
zhǔ zhàn pài
  • war party
  1. 这个国家的新总统是个主战派。

    The new president of the country is a hawk .

  2. 他在冒很大的危险,我不喜欢主战派。

    He is taking a big risk . I don 't like hawks .

  3. 主战派坚决反对和平议案。

    The warring factions shot down the peace proposal .

  4. 试论甲午清廷最高统治集团中的主战派

    On the War Advocates in the Highest Ruling Group of the Qing Government During the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895

  5. 美国部分人士认为是日本主战派抢在天皇答复之前发动了突然袭击。

    Some quarters in the United States think that the Japanese militants attacked suddenly to forestall the Emperor 's reply .

  6. 力图恢复是南宋初期主战派的基调,也是主战派政论文的主旋律。

    To recover is the early Southern Song Dynasty hawkish tone , but also the main melody of hawks political essays .

  7. 银色同盟(联盟):拒绝血精灵进入肯瑞托的高等精灵的主战派。

    The Silver Covenant ( A ) - A militant core of high elves that rejects the admission of blood elves into the Kirin Tor .

  8. 在1840年,西方的主战派政治家多次大声宣传对中国的暴力行为“是高尚而不可避免的,直到在大众的想象中根深蒂固。”

    Foreign policy hawks in1840 repeated loudly that violence against China " was honourable and inevitable until , in the popular imagination , it became so . "

  9. 他们的论点依然是一样,战则存,和则亡&主战派的结论;

    Their respective positions remain the same : the conclusion of the war group is " to fight is to survive , to make peace is to perish ";

  10. 主战派和主和派都一致同意,美国的经济如果要避免进一步陷入混乱,就必须立即结束越南战争。

    Both hawks and doves are unanimous that the Vietnamese war must be brought to an immediate end if the United States economy is to avoid further disruption .

  11. 如今许多人仍认为,这些抗议者是英雄,但对于基辛格而言,正是主战派和反战派两者之间的分裂,被证明是那个时代最为恒久的遗赠。

    Many still see those demonstrators as heroes but for Kissinger it is this split - into the pro - and anti-war factions - that has proved the most enduring legacy of that time .

  12. 前原,主战派,主张与美国紧密合作,曾经是菅直人有力的继位者,如果前首相迫于压力辞职。

    Maehara , a security hawk who favors close ties with the United States , had been seen as a key contender to succeed Kan if the prime minister bows to pressure to step down himself .

  13. 电影到了后来,谁也不说话了,因为主战派知道了我们的抗议,听说我们想中断电影,就守在了电影院门口。

    The film was eventually withdrawn , but this was on account of the shindy that the militarists made outside the cinema when they had heard of our protest and had got it into their heads that we were going to break up the Cinema .

  14. 自一战爆发到美国参战前的时间里,在严峻的国际形势影响下,在国内主战派力量的推动下,美国在军事上采取了一些应对性的举措,军事活动也受到影响。

    From World War I broke out to America join the war , under the influence of the serious international situation , under the promotion of the internal war party , America took some replying measures in military , its military operations suffered a loss also .