
zuǒ cān
  • be eaten together with rice or bread;go with rice or bread
佐餐 [zuǒ cān]
  • [be eaten together with rice or bread;go with rice or bread] 下饭

佐餐[zuǒ cān]
  1. 这种葡萄酒很适合作鱼菜的佐餐酒。

    The wine makes a good accompaniment to fish dishes .

  2. 雪利酒比佐餐酒酒劲强一半。

    Sherry is half as strong again as table wine .

  3. 侍者为他端上佐餐的红葡萄酒或者白葡萄酒。

    The waiter offered him red wine or white wine with his meal

  4. 特威德点了一瓶佐餐葡萄酒。

    Tweed ordered a carafe of the house wine .

  5. 早餐是麦片粥配佐餐黄油。

    Breakfast consisted of porridge served with butter .

  6. 白葡萄酒是吃鱼时绝佳的佐餐酒。

    White wine makes a perfect accompaniment to fish .

  7. 菜单上是金边粉和用Soylent做的佐餐。

    On the menu were pad thai noodles and a side dish of Soylent .

  8. AlbertBoxler2011年份西万尼(售价30美元)味道浓郁,是佐餐佳酿,相比之下,DomaineDirler-Cade2011年份老藤西万尼(SylvanerVieillesVignes)(售价20美元)和DomaineOstertag2012年份老藤西万尼(售价23美元)更加轻盈,带有更多的矿物香。

    The rich 2011 Albert Boxler Sylvaner ( $ 30 ) was a great wine with food , while the 2011 Domaine Dirler-Cade Sylvaner Vieilles Vignes ( $ 20 ) and 2012 Andre Ostertag Sylvaner Vieilles Vignes ( $ 23 ) were both lighter than the Albert Boxler , with more minerality .

  9. 我们用香肠和威士忌佐餐。

    We are sausage and washed it down with a whisky .

  10. 白葡萄酒是这顿饭的最佳佐餐酒。

    White wine provided the perfect accompaniment to the meal .

  11. 瓶装香菜心酱菜,香味浓郁,脆爽可口,是方便佐餐之佳品。

    The pickled vegetable of bottled coriander heart is convenient and high quality .

  12. 佐餐酒是一瓶2010年的拉菲庄园葡萄酒。

    The dinner is served with a 2010 bottle of Chateau Lafite Rothschild .

  13. 我想点些葡萄酒佐餐。

    I 'd like some wine with my meal .

  14. 趁热吃,可以用草莓浆或者枫糖浆佐餐。

    Serve the pancakes hot off the griddle with warm strawberry syrup or maple syrup .

  15. 因为女儿喜欢吃鱼,我们中午经常有鱼佐餐。

    As my daughter likes to eat fish , we often have fish for lunch .

  16. 最好的佐餐酒得到的是蓝金奖。

    Wines that are awarded a gold medal with food are awarded Blue Gold status .

  17. 佐餐建议:适合作餐前开胃酒或搭配配有味道清爽的酱汁的海鲜或鱼类。

    Gastronomic Suggestion : As aperitif or with sea food as cooked fish with soft sauces .

  18. 我们有稀饭和各式各样不同的泡菜和腌水果佐餐,感觉恰到好处。

    We had congee and a myriad of pickled vegetables and fruits * and it was just right .

  19. 佐餐建议:可搭配各式烤肉和奶酪享用。

    GASTRONOMIC SUGGESTIONS : All types of grilled meats , red meats in various preparations , and ripe cheeses .

  20. 在法国最知名餐厅的饭桌之上,它被视作美酒佳肴的佐餐饮料。

    It is seen on the tables of most famous restaurants in France as an accompaniment to good food and wine .

  21. 但这些都是普通的佐餐酒,没有什么特别之处,我不建议您买这种葡萄酒送给你的老板,

    but those are table wines . They are not very special . And I would not suggest them as a gift .

  22. 因为很多中国消费者喜欢在就餐时喝酒,帝亚吉欧希望黑格能成为更合适的佐餐伴侣。

    Because many Chinese consumers prefer to drink alcohol with their meals , Diageo is hopeful Haig will be a more suitable pairing .

  23. 悉尼国际100顶级葡萄酒展就是澳大利亚最有意思的葡萄酒展览之一,在该酒展上,最后阶段的评选是用酒佐餐。

    The Sydney International Top100 is one of the most interesting in Australia , where the final part of the judging is with food .

  24. 葡萄酒是配合蛋白质一道进食的最优良的佐餐饮料,适量饮用葡萄酒对于体质虚弱的病人具有良好的医疗作用。

    Grape wine is the best drink together with proteins on a diet and adequate drinking of grape wine is good for ill-health people .

  25. 酒温10度饮用为宜,可做开胃酒,是鱼类和其他海鲜佳肴的佐餐佳品,亦可单独饮用。

    Ideal served at10 ℃ as an aperitif or with all types of fish and seafood , but can also be enjoyed on its own .

  26. 每周日,来旋转餐厅品位国际风味自助美食,并可畅饮香槟及软饮料、咖啡、茶和果汁佐餐。

    Every Sunday , savor your meal with a complimentary glass of champagne or free flow of soft drinks , coffee , tea and juices .

  27. 其品种多样,口味各异,包装独特,食用方便,是佐餐旅行之佳品。

    It has various kinds , different tastes , distinctive package and convenient eating method , so it is the best food for your journey .

  28. 此酒为佐餐酒,在食用烧烤煎炸肉类时配以此酒最为适宜,适量饮用有益健康!

    This wine is table wine , in the consumption of fried meat with barbecue this wine is most suitable , moderate drinking good for health !

  29. 是假日的休闲时光,是温润的午后小憩,植物和阳光成为最佳拍档,琥珀红茶当做佐餐美味,原来品味安逸也是一种快乐。

    Be comfort and at ease is kind of happiness from holiday relaxation , afternoon rest and aromatic red tea which accompany with plants and sunshine .

  30. 苹果不仅可以生吃,还可以烤着吃,可以切成丁放进色拉里,甚至可以配搭洋葱以小火慢炒用作鸡肉或鱼肉的佐餐。

    Eat them raw , try them baked , add them diced into a salad or saut é an apple with onions as a side dish for chicken or fish .