
  • 网络Periodontal Pocket
  1. 前列腺素E2值随牙周袋深度加深而升高,尤其袋深超过6mm以上者前列腺素E2水平升高更为明显,且有统计学意义。

    The PGE2 levels increased with the depth of the periodontal pocket , particularly when the depth exceed over 6 mm .

  2. 结论:细胞外弹性蛋白酶浓度较IL-8浓度更能够反映牙周袋内的炎症程度。

    Conclusion : The concentration of EA-sis more accurate than the concentration of IL-8 for indicating the inflammation of periodontal pocket .

  3. 龈沟液中前列腺素E2和牙周袋深度关系的探讨

    Prostaglandin E_2 Levels in Gingival Crevicular Fluid and Its Relation to the Depth of Periodontal Pocket in Patients with Periodontitis

  4. 牙周袋明显变浅(P<0.001)牙龈指数和菌斑指数的下降虽多于对照组,但差异不显著(P>0.05)。

    Decrease of gingival index and dental plague index is more than that of the control group Although the difference is not significant ( P > 0.05 ) .

  5. 记录牙周炎患者的牙龈出血指数(GBI)、牙周袋深度(PD)和附着丧失量(AL)。

    Data of gingival bleeding index ( GBI ), pocket depth ( PD ) and attachment level ( AL ) were recorded .

  6. 目的:探讨高压氧(HBO)对不同牙周袋深度(PD)的牙周炎患者牙周各临床指标和袋内厌氧菌的作用,为HBO的临床应用提供依据。

    AIM : To study the effect of HBO on periodontal indices and subgingival anaerobes in pocket bottom of human periodontitis with different pocket depth to provide evidence for HBO to use in clinic .

  7. 结论pS值可以特异性地反映牙周袋内硫化物的水平,可作为牙周疗效判断的客观指标,反映和监测维护期的牙周组织炎症状况。

    Conclusions pS reflects the sulfide levels in pockets with site specificity and may be considered as objective parameter to evaluate the treatment effect , and to indicate the early inflammation in periodontal tissue during the maintenance period .

  8. 临床观察牙周炎患者96例,结果显示,牙龈炎指数(GI)、龈沟出血指数(SBI)、牙周袋深度(PPD)明显下降,临床疗效满意。

    Ninety six cases with dentoalveolitis were treated with the film , the results showed that the gingivitis index , sulcus gingival bleeding index and peri - odontal pocket depth were markedly decreased , with a fairly curative effects .

  9. 方法选择成人牙周炎患者11例,每例患者口内至少有两个部位真性牙周袋≥4mm,共统计33颗牙,198个牙位点。

    Methods 11 adult patients with periodontitis were selected and each of them had two or more sites with probing depth ≥ 4mm , total 33 teeth ( 198 points ) were included in this study .

  10. 临床附着丧失≥5mm的患牙龈下菌斑标本中Td的检出率高于临床附着丧失<5mm标本(P<0.05),不同牙周袋深度及牙龈指数标本的Td检出率之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

    PCR positive rates in the subgingival plaque samples with clinical attachment loss > 5mm were statistically higher than those of < 5mm samples ( P < 0.05 ) . There was no significant relationship between PCR positive rates and different periodontal pocket and gingival index .

  11. 高效液相色谱法对牙周袋内四环素药物浓度的测定

    Detection of Tetracycline in Periodontal Pocket with High Performance Liquid Chromatograph

  12. 牙周炎患者牙周袋内硫化物水平与牙龈卟啉单胞菌的关系

    The relationship between the sulfide level and P.gingivalis in periodontal pockets

  13. 高压氧对动物牙周袋底菌斑和厌氧菌的影响

    Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen on Subgingival Plaque of Experimental Periodontitis in Animals

  14. 传感技术在牙周袋测量仪研制中的应用

    The Application of Sensorial Technique in the Research and Manufacture of the Periodontal-pocket-meter

  15. 脉冲Nd:YAG激光对牙周袋壁作用的研究

    The effect of a pulsed Nd : YAG laser on periodontol pocket walls

  16. 深牙周袋,平均区段数0.10±0.08,检出率6.84%。

    Deep periodontal pocket average zones were 0.10 ± 0.08 , incidence 6.84 % .

  17. 盐酸米诺环素软膏牙周袋内药物释放特征的体内研究

    In vivo study of 2 % minocycline-HCl ointment release profile in gingival crevicular fluid

  18. 半导体激光牙周袋内壁刮治术的临床研究

    Gingival Curettage with Diode Laser : Clinical Study

  19. 牙周袋深度对高压氧治疗老年人牙周炎疗效的影响

    Influence of Pocket Depth on the Therapeutic Effect of HBO in Aged Patients with Periodontitis

  20. 慢性牙周炎患者牙周袋内硫化物水平与厌氧细菌分布的相关性研究

    The relationship between sulfide level and distribution of anaerobe in periodontal pockets of chronic periodontitis patients

  21. 老年卧床肺感染病人牙周袋需氧致病菌的分离和研究

    Aerobe in the subgingival plaque of aged sick with lung infection in bed for a long time

  22. 方法:采用随机单盲法抽取用药组与对照组38例。用药组将盐酸米诺四环素软膏置于牙周袋内作为局部药物治疗;

    Methods : Thirty-eight subjects were collected and divided into two groups with a randomized single blind method .

  23. 牙槽骨吸收和牙周袋形成是牙周病的最主要症状。

    Alveolar bone resorption and formation of periodontal pocket are considered to be cardinal of the periodontal disease .

  24. 冻干交联胶原膜制备和特性分析Ⅱ.小鼠皮下和人牙周袋内植入观察

    Preparation and analysis of properties of freeze-dried cross-linked collagen membrane ⅱ . Observation of implantation in rat and human

  25. 盐酸米诺环素对牙周袋内硫化物水平的影响

    The effect of local administration of minocycline gel on sulfide level in periodontal pockets after scaling and root planing

  26. 方法采用明胶海绵为载体,将替硝唑置于炎症期牙周袋内,观察其对牙周炎与冠周炎疗效。

    Methods With gelfoam as the carrier , tinidazole was put into periodontal pockets to treat periodontitis and pericoronitis .

  27. 方法:对牙髓腔、牙周袋内的细菌进行需氧,厌氧培养,并用自动微生物鉴定系统对其进行分类鉴定。

    Methods : The bacteria was cultured aerobically and anaerobically and identified by auto-microbial identification system ( AME ) .

  28. 椅旁龈沟液硫化物浓度变化可间接反映对牙周袋内细菌的杀灭、抑制作用。

    The changes of sulfides levels of chairside inspection may indirectly reflect the bactericidal and inhibition action in the periodontal pocket .

  29. 目的比较局部应用25%甲硝唑牙科用凝胶剂(依俐周)辅助龈下刮治与单纯龈下刮治,治疗深牙周袋的疗效。

    Objective To compare the topical application of a metronidazole 25 % dental gel after subgingival scaling with subgingival scaling alone .

  30. 目的评价牙周袋内局部使用盐酸米诺环素软膏治疗人工冠和固定义齿引起的牙周炎的临床效果。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical effects of minocycline ointment ( Perioline ) supplementary treatment on periodontitis resulted from fixed partial dentures .