
  • 网络Law and Literature
  1. 论我国的大众动员型人民司法&一个法律与文学的视角

    On Mass-mobilizing Justice in China : A Perspective of " Law and Literature "

  2. 论文学在司法实践中的作用&一个法律与文学的分析视角

    The Function of Literature in Judicial Practice & A perspective of " law and literature "

  3. 在中国一般将法律与文学研究分为两大分支,即作为文学的法律,以及文学中的法律。

    In China " law and literature " is divided into two branches , law as literature and law in literature .

  4. 作为一项跨学科研究,法律与文学在国内外均取得了长足的发展。

    " Law and literature " which is known as a kind of inter-disciplinary study has made great development both in China and the world .

  5. 对我国法学教学研究而言,法律与文学相结合是一种有效的教学、研究的进路与方法,在法学教学研究中将法律与文学相结合具有相当的意义。

    To law 's teaching and researching , the combination of law and literature is an effective way , In researching law teaching , to combine law and literature is meaningful .

  6. 鉴于法律与文学的研究还是一个方兴未艾的学术课题,而且涉及历史领域;因此,有关本稿采取的学术姿态与研究方式,很有必要作出全面透彻的解释。

    Because the paper is involved in the fields of law and literary as well as history , it is necessary to explain the learned stance and the analysis method in Chapter One , The Literature Narration of China Ancient Law .

  7. 法律条例与文学想象互相支持,彼此相得益彰。

    Law and literature imagination back up and set off each other .

  8. 查尔斯·狄更斯的《荒凉山庄》是一部聚焦于大法官庭的法律文本,在法律与文学这一领域享有重要地位。

    Bleak House by Charles Dickens is a legal text with Chancery Court as its focus . It enjoys a significant status in the discipline of law and literature and has aroused the interests of both the literary and legal scholars .

  9. 狄更斯对法律的关注使得他在参与了法律与文学这一运动的学者当中十分受欢迎。

    He is extremely popular among scholars active in the law and literature movement .

  10. 本文从文学是法律的传承手段,文学是法律正义的张扬者等方面分析文学的法律价值,以求对法律与文学关系给予合理定位。

    The article analyzes the literal value of the law from such aspects as that literature is the means of passing on the law and the advocates of maintaining justice in order to explain reasonably the relationship between the law and the literature .