
  1. 七月份,一架飞机在尝试降落在台湾海岸外的澎湖岛时坠毁,导致48人死亡、10人受伤。

    In July , a flight crashed while attempting to land on the island of Penghu off Taiwan 's coast , killing 48 people and injuring another 10 .

  2. 去年7月,该公司一架ATR72-500型客机在澎湖岛尝试降落时失事,导致58名乘客和机组人员中的48人死亡。

    One of its ATR 72-500 planes crashed while trying to land at Penghu Island last July , killing 48 of the 58 passengers and crew on board .

  3. 这架飞机载有54名乘客和4名机组人员,原定由高雄飞往台湾西海岸的澎湖岛。

    The plane was carrying 54 passengers and four crew members on a flight from Kaohsiung to the Penghu Islands of Taiwan 's west coast when it crashed .

  4. 台湾一架客机在台湾海峡中的澎湖本岛试图紧急降落时坠毁,据报道至少有47人丧生。

    At least 40 people are reported to have died after a Taiwanese aircraft crashed while trying to make an emergency landing on the island of Penghu in the Taiwan Strait .