
  1. 标准银行(standardbank)驻伦敦贵金属分析师魏文德(walterdewet)表示,新披露的黄金进口数据,表明今年中国黄金需求有望突破600吨,比去年增长近75%。

    Walter de wet , precious metals analyst at standard bank in London , says the freshly revealed import data suggest that Chinese demand could top 600 tonnes , up nearly 75 per cent from last year .

  2. 瑞银(UBS)驻伦敦贵金属策略师埃德尔塔利(EdelTully)补充称:金币需求非常强劲,以致于供应难以跟上。

    Edel Tully , precious metals strategist at UBS in London , added : Coin demand is so intense that supply is struggling to match .

  3. CGS金条的定价主要根据伦敦贵金属交易所的每日价格,同时参考上海黄金交易所的牌价。

    Pricing of the CGS bars is based on daily gold prices on the London Precious Metal Exchange , with quotations on the Shanghai Gold Exchange serving as a reference .

  4. 伦敦贵金属咨询公司gfms表示,正以空前速度创建财富的中国投资者,近期在分散投资,在资产组合中增加黄金的比重,以求“保护自己免受通胀影响”。

    GFMS , the London-based precious metals consultancy , said recently that Chinese investors , who are building wealth at an unprecedented rate , were diversifying their assets into gold to " protect themselves against inflation " .

  5. 瑞银集团(UBS)驻伦敦的贵金属策略主管约翰?里德(JohnReade)将其1个月期金价预测定为“不可避免的”每盎司850美元。

    John Reade , head of metals strategy at UBS in London , upgraded its one-month gold forecast to an " inevitable " $ 850 an ounce .

  6. 瑞银集团(ubs)驻伦敦的贵金属策略师约翰里德(johnread)认为,自2003年推出交易型开放式指数基金(etf)以来,上海黄金期货的推出是黄金市场最为重要的进展。

    John read , precious metals strategist at UBS in London , considered the launch of the Shanghai gold futures the most important development in the bullion market since the introduction of exchange-traded funds in 2003 .

  7. 巴克莱资本驻伦敦的贵金属分析师索奇库珀(SukiCooper)表示,黄金市场的人气仍然非常乐观。

    Suki Cooper , a precious metals analysts at Barclays Capital in London , said that sentiment remained very positive towards gold .

  8. DresdnerKleinwort驻伦敦的贵金属业务主管大卫·赫尔姆斯(DavidHolmes)表示,金价升至每盎司850美元的“可能性很大。”

    David Holmes , head of precious metals at Dresdner Kleinwort in London , said a rise to $ 850 was " very much on the cards . "

  9. DresdnerKleinwort驻伦敦的贵金属业务主管大卫•赫尔姆斯(DavidHolmes)补充称,投资者已在买进只有当金价突破每盎司1000美元、升至1500美元高位时才能获利的期权合约。

    David Holmes , head of precious metals at Dresdner Kleinwort in London , added that investors were already buying option contracts that would be profitable only if gold prices surged to levels above $ 1,000 an ounce to as high as $ 1,500 an ounce .