , the next-growing ramets can be benefited from the first-growing ones in the tiller node biomass and the longest 1 ~ st stolon .

  7. 该CPU具有17位指令长,4级流水线方式和8位数据字长。

    The CPU has 17 bits instructions .

  8. 在工作电压为3V时,1.2μm栅长的101级环振的单级延迟仅为66ps。

    The per-stage propagation delay of 101-stage ring oscillator is 66 ps with 3 V supply voltage .

  9. 多重键的键长与键级和电负性差的定量关系

    The Quantitative Relationship between Multiple Bond Distances and Bond Order Electronegative Difference

  10. ph.1.(美陆军、海军陆战队)军士长;一级上士(空军为二级)陆海空三军中军衔位于下士之上的士官。

    Master Sergeant any of several noncommissioned officer ranks in the army or air force or marines ranking above a corporal .

  11. 本工作将力常数和折合质量的比值表示成理论计算结果中原子的电荷、化学键的键长和键级等信息的函数,由此建立起理论计算与实验红外光谱频率之间的联系。

    The ratio of force constant and convert mass was expressed a function of electric charge , bond length and bond order etc.

  12. 这种明显的差异可能表明了长周期三级海平面变化在受到全球海平面的控制的同时,又受到区域构造的影响和控制;

    This clear discrepancy shows that third-order sea-level changes controlled not only by the global sea-level changes but also by the regional tectonic movements .

  13. 根据雾迷山旋回层在长周期三级层序中的有序叠加形式,可在雾迷山组中识别出26个Ⅲ级层序,它们还可进一步归为6个Ⅱ级层序。

    In the light of the regular vertical stacking patterns in long-term third-order sequences , 26 third-order sequences that may be incorporated into 6 second-order sequences can be discerned in Wumishan Formation .

  14. 与单硝营养相比,增铵营养显著提高了棉株叶面积、主根根长、一级侧根条数、总干重和叶柄中的干物质分配,但对株高、出叶速度影响不大。

    Compared with single nitrate nutrition , EAN significantly increased cotton 's leaf area , taproot length , primary lateral root number , dry weights ( DW ) of whole plant and petiole respectively .

  15. 为了适应现代护理工作要求,实行科学的标准化管理和全面有效的质量控制,护士长作为三级护理质量管理网络第三级机构的领导者,起着至关重要的作用。

    In order to adapt to the scientific standardized management and completely effective quality control in modern nursing works , head nurses play an important role as the third grade organization leader in the three grades nursing quality management network .

  16. 科护士长是三级护理管理系统中的中间层,是护理部与科室之间的桥梁及纽带,科护士长管理工作应抓住五个点:①抓住工作中的重点;

    Chief nurses are the middle stratum persons who serve as a bridge between nursing department and clinical departments , they should focused on the following five aspects in nursing management : ① focusing on the main points in working ;

  17. 基于布拉格反射机理,自行制备了晶格常数同声波波长同数量级的二维钢/空气体系声子晶体结构模型,该模型具有双向可调性。

    We prepared a 2D steel / air system phononic crystal model based on the Bragg reflection mechanism . The crystal lattice constant has the same size as the sound wavelength , and the struc-ture can be modulated in two directions .

  18. 团棵期、旺长期和现蕾期随干旱时间的延长,其茎围、主根长、一级侧根数和根体积均表现为先增大后减少的趋势。

    The stem perimeter , root length , the number of first lateral roots and the volume of roots all increased at first then decreased by the prolong of the drought time in rosette stage , vigorous growing stage and budding stage . 2 .

  19. 介绍了JH单轴长料挂车双级断气制动系的特点、结构与工作原理。

    In this paper the features , structure and operating principles of a two-st -

  20. 该岩浆混合杂岩体中偏酸性端员肉红色角闪石石英正长岩中颗粒级锆石UPb定年结果表明,其形成时代为445±4Ma,反映为加里东期产物;

    The single zircon U-Pb age of the pinkish-color hornblende quartz syenites from the near-acid magmatic end-member is 445 ± 4Ma , indicating that these rocks are Caledonian .

  21. C0与C2合金在研究的晶粒尺寸范围内(20-300μm),断裂应变差别不大,但C2合金的断裂时间比C0合金长一个数量级。

    The values of strain to failure in two alloys are similar for the examined grain size range ( 20-300 μ m ), but the time to rupture of C2 alloy is about an order of magnitude longer than that of C0 alloy .

  22. 结果表明,垩白性状、直链淀粉含量、精米率、粒长的国家一级达标率极低;

    The results showed that : Chalky trait , amylose content , milled rice recovery and grain length was seldom reached the first class of national rice standard .