
  • 网络BUHLER;buller;blur;boulle
  1. 布勒设备工程(无锡)有限公司是瑞士布勒集团在中国新成立的独资公司。

    Buhler Equipment Engineering ( Wuxi ) Co. , Ltd. is a newly established sole corporation invested by Buhler AG .

  2. 赖斯根据德国心理学家布勒的语言功能理论提出文本有四种类型:信息文本,表情文本,呼唤文本和视听文本。

    Based on Karl Buhler 's functions of language , Reiss puts forward four text types : the content-focused text , the form-focused text , the appeal-focused text and the audio-medial text .

  3. 布勒的世界里已出现了一种恶意、刻薄的幽默感。

    A wicked , mordant sense of humour has come to the fore in Blur 's world .

  4. 本周末在墨西哥城将举行g20财长会议,预计朔伊布勒在这个话题上将面临进一步的压力。

    Mr Sch uble is likely to face further pressure on the subject this weekend at a meeting of G20 finance ministers in Mexico City .

  5. 从杜布勒这样的企业家到大型跨国公司,包括通用电气(ge)和卡夫(kraft),美国企业界显然一直比美联储(federalreserve)和私营部门经济学家们更为乐观。

    From entrepreneurs such as Mr double to huge multinationals including general electric and kraft , corporate America has been decidedly more upbeat than the Federal Reserve and private sector economists .

  6. 通过手机自带的GPS全球卫星定位系统,盖斯布勒父子才能够取回箱子以及记录他们“任务”的录像,这些录像清晰地展现了地球的曲度。

    By tracking the iPhone 's inbuilt global positioning system , the Geissb ü hlers were able to retrieve the box and the video of their " mission ", which shows the curvature of the planet clearly .

  7. 维克多没看布勒老师,含糊地说:“FrenchieohwewegeeinSeptember。”布勒老师知道了这个男孩其实并不会法语,便转身走开了。

    Without looking at Mr. Bueller , Victor mumbled , ' Frenchie oh wewe gee in September . " Mr. Bueller understood that the boy didn 't know French and turned away .

  8. 他的前任伊丽莎•曼宁汉姆•布勒女爵士(DameElizaManningham-Buller)也曾在非公开讲话中传递过同样的信息。

    His predecessor , Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller , had delivered a similar message in private speeches .

  9. 如果布勒搬家,SunRun的合同会转移给下一个新户主。

    If Buller moves , SunRun 's contract can be transferred to a new homeowner .

  10. Webster的埃里亚尔・迪布勒伊在怀孕期间也对舒适做出了妥协,她把高跟鞋换成了皮埃尔・哈迪(PierreHardy)的球鞋,沉甸甸的大包也换成了OlympiaLeTan小手包。

    Ms. Heriard Dubreuil , of the Webster , made concessions to comfort during pregnancy too , swapping her heels for sneakers from Pierre Hardy , and ditching her heavy bags for Olympia Le Tan clutches .

  11. 在这次发现中,大量令人筋疲力尽的发掘工作都是由阿根廷埃吉迪奥·费鲁利奥古生物学博物馆(PaleontologicalMuseumEgidioFeruglio)的古生物学家若泽·路易斯·卡瓦利多(JoséLuisCarballido)和迭戈·布勒(DiegoPol)带领的团队完成的。

    Much of the grueling excavation leading to the discovery was done by teams led by Jos é Luis Carballido and Diego Pol , paleontologists at Paleontological Museum Egidio Feruglio in Argentina .

  12. 然而,GMAC当时甚至连一个办公的地方都没有,这种状况一直持续到1982年。就在这一年,GMAC聘请加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)商学院副院长比尔?布勒扎姆勒出任组织的第一任总裁。

    GMAC , however , didn 't even have an office until 1982 , when the council hired its first president , Bill Broesamle , then an associate dean at UCLA 's business school .

  13. 朔伊布勒观点的核心与未成定论的欧洲货币基金组织(EMU)无关&即使欧元区国家认同并建立EMU,它也不可能改变欧元区内部巨大的宏观经济失衡所产生的压力。

    The core of Mr Sch ä uble 's argument was not about the mooted European Monetary Fund , which could not , even if agreed and implemented , alter the pressures created by the huge macroeconomic imbalances within the eurozone .

  14. 朔伊布勒将于本周二会晤法国财长弗兰索瓦巴胡安(franoisbaroin)讨论此次危机,并提出金融交易税等补救措施。

    Mr Sch uble is to meet French counterpart Fran OIS baroin on Tuesday to discuss the crisis and proposed remedies such as a tax on financial transactions .

  15. 以布勒为例,新的太阳能面板(完全由SunRun付费)能让其每月的电费从200美元直降到60美元,降低了70%。

    In Buller 's case , his new solar panels ( which SunRun paid for entirely ) cut his $ 200-a-month electricity bill by $ 140 , or70 % .

  16. 布勒每月能从节省的140美元中留下50美元,剩下的支付给SunRun,后者将用其补贴太阳能系统购置费用和雇人安装及维护系统的开支。

    Buller gets to keep $ 50 of the savings and pays the balance to SunRun , which uses it to cover the cost of buying the solar system and hiring a contractor to install and maintain it .

  17. 选择国外根蘖型苜蓿润布勒(Rambler)、兰吉兰德(Rangelander)品种和国内育成的综合种4号、5号、6号根蘖型苜蓿,进行生理特性及营养动态研究。

    The physiological traits and nutrient dynamics of five creeping rooted alfalfa varieties were studied in this paper . The alfalfa varieties included two abroad materials , Rambler and Rangeland er , and three domestic cultivated synthetic varieties No. 4 , No.

  18. 法国圣洛朗德拉-卡布勒里斯——在今年的环法自行车赛中,极具亲和力的冲刺冠军马塞尔·基特尔(MarcelKittel)在三个赛段中胜出,因此,他在周一的比赛休息日吸引了大量记者也不足为奇。

    ST. LAURENT DE LA CABRERISSE , France - It was predictable that Marcel Kittel , the amiable sprinter who has won three stages in this year 's Tour de France , attracted a large crowd of reporters on the race 's rest day Monday .

  19. 一听到铃声,布勒就开始叫起来。

    At the sound of the bell Buller began to bark .

  20. 吊带裙也是埃里亚尔・迪布勒伊喜欢的装扮。

    Slip dresses are another of Ms. Heriard Dubreuil 's go-tos .

  21. 我很高兴带她进去,阿布勒。

    I 'd be happy to take her in , abner .

  22. 默克尔曾不止一次撤回朔伊布勒下达的政令。

    More than once , Mrs Merkel has countermanded Mr Sch uble .

  23. 朔伊布勒真的希望欧洲央行停止这么做吗?

    Does Mr Sch uble actually want it to stop ?

  24. 另一个令人情绪不安的原因是布勒引起的。

    A further cause of nervous strain was Buller .

  25. 朔伊布勒补充称,拉加德极其胜任该职位。

    He added that Ms Lagarde was was extremely qualified for the job .

  26. 布勒开尔那幅我得花钱买回。

    I managed to buy back the little breughel .

  27. 西布勒说:“你看见山的影子,以为是人。”

    Zebul replied , " you mistake the shadows of the mountains for men . "

  28. 布勒老师的脸上皱起了好奇的皱纹,并要求他大点儿声说。

    Mr. Bueller , wrinkling his face in curiosity , asked him to speak up .

  29. 我认为他有拖延的兴趣,”泰布勒说道。

    I think he has an interest in dragging this out , " said Tabler .

  30. 他婚后的名字是布勒。

    He married name is bueller .