
  • 网络forensic accounting;forensic accountant
  1. 法务会计与司法会计研究之比较

    Comparison of the Researches on Forensic Accounting and Judicial Accounting

  2. 第四部分是我国法务会计的发展策略。

    The part four is forensic accounting development strategy of our country .

  3. 高校会计学科发展的新方向:法务会计环境管理会计&一个新兴的会计学科领域

    The New Field of Accounting Subject In Higher Education & Forensic Accounting

  4. 我国法务会计几个基本问题研究

    Study on Several Basic Problems about Forensic Accounting in China

  5. 法务会计是会计学专业建设的新方向

    Law Accounting Is a New Direction to Build Accounting Speciality

  6. 其次分析了法务会计和诉讼支持两者之间的相互关系。

    Secondly it analyzed the relationships between the forensic-accounting and the claim-support .

  7. 中国法务会计发展的外部推动力研究

    A Research on External Pushing Power for Legal Accounting Development in China

  8. 也许我应该找一个灵媒而不是法务会计。

    Maybe we should hire a medium instead of a forensic accountant .

  9. 法务会计是一门以会计理论和法学理论为基础、融会计与法学于一体的新兴的边缘会计学科。

    Juridical accounting is a new marginal science that incorporates accounting and law .

  10. 法务会计在知识产权侵害赔偿诉讼中的支持

    Legal Accounting Support in Lawsuits of Intellectual Property Violation

  11. 建立我国法务会计业务体系构想

    Establish the Creation of Chinese Forensic Accounting Occupational System

  12. 建立中国法务会计准则相关问题研究

    Related Problems about Establishment of China Forensic Accounting Standard

  13. 我国法务会计制度建立与完善的思考

    Thinking on Establishing and Perfecting Our Forensic Accounting System

  14. 法务会计理论体系的构建研究

    A Study on Establishment of the Frameworks of Forensic Accounting System in China

  15. 法务会计与司法会计辨析司法会计鉴定结论及其质证研究

    Research on Forensic Accounting Evaluation and Its Related Contents

  16. 我帮你们介绍个法务会计。

    I can refer you to a forensic accountant .

  17. 高等会计教育要培养法务会计人才

    Higher Accounting Education Needs Fostering Forensic Accounting Talents

  18. 并且随着法务会计的发展,其应用领域逐步扩大。

    And with the development of forensic accounting , its application has gradually expanded .

  19. 法务会计是为处理法律事项提供专业服务的会计活动。

    Forensic accounting is to provide professional service for the settlement of legal matters .

  20. 法务会计在诉讼支持领域的相关问题研究

    A Research on Correlative Issues of Forensic Accounting in the Realm of Litigation Support

  21. 基于法务会计视角的假账认证制度建构研究

    The Construction of Deceptive Accounting Certification System from the Perspective of Legal Affairs Accounting

  22. 从系统论角度论法务会计理论结构框架的构建

    The Construction of Theoretical Structure for Forensic Accounting from the Perspective of Systematic Theory

  23. 法务会计的产生为解决会计信息失真所带来的问题提供了一个有力的工具。

    While forensic accounting provides an effective tool to solve the problem of distorted information .

  24. 法务会计的业务领域主要包括舞弊调查和诉讼支持。

    The main areas of specialization of forensic accounting include fraud investigation and litigation support .

  25. 论司法会计检查原始凭证对我国法务会计发展现状的认识与思考

    An understanding and though upon the present situation of development of judicial accounting in China

  26. 2法务会计的概念及功能。

    Concept and function of forensic accounting .

  27. 但是,将法务会计应用于控制会计舞弊,应弄清楚法务会计是如何揭示会计舞弊的。

    But it is essential to explain how forensic accounting is used to disclose frauds .

  28. 建立有中国特色的法务会计

    Constitute Forensic Accounting with Chinese Characteristics

  29. 法务会计专家证人制度。

    The forensic accounting expert witness .

  30. 4我国开展法务会计的现实需要。

    Actual need for forensic accounting .