
  • 网络LANCASTER;Lancaster County;Burt Lancaster
  1. 后来,我考上了兰开斯特大学,获得了二级甲等学位。

    I then went up to Lancaster University and got an upper second .

  2. 我们计算出兰开斯特郡的农场面积平均为65英亩。

    We calculate that the average size farm in Lancaster County is 65 acres

  3. F·W·兰开斯特等人于1991年提出了篇名与分类号更多的是与著作固有的主题发生重合,而不是提供更深层次的检索点。

    In 1991 , F. W. Lancaster and other people analyzed some characteristics of title , class number and subject searches .

  4. 兰开斯特的爱德华(EdwardofLancaster)是英国国王亨利六世(HenryVI)和安茹的玛格丽特(MargaretofAnjou)的儿子。

    Edward of Lancaster was the son of King Henry VI and Margaret of Anjou .

  5. 美国兰开斯特大学心理与健康组织机构教授CaryCooper说,咀嚼习惯的差别不仅仅存在于性别之间,也存在于不同的类型的人之间。

    Cary Cooper , professor of organisational psychology and health at Lancaster University said there was not only a difference in how the sexes chew , but between different types of people .

  6. 战争中,他投奔到了兰开斯特家族(听起来有没有很熟悉呢?)。约克斯(Yorks)赢得战争后,他就被杀害了。

    He defected to the Lancasters ( sound familiar ? ) and when the Yorks won the war , he was killed .

  7. 一架状况尚好的兰开斯特轰炸机值得抢救。

    A Lancaster bomber in reasonable condition is worth rescuing .

  8. 请问,到兰开斯特门怎么去?

    How do I get to Lancaster gate , please ?

  9. 我有注意到,在宾夕法尼亚州兰开斯特市的沃尔玛超市中,

    I did notice at the Lancaster , Pennsylvania Wal-Mart ,

  10. 属于或关于英国的兰开斯特城或其居民的。

    Of or relating to the English city of Lancaster or its residents .

  11. 我们在兰开斯特转弯离开了高速公路。

    We turned off the motorway at Lancaster .

  12. 我开始更多地谈论兰开斯特。

    I started to talk about Lancaster more .

  13. 1612年8月,看守们在兰开斯特城堡前绞死了我的一家。

    In August 1612 , the guards hanged my family in front of Lancaster Castle .

  14. 琼有可能明天和我乘同一列火车去兰开斯特。

    Joan 'll probably be on the same train for Lancaster as I am tomorrow .

  15. 但是当我在兰开斯特的时候,我也有了另一个认识。

    But while I was up in Lancaster , I 'd also had another realization .

  16. 已经提前做出安排使新投入使用的这段高速公路与兰开斯特支线衔接。

    Arrangements were well advanced for linking up this newly operated length with the Lancaster bypass .

  17. 到了那个时候,状况良好的兰开斯特轰炸机实属罕见,值得抢救。

    By this time , a Lancaster bomber in reasonable condition was rare and worth rescuing .

  18. 兰开斯特公爵郡大臣

    Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster

  19. 按照前往兰开斯特的标志走。

    Follow the signs for lancaster .

  20. 6位参赛者飞赴兰开斯特,在酒店中进行了为期两天的比赛。

    The six contestants were flown to Lancaster and put up in hotels for the two-day competition .

  21. 他们还喝起酒来。他们围坐在火堆旁一边喝酒,一边谈论着兰开斯特城堡。

    At the same time , they drank.They sat by the fire and drank , and talked about Lancaster Castle .

  22. 1999年,纽约的兰开斯特市,11岁的凯文史蒂芬,他在他弟弟的小社团的队里当一名击球队员。

    In1999,11-year-old Kevin Stephan was a bat boy for his younger brother 's Little League team in Lancaster , New York .

  23. 实际上,这两个兰开斯特地区居民从他们一起进入伯克斯理工学院开始就已经不停地发短信,已经有十年之久了。

    The two Lancaster-area residents have been practically non-stop texters for about a decade since they attended Berks Technical Institute together .

  24. 然而,我却是在黑暗的兰开斯特城堡监狱里,坐在冰冷的地上等待着。

    But I am in the dark prison of Lancaster Castle , and I sit on the cold floor and wait .

  25. 亨利·都铎出身于威尔士的古老家族,其母系则是兰开斯特家族的后裔。

    Henry Tudor was born in an ancient family of Welsh and his mother was a descendant of the Lancaster family .

  26. 来自兰开斯特大学管理学院的卡里库伯教授说,压力问题已经开始通过行为举止表现出来了。

    Professor Cary Cooper , from the Lancaster University Management School , said stress begins to show itself through changes in behaviour .

  27. 例如,兰开斯特部落的作品常常由大片的、色彩鲜艳的布料组成。

    For example , Amish quilts from Lancaster County are often made up of larger pieces of cloth in very bright colors .

  28. 美国联机目录中检索点的多余性和唯一性研究概述&许红和兰开斯特的合作研究

    Redundancy and Uniqueness of Access Points in Online Catalogs in U.S.A. : An Introduction to the Study Jointly by F.W.Lancaster and Xu Hong

  29. 1963年,一架兰开斯特轰炸机在瓦立斯岛毁。那是南太洋中一个很偏僻的小岛,位于萨摩亚群岛以西,距离群岛还有很长一段距离。

    In1963 a Lancaster bomber crashed on Wallis Island , a remote place in the South Pacific , a long way west of Samoa .

  30. 第三天和最后一天的辩论,均由兰开斯特公爵郡大臣哈罗德、利弗先生挑起。

    On the third and final day the debate was led off by the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster , Mr. Harold Lever .