
  1. DF(11)型机车空气滤清系统在兰新线上的运用及评价

    Application and evalution on air filter system of type DF_ ( 11 ) locomotive running on Lanzhou-Xinjiang rail line

  2. 针对兰新线武张段电气化工程预可行性研究通信信号电力供应方案问题,着重对UPS供电方式的可靠性进行研究。

    With the power supply problem we meet in the availability research on Wuweinan-Zhangye electrification project , emphasizing on the research of the UPS reliability .

  3. 最后介绍兰新铁路XX标段的项目组织结构、总体施工部署具体分析该标段的三大项目管理指标体系&进度管理、安全管理和工程质量管理等方面所取得的成果。

    Finally , section XX of the Lanzhou-Xinjiang Railway project organization structure , construction of the overall deployment of specific analysis of the section three project management index system & schedule management , security management and project quality management and other aspects of the results .

  4. 兰新铁路哈密地区的沙害

    Blown Sand Disasters along the Railway in Hami Area , Xinjiang

  5. 兰新线机务管理一体化后节能成效的分析

    Analysis Energy-saving after Locomotive Management Integration of Lanzhou-Xinjiang Railway Line

  6. 兰新线玉门段戈壁风沙流地区铁路沙害的治理

    Sand Hazard Control Aling Yumen Section of Lanzhou Xinjiang Railway in Gobi Wind & sand Stream Region

  7. 兰新线东风(11)型机车的设计改进及试验运用

    The design improvements , tests and applications of DF_ ( 11 ) locomotives on the Lan Xin line

  8. 为提高兰新线铁路运输能力,铁道部将对其进行电气化改造。

    Ministry of Railways intends to carry out the electrification transformation on Lanchow-Sinkiang Railway to improve the transportation capacity .

  9. 兰新铁路自然条件十分恶劣,大风给列车运行安全造成的影响极为严重。

    The natural environment of Lan-Xin railway is bad , influence caused by strong wind on train running safty is extreme serious .

  10. 这些风灾都发生在新建兰新铁路二线必经之地,而风灾发生时间又与本连续梁桥合拢时间相近。

    Hurricane have occurred in New Lan-Xin Railway second-line must pass through , Hurricane occurred with the continuous beam bridge together and time similar to .

  11. 为高速铁路线下工程沉降监测方法的改善提供依据,为兰新及后续客运专线安全运营提供服务。

    This article provides basis for the improvement of under-rail settlement monitoring method in high-speed railway and services for safety operation in the Lanzhou-Xinjiang passenger dedicated line .

  12. 这注定研究兰新铁路二线的施工项目管理,不但具有非常重要的理论价值,更具有实际价值。

    This is doomed to the construction project management of Lanzhou-Xinjiang Railway line , not only has the very important theory value , has more practical value .

  13. 兰新铁路二线建设在我国的经济发展中占据重要地位,同时在维护民族团结与国家安全方面也具有重要的战略意义。

    Lan-Xin Railway line construction occupies an important position in the economic development in China , but also has important strategic significance in safeguarding national unity and national security .

  14. 陇海&兰新铁路是横贯中国东西的交通大动脉,对沟通东部与西部、沿海与内地、中国与欧洲的联系以及西部大开发等,都具有极其重要的意义。

    The Longhai-Lanxin Railway , traversing China from east to west , has an important role to play in western development and in developing a land transport route to Europe .

  15. 兰新铁路西段为我国砾漠地区铁路风沙害最为严重的地段,虽地表无明显积沙,但风沙对铁路行车安全及线路维护依然造成很大危害。

    Drifting sand induced railway hazard is found at the west part of Lanzhou-Xinjiang Railway located in gravel desert area , endangering the safety of the railway and bringing difficulties for railway maintenance .

  16. 客运专线列车运行安全情况以及弓网接触供电是否正常成为制约兰新第二双线工程成功的关键因素。

    It is the key element to constrain the success of the second Lanchow-Sinkiang double-line project whether the running train is safe and overhead contact wire above pantograph supplies power normally or not .

  17. 新亚欧大陆桥中国段地处陇海、兰新铁路沿线,是我国中部金腰带地区。

    The Chinese segment of the new Eurasian continental bridge stretches along Lianyungang Lanzhou and Lanzhou Wulumuqi railway lines , enjoying a good name of " gold girdle " in the central part of China .

  18. 兰新线(北疆铁路)沿线1996年7月中、下旬遭受了严重的洪水灾害,此次洪水灾害主要是由暴雨引发。

    A serious flood disaster was taken place on the middle and last ten days of July , 1996 , which was occurred by rainstorm , and made a grievous injury along the Lan-Xin Railway .

  19. 克里斯托弗•诺兰新电影《星际穿越》的首个预报片已在五月发布,片中奥斯卡影帝马修•麦康纳和安妮•海瑟薇共同面对一项太空任务,但其他剧情都还是谜。

    The thrilling first trailer for Interstellar , Christopher Nolan 's upcoming film , was dropped in May and showed Oscar-winning actor Matthew McConaughey embarking on a space mission with Anne Hathaway . But like all Nolan films , much of it was still wrapped in mystery .