
  • 网络orthodontics;orthodontic treatment;Tooth correction
  1. 现在它几乎是仅用作表面的或非必须的,作为出生控制或牙齿矫正。

    Now it is regarded as just about as cosmetic , and as non-essential , as birth control or orthodontics .

  2. 口腔专家建议求美者,带牙套矫正牙齿需在正规口腔美容中心进行,方可保证牙齿矫正的安全性以及矫正牙齿效果。

    Dental experts recommend for the United States who need straightening teeth with braces cosmetic dental centers in the formal , only to ensure the safety of orthodontics and corrective dental effects .

  3. 下面这张照片展示了“牙齿矫正的步骤”,所有的都是3D打印出来的。

    The picture below shows the " steps , " all 3D-printed out .

  4. “这个国家的牙科技师仍然是全世界最多的,”阿伦J何特说,他是专攻牙齿矫正专业器具的付总裁。

    " The dental techs in this country are still some of the greatest in the world ," said Arlen J.Hurt , vice president of Specialty Appliances in Cumming , Ga. , which .

  5. 由于戴上了牙齿矫正器,我不能笑。

    I can 't smile because of these railroad tracks .

  6. 在美国,一位牙齿矫正医师的年收入大约是20万美元。

    An orthodontist in America makes about $ 2 00000 a year .

  7. 我们要为孩子们的牙齿矫正器。

    We 're saving up for the kid 's braces .

  8. 牙医断定肯特必须戴牙齿矫正器。

    The dentist decided that Kent should wear braces .

  9. 在虚拟牙齿矫正系统中的三维空间环境下实现牙齿的自动排列,是一个非常复杂的问题。

    It is very complicated to implement automatic arrangement of teeth in three-dimensional .

  10. 我明天要去牙齿矫正。

    I 'm going to the orthodontist .

  11. 变形技术在虚拟牙齿矫正系统中的应用

    Virtual Orthodontics System Based on Deformation Technology

  12. 如今他对他的牙齿矫正过程有了更好的了解。

    Now he had a better sense of what was going on with his teeth .

  13. 她配了一个牙齿矫正器。

    She 's had a brace fitted .

  14. 我从事补牙、拔牙、牙齿矫正、抛光,还制作假牙套。

    I do fillings , extractions , braces , polishing and make sets of false teeth .

  15. 14岁去戴牙套时,她的牙齿矫正医生乔伊·希克曼意识到了问题所在。

    When she went to have braces fitted aged 14 , her orthodontist Joy Hickman realised what had happened .

  16. 牙齿矫正导向结构的制作也初步探索了口腔医学与快速成型技术结合发展的思路。

    The manufacture of tooth rectification oriented structure explores the way of the unite development of Stomatology and RP technology .

  17. 牙龈变形是开发虚拟牙齿矫正系统的一个重要部分,如何逼真地模拟牙龈变形是一个很复杂的问题。

    How to realistically simulate gum deformation is a very complicated and important problem in the development of Virtual Orthodontics Treatment System .

  18. 他必须研究牙齿矫正的步骤,绘制好相继更换的牙箍的制作方法,这样他的牙齿才会以恰当的方式长回去。

    He had to research orthodontic procedures and plot the route of his successive braces , so his teeth would move in the right way .

  19. 咬合托一种可移动牙科器具,由金属丝和塑料制成,戴于腭上,作为牙齿矫正或修复的诊断或治疗辅助器。

    A removable dental appliance , fabricated of wire and plastic , that is worn in the palate and used as a diagnostic or therapeutic aid in orthodontics or prosthodontics .

  20. 在牙齿矫正中,传统的金属矫正不仅具有易磨损口腔、难清洁、不易摘取、影响美观等缺点,而且很难预测矫正效果。

    Traditional metal orthodontics not only has disadvantages such as abrading nonnasality , cleansing and taking off difficulty as well as influencing appearance , but also hardly forecast orthodontic effect in the process of orthodontics .

  21. 赛迪:在那个情况下,因为我以前是住在一个小镇,我从事的是基本的牙科工作,但也干牙周病医师,口腔外科医生的活,有需要时还是牙齿矫正医师。

    Sadie : In that case , since I live in a small town , I do basic dental work , but also act as a periodontist , oral surgeon , and orthodontist when the need arises .

  22. 开发具有过程模拟与结果预测的虚拟牙齿矫正系统,可以预先计划每个阶段牙齿移动的先后次序、位置、幅度及力度,因此具有重要的实际应用价值。

    Developing virtual orthodontic system which have process simulation and effect forecast can preplan order , position , range , and force of each stage in tooth movement , accordingly it is have important value in practice use .

  23. 本文在对国内外现有的变形技术理论做了广泛深入研究的基础上,提出了采用改进的自由变形技术来模拟医学外科口腔正畸学中牙齿矫正过程,并达到了一定的实时模拟效果。

    In the paper , based on comprehensively researching deformation technology theories , we propose to adopt an improved free-form deformation technique to simulate the deformation of the gum in virtual orthodontics system , and get real-time simulation effect .

  24. 按照去年的家庭协议(我得承认,这协议并不是在一片祥和的气氛中签订的),我丈夫负责女儿牙齿矫正术的事项。

    As a consequence of certain marital negotiations last year ( not conducted in the most happiness-boosting way , I must confess ) , my husband took on the job of dealing with my daughter 's adventure in orthodontia .

  25. 小艾丽出生时脸部下半端骨头发育不良,比正常情况下小很多。尽管她知道自己需要牙齿矫正,但是她却不知道正是由于先天性面部问题导致她的牙齿畸形。

    She was born with a condition that meant the bones in her lower face did not develop properly and were smaller than they should have been . But although she knew she needed dental work , Ellie had no idea that it was a congenital facial condition that had caused her teeth alignment problems .

  26. 我想我的牙齿该矫正了。

    I guess my teeth finally decided to cooperate .

  27. 目前牙齿的矫正机理就是采用机械力或肌力刺激牙槽骨,激活成骨细胞和破骨细胞活性,使正畸牙齿产生有效移动,从而达到校正目的。

    In the current , the mechanism of orthopedic is to stimulate the alveolar bone , activating the osteoblast cells and osteoclast cells , make effective movement of orthodontic tooth and so that achieve the orthopedic purpose .

  28. 小女孩牙齿上戴着矫正器。

    The little girl had braces on her teeth .

  29. 这种做法,应用一个简单而有效的模型系统的正畸牙齿挪动,剖析矫正用具的假定根底上的平衡静态束系统。

    This approach , utilizing a simple but effective model system for orthodontic tooth movement , analyzes orthodontic appliances based on the assumptions of equilibrium in static beam systems .

  30. 牙齿排列在虚拟牙齿矫正系统中占有十分重要的地位。

    Teeth arrangement is very important in virtual orthodontics treatment system .