
  • 网络index theory
  1. 非线性Hamilton系统的周期解与其指标理论

    Periodic solutions of nonlinear Hamilton Systems and their index theory

  2. 指标理论及星形Hamiltonian系统多个次brake轨道的存在性

    An Index Theory and Existence of Multiple Sub brake Orbits for Star Shaped Hamiltonian Systems

  3. (B,H)&正则泛函的畴数与指标理论

    The category and index for ( B , H ) - regular functionals

  4. 离散与间断动力系统的Conley指标理论及应用

    Theory and Applications of the Conley Index for Discrete and Discontinuous Dynamical Systems

  5. Roe代数起源于非紧流形上的指标理论,是反映度量空间粗结构的一类具体的C~-代数。某类单连通紧流形上的闭测地线的多重性(英文)

    Roe algebras'arose from the index theory on noncompact complete Rieman-nian manifolds , and is a class of concrete C-algebras associated to the coarse structure of metric spaces .

  6. 应用广义临界点及其Z2指标理论,给出了一类无界区域上半线性椭圆方程具有无穷多解的结论。

    In this paper , by generalized critical point and Z2 index theory , we give that the equation have infinite solutions .

  7. 论文结合理论与实证,以平衡计分卡(BSC)为基础,构建信息技术服务企业财务、客户、内部流程、学习与成长四个维度的经营绩效测评指标理论框架。

    The paper combines theory and empirical , Balanced Score Card ( BSC ) as the foundation , built up information technology service enterprise performance evaluation index theory framework four dimensions with financial , customer , internal process , learning and growth .

  8. 利用Zp指标理论讨论一类带有偏差变元的非自治波动方程次调和解的存在性,在一定的假设条件下,得到了这类方程存在无穷多个次调和解的条件。

    By means of Z p geometrical index theory , the existence of subharmonic solutions for a class of wave equation with delays is studied . Under certain conditions , infinitely many subharmonic solutions for this equation are obtained .

  9. 一种几何指标理论在泛函微分方程中的应用

    Applications of a Geometrical Index Theory to Functional Differential Equations

  10. 关键业绩指标理论在临床营养科绩效评估的应用探讨

    Application of key performance indictor theory in hospital nutrition department

  11. 2动态帧时隙算法和随机帧时隙算法的指标理论推导。

    Deducing dynamic frame-slot algorithm and random frame slot indicator algorithm theory . 3 .

  12. 根据条形基础均布荷栽下地基中的应力假设和应力特点,分析了地基内考虑应力条件的强度指标理论数值及其空间分布;

    The theoretical values of total stress strength index under a strip foundation were subsequently calculated .

  13. 促进了学习型学科的建设。结论:关键业绩指标理论在临床营养科绩效评估中的实践应用具有必要性和可行性,可使营养科管理更加科学化和规范化;

    Conclusions : Application of key performance indictor theory in hospital nutrition department was necessity and feasible .

  14. 化学分子图的拓扑指标理论是组合化学的一个重要研究分支。

    The theory of topological indices concerned with molecular graphs plays an important role in Combinatorial Chemistry .

  15. 目的:探讨用关键业绩指标理论在临床营养科绩效评估中的实践应用及效果分析。

    Objectives : to explore the effective and experience of key performance indictor theory in hospital nutrition department .

  16. 我国关于营运资金管理研究起步比较晚,相关的研究主要集中在传统的指标理论研究上,较少关注营运资金管理对企业绩效的影响。

    Research on working capital management is rather late in China and related studies have focused on traditional indicators with less attention to work capital management on business performance .

  17. 监测指标理论研究:阐明残存螺点螺口消长3年形成不同螺口的螺点全频率分布;

    Studies on theory of monitoring standard expound : the distribution of whole frequency in different snail sites which were formed from remnant snails through three years growing and death ;

  18. 根据文献所得出的青少年手臂尺寸参数数据,利用6自由度串联机构性能指标理论对拟人手臂机构的动力学性能进行分析。

    Using the data of the size of human arm from the references , the dynamic performance of the humanoid arm mechanism is analyzed according to the performance index theory of 6-DOF serial robot .

