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  • 归航飞行

归航[guī háng]
  1. 系统采用PID改进的带盲区的非比例径向归航控制算法,获得较好的控制性能。

    The system adopts non-proportion radial homing control algorithm with modified PID blind zone , and its control capability is great .

  2. 基于翼伞系统归航轨迹的特点,采用Serret-Frenet坐标系表示距离平衡轨迹的偏差,得到线性时不变的误差运动方程。

    Based on the characters of parafoil homing trajectory , Serret-Frenet frame was used to describe the shortest distance from the current position to the trimming trajectory . Then , using the theory of small disturbance linearization , it showed that the error equations were time invariant .

  3. 这艘船是在归航。

    This ship is homeward bound .

  4. 文中给出了具有非比例自动归航控制的翼伞系统的归航准则(考虑到风的影响)以及利用GPS测量数据计算风场的公式。

    The homing criterion in consideration of wind effect is given for gliding parachute systems with non-proportional automatic homing control . In this paper , the principle of measuring wind using GPS is discussed and the calculating formulas are given .

  5. 翼伞归航准则及测风原理探讨

    Homing criterion and principle of measuring wind for gliding parachute systems

  6. 翼伞系统动力学与归航方案研究

    Research on the Dynamics and Homing Project of Parafoil System

  7. 我日夜盼望你归航。

    I looking forward to your homing day and night .

  8. 没有什么比一架归航的休伊的声音更动听了。

    Nothing like the sound of an inbound huey .

  9. 文中利用该方法设计了目标搜索和归航行为。

    This method was used to design the targets collection and homing behavior .

  10. 翼伞系统自动归航轨迹的设计

    Design of Autonomous Homing Trajectory for Parafoil Delivery System

  11. 准备好了就发射你的归航信标。

    Activate your homing beacon when you 're ready .

  12. 翼伞精确定点着陆归航方法研究

    Homing Method Research of Precision Landing of Parafoil System

  13. 潜水箱和归航指向标啊

    Oh , submersible crate and ... Homing beacon .

  14. 尽管“环球飞行者”号成功归航,但它在飞行途中也遭遇过黑暗的时刻。

    Despite the successful homecoming , the GlobalFlyer encountered dark moments during its flight .

  15. 带有红外线归航装置的空对空导弹。

    Air-to-air missile with infrared homing device .

  16. 他们的运输船归航了。

    Their transport ship was inbound .

  17. 归航轨迹的设计和优化对实现翼伞系统的精确空投至关重要。

    Design and optimization of homing trajectory is essential for accurate aerial delivery of parafoil system .

  18. 翼伞系统归航的最优控制

    Optimal Control of Parafoil System Homing

  19. 根据目标收集机器人的作业过程,将机器人的工作过程分成目标搜索和归航两个复杂行为。

    It divided the work process of the robot into two complex behaviors : target searching and homing .

  20. 阐述了翼伞系统归航轨迹最优控制的建模。

    In this paper , the modeling of optimal control in parafoil homing trajectory is discussed in detail .

  21. 在归航的时候,我知道他有过一阵子失魂落魄;

    and I know that on the passage home he was a little out of his mind for a spell ;

  22. 最后,文中利用设计的目标搜索行为和归航行为进行了综合仿真实验,实验表明本文设计的方法效果较好。

    At last , the targets collection and homing behavior were tested in an integration scene , which showed that the method worked well .

  23. 美国减少了英国归航班机的危险等级,从红色降到橙色,表明乘客的手提箱内可多放几样东西。

    US has reduced the threat level on inbound flights from Britain from red to orange meaning a few more items are acceptable in carry-on .

  24. 分段归航充分利用了翼伞系统稳定滑翔和转弯运动的飞行特性,操纵过程简单,工程上也易实现。

    Multi-phase homing project , making use of the flight properties of parafoil system in gliding and turning , was simple in control and facile in practice .

  25. 在非结构化环境中不存在人工路标,机器人要实现归航只能依靠环境中的自然路标。

    Because there are not artificial landmarks in the unstructured environment , so the robot can only rely on the natural landmarks of environment to achieve homing .

  26. 本文采用全景视觉传感器对基于自然路标的机器人归航技术进行了深入研究。论文首先研究了全景图像中的自然路标提取问题。

    This paper deeply studied robot visual homing based on natural landmark used panoramic vision sensor . First , we studied on extracting natural landmark from the panoramic image .

  27. 在前往吉奥诺西斯的途中,詹戈和波巴发觉欧比&万在飞船上安置了归航信标,并在后视屏上发现了追踪而来的绝地星际战斗机。

    En route to Geonosis , Jango and Boba realized a homing beacon was placed aboard their vessel , and found a pursuing Jedi starfighter on their tracking screens .

  28. 为了实现翼伞系统的准确、安全着陆,根据翼伞系统自身的可操纵性和基本运动特性,采用经典分段归航策略。

    In order to realize accurate and safe landing of parafoil system , classic multiphase homing trajectory was adopted according to the maneuverability and basic flight characters of the parafoil itself .

  29. 以提高落点精度和减少操纵量为准则,设计了分阶段的归航控制程序,该程序中的关键参数运用仿真优化方法得以确定。

    The multiphase flight control algorithm is devised with the principle of improving landing error accuracy and reducing control quantities , the critical parameters in this algorithm are ascertained by simulate optimize method .

  30. 文章介绍一种翼伞精确定点着陆归航的方案,按高度将归航过程划分为6个阶段,给出了每个阶段的制导算法,讨论了系统的稳定性并给出结论。

    The homing progress can be divided into 6 phases by altitude . Guidance algorithm of every phase and stability of the system are discussed . Finally a conclusion is made in this paper .