
  1. 先兆子痫和胎儿宫内生长受限孕妇长正五聚蛋白3(PTX3)水平升高

    Elevated maternal levels of the long pentraxin 3 ( PTX3 ) in preeclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction

  2. Xi研究了具有同调理想的代数的Hochschild上同调,并证明了若Φ:A→B是同调满射,我们可以用一个长正合列将H~i(A)和H~i(B)联系起来。

    Xi researched the Hochschild cohomology of algebras with homological ideals in 2000 and proved that , if Φ : A → B is a homological epimorphism , Hi ( A ) and Hi ( B ) can be connected with a long exact sequence .

  3. 具有长正柱区直流辉光放电等离子体中双稳态现象的实验研究

    The Experimental Investigation on Double Stable State of DC Glow Discharge Plasma with Long Positive Column

  4. 阐述具有长正柱区的直流辉光放电工作电压与放电电流或工作气压之间的滞后效应即双稳态现象的实验研究工作。

    The experimental investigation on the hysteresis effect or double stable state between the working voltage of DC glow discharge with long positive column and discharge current or working gas pressure is described in this paper .

  5. 据分布函数的X2检验,果实制干率、生育期、Vc和固形物含量及花径和叶长遵从正态分布,而单果重、可食率和枣吊长度呈近似X2分布。

    Vc and soluble solid material contents of flesh . diameter of flower and length of leaf , conformed to the normal distribution . However , those of fruit weight , edible rate of fruit and length of bearing branchlet looked rather like X2 distribution .

  6. 我意思是弧长可正可负。

    I mean , arc length could be positive or negative .

  7. 这把长尺子正合我的需要。

    This long ruler is the thing for me .

  8. 十九种长链正烷基脂肪酸的碳链骨架振动能量研究

    Study on Frame Vibration Energy of Carbon Chain in 19 n-alkyl Fatty Acids with Long-chain

  9. 重复、长时间正加速度作用下动脉粥样硬化家兔模型血管内分泌变化特征研究

    Effects of repeated and prolonged + g exposure on vascular endocrine function of atherogenic rabbit models

  10. 介绍了长链正构烷烃异构化的催化剂,并着重探讨了介孔分子筛催化剂在这方面的研究进展。

    The catalysts for selective conversion of high n-alkanes into their branched isomers were introduced , particularly the mesoporous materials .

  11. 长链正构烷烃的异构化是改善柴油及润滑油基础油低温流动性的关键技术。

    The isomerization of long-chain normal paraffin is the key process for improving the low-temperature fluidity of diesel and lube base oil .

  12. 晚三叠世-早侏罗世二长、正长花岗岩体就位过程中构造扩展机制起主导作用,岩浆底辟作用也较强;

    In the Triassic-early Jurassic , the emplacement mechanism of monzonitic granite and orthoclase granite is dominated by tectonic extension and the diapirism is strong .

  13. 本论文考察代表不同孔道结构、酸性强度的分子筛上正辛烷异构化性能,确定可以用于长链正构烷烃异构化分子筛的特点。

    The main contents of this paper are as follows : 1 . Effects of channel structure and acidity of molecular sieves on hydroisomerization of n-octane .

  14. 然而,由于影响大气降水氢同位素组成的因素非常复杂,对沉积物中高等植物来源长链正构烷烃的氢同位素组成的解释仍需小心谨慎。

    Even so , due to the complicacy of the factors that control the8D of precipitation , the explanation of paleo - δ D_records must be very cautious .

  15. 根据三视图高平齐、宽相等、长对正的投影原理,发掘视图间的关联信息,提出智能化投影算法。

    The paper fully explores related information among views and presents a handling algorithm with intelligence according to the projection relationship of three views with equality in height , width and length .

  16. 城市社区制在我国的发展时间并不长,正处在初步的探索阶段,在理论和实践上还存在着不少的问题亟待进一步研究和解决。

    The city community system has developed in recent years in our china , and in its elementary explore phases , so lots of problems need research and solve both in theory and practice .

  17. 结果表明,仲胺衍生物主要是通过增溶柴油中的长链正构烷烃,使浊点、冷滤点降低,从而改善柴油低温性能。

    The secondary amine derivatives can improve the low temperature properties of diesel , lowering its cloud point and cold filter plugging point , mainly through increasing the solution of long chain normal paraffin in diesel .

  18. 采用气相色谱分析法,考察VD3菌对不同烃类的利用。结果表明,该菌既能降解烷烃,也能降解芳烃,对长链烷烃正廿四烷的降解率大于正十六烷。

    The GC analysis results indicated that both alkane and polycyclic aromatics were degraded by VD 3 , while the degradation of tetracosane was higher than that of n hexadecane .

  19. 株高与穗长极显著正相关。

    Plant height and ear length was significantly positively correlated .

  20. 沿墙长方向的正应力是导致墙体开裂的控制应力,墙中应力较大,墙端应力较小;

    The normal stress is the control stress which causes cracks in the basement wall ;

  21. 用等效半径估算长空气间隙正操作冲击的击穿电压

    Breakdown Voltage Estimation of Long & Air Gaps Submitted to Positive Switching Surges using the Equivalent Radius

  22. 东部则多为石英细网脉和破碎蚀变岩型,围岩主要是碱长正长岩、正长岩。

    In the east , the fine quartz network veins , altered kata rocks , alkali syenite and syenite are dominant .

  23. 碱性岩的岩性组合主要以灰黑色粗面岩为主、并含有角砾熔岩,正长斑岩、正长细晶岩等。

    Alkaline rocks in the area are mainly composed of gray-black trachyte , and some breccia lava , syenite porphyry and syenite aplite .

  24. 相关分析表明,冬小麦产量与根干重和根长呈为正相关,其相关系数分别为0.651和0.4481。

    The correlation showed that total dry root weight and total root length and yield were significantly positive correlations , and the correlation coefficients were 0.651 and 0.4481 , respectively . 2 .

  25. 在我家,我的父母吸烟都已经很长时间。正因为如此,我不会像别人那样可以闻到烟味。这也对我没有任何影响。

    Both of my parent 's smoked for a long time along with many other people in my family.Because of this , I personally could never detect cigarette smoke like some people can.It never bothered me .

  26. 正当冉阿让停在床前,那片乌云忽然散开了,好象是故意要那样做似的,一线月光也随即穿过长窗,正正照在主教的那张苍老的脸上。

    At the moment when Jean Valjean paused in front of the bed , this cloud parted , as though on purpose , and a ray of light , traversing the long window , suddenly illuminated the Bishop 's pale face .

  27. 汽车音响在中国起步和发展的时间不长,现在正处于中国经济良性健康发展和中国汽车工业快速发展的好时期。

    Car-audio is growing rapidly in China , and at the same time , China reaches its highest growing rate among the worldwide economy , and more and more Chinese people start buying their private cars or prepare to buy in the near future .

  28. 他讲话时间太长了,这正是他向来的习惯。

    He spoke for too long , as is his wont .

  29. 露西那时穿着长衣服。[正译]露西那时人在襁褓中。

    Lucy was in long clothes then .

  30. 位于埃及吉萨的大金字塔,其长宽高比例正符合黄金比例。

    The dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt conform to the golden ratio .