  19. 讨论了应用不同强度指标理论值时地基承栽力的计算结果及总应力强度指标的选用问题。

    Finally , the calculated bearing capacities by using the theoretical values of different strength index of total stress were compared and the option of strength parameters for calculation of bearing capacity was analyzed .

  20. 本文首先对国外的文献进行了归类阐述,将国外的文献主要归为几个理论;现金流折现理论、有效市场理论、资本资产定价理论、相对价值法理论、基本面计量指标理论和奥尔森理论。

    This paper firstly described foreign literature classification , such as cash flow theory , the theory of effective market , capital asset pricing theory , relative value method theory , fundamentals of measurement index theory and olson theory .

  21. 最后,分析了噪声对信号检测仿真系统的影响;通过将该仿真系统的误码率与传统的相干,非相干检测系统的指标理论值进行对比,再次证明了该方法的优越性。

    Finally , we analyzed the influence of the noise on the system , and proved the superiority of the new way through compared with the indicators of the error rate in theoretical value of the conventional coherent , non-coherent detection system .

  22. 摘要在可持续发展理论基础上,从森林可持续发展指标理论出发,探讨了森林可持续发展指标的研究思路、指标的选择方法和指标的框架构建,最后讨论了建设指标体系应注意的问题。

    Based on the sustainable development theory and from the view of sustainable forestry development criterion theory , this paper discussed the research approach , selection method , and framework construction of criterion and also some problems that need more concerns on criterion construction .

  23. 由于股市的交易量是市场上投资者的情绪信号指示器,因此本文借鉴能量波动指标理论,使用交易量为指标来研究投资者情绪,而放弃使用投资者的调查来获得投资者的情绪方式。

    As the stock market trading volume is considered to be the indicator signals of investor sentiment , refer to energy fluctuations theory and use the trading volume for the indicators of investor sentiment , abandon to obtain investor sentiment through the survey manner .

  24. 论文基于平衡计分卡理论和关键绩效指标理论,在国内外已有的研究成果上,结合湖南大众传媒职业技术学院的实际情况和自身特点,构建了其预算绩效评价体系。

    The paper bases on the Key Performance Indicators and the Balanced Scorecard theory , refer to the existing research results at home and abroad , connect the actual situation and the own characteristic of Hunan Mass Media Vocational Technical College , constructs the budget performance evaluation system .

  25. 基于HDI的政治文明指标的理论构建和实证检验

    Theoretical Construction and Empirical Test of Political Civilization Indexes Based on HDI

  26. 具有Neumann边值的齐次p-Laplacian方程的指标分类理论

    The Index Classification Theory for Neumann Boundary Value with Homogeneous p-Laplacian Equation

  27. KT/Vurea和Ccr是否适合作为腹膜透析充分性指标的理论探讨

    Theoretical Evaluation of the Use of KT / Vurea and Ccr as Indexes of Peritoneal Dialysis Adequacy

  28. 最后运用AMOS软件验证模型假设,并根据模型拟合指标和理论对假设模型进行修正。

    Hypotheses of the model were verified via AMOS and modified according to indices of fit .

  29. EVA业绩指标的理论基础是剩余收益,它通过对GAAP进行调整,试图克服剩余收益的缺陷,使调整后的剩余收益尽可能趋近于经济收益。

    EVA founded on the theory of surplus income ; it passes to adjust the GAAP , trying to overcome the shortcoming of the surplus income .

  30. Wiener指标在理论化学和通讯网络中有大量的应用。自二十世纪七十年代以来,Wiener指标已得到广泛的研究,并得到了许多新的结果。

    The Wiener index is widely used in the fields of chemistry and communication network and has been extensively studied since the middle of 1970s.Many new results are obtained .