
  • 网络French Ministry of Education;France Ministry of Education
  1. 由幼稚园至高中跟随法国教育部制定的时间表和课程。

    A French section , which follows the official hours and programmes of the French Ministry of Education , from kindergarten to high school .

  2. 法国教育部造型艺术硕士,法国教育部法语学士。

    He got a degree of Master of Fine Arts from the French Education Ministry .

  3. 法国教育部直属顶尖公立大学,颁发法国国家文凭,国际认证。

    Top public University of French Education Ministry , award French national diplomas and international approval .

  4. 1992年,法国教育部和卫生部首次联合颁布了在医学院校加强人文社会科学课程的建设和开展相关教学的指导性文件。

    In 1992 , the France Education Department and the Public Health Department jointly issue the Direction Documents on the strengthen of humanities curriculums establishment and implement .