
  • 网络School of Continuing Education;Continuing Education;college of further education;Continuing Studies
  1. Q:我注意到你在纽约大学继续教育学院教授夜班。

    Q : I noticed that you teach a night class at NYU 's School of Continuing Education .

  2. 系统已经用于清华大学继续教育学院和东南大学远程教育学院,开设500多门课程,支持3万人以上用户在线使用,平均单条信息查询时间在10ms以内。

    The system is being used in the School of Continuing Education of Tsinghua University and the Southeast University Distance Education College . The system supports over 500 online curriculums and over 30 000 online learners . The average data query time is less than 10 ms.

  3. 大多数继续教育学院都提供高等程度考试课程。

    Most further-education colleges offer A-level courses .

  4. 具有鲜明特色的澳大利亚职业技术和继续教育学院(TAFE)与大学之间的学分转换体制是无缝对接机制的有效实现方式。

    The credit transfer system between TAFE and universities in Australia may serve as an effective way to achieve seamless articulation .

  5. 但英国还有很多正规的语言学校。根据语言中心联盟EnglishUK委托撰写的研究报告,英国有超过550所经过认证和检验的英语语言教学中心,包括私立和公立学校、继续教育学院、大学和夏令营。

    But there are plenty of decent ones . According to a report commissioned by English UK , the language centres association , there are more than 550 accredited and inspected English language teaching centres in the UK , including private and state schools , further education colleges , universities and summer camps .

  6. 湖南师范大学继续教育学院;

    College of Continuing Education , Hunan Normal University ; 2 .

  7. 燕山大学继续教育学院教学管理一席谈

    About Teaching Administration in Continuous Education College of Yanshan University

  8. 继续教育学院排课算法的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Course Arrangement Algorithms for College of Continuing Education

  9. 单位:北京联合大学继续教育学院,昆明医学院人体解剖学教研室。

    SETTING : Continuing Education College of Beijing Union University ;

  10. 从同济大学继续教育学院谈风景园林的继续教育问题

    Viewing Landscape Architecture Continuing Teaching from Continuing Education College of Tongji University

  11. 略论继续教育学院学习型党组织的创建

    Establishment of Learning Organizations of the Communist Party of China in Continual Education Institutes

  12. 这意味着许多大学录取名额转移到了学费低廉的继续教育学院。

    It means large numbers of places are being shifted towards cheap further education colleges .

  13. 安徽中澳科技继续教育学院

    Anhui China-Australia Technology & Further Education College

  14. 上海交通大学继续教育学院:杨海兴院长和刘路喜副院长;

    Dean Yang Haixing and Vice Dean Liu luxi , representing Shanghai Jiao Tong university ;

  15. 每一个教学点都有自己的相对独立的子系统,同时又与教学中心即山东大学继续教育学院保持紧密联系,受之领导。

    Every teaching point has a relatively sub-system and keep close connection with School of Continuing Education .

  16. 在英国,你可从大学或为数众多的继续教育学院获得学位。

    In Britain you can get a degress at university or in some of them many degrees colleage of further education .

  17. 除此之外,57所私人继续教育学院同样也收入不合格学生而被吊销了许可证。

    In addition , 57 private further education colleges had also had their licences for admitting foreign students suspended , Mr Brokenshire said .

  18. 现在,我就要从清华大学继续教育学院远程计算机工程专业毕业,获得学士学位。

    Now I 'm the School of Continuing Education at Qinghua University with a Bachelor 's Degree in Computer Engineering by distance learning .

  19. 施米特莱因表示,甚至还有来自与商学院关系更近的机构的竞争——大学的继续教育学院、法学院、医学院和工程学院。

    There is even competition from closer to home - from universities " continuing education divisions , law schools , medical schools and engineering schools , says Prof Schmittlein .

  20. 最后通过深圳市职工继续教育学院在农民工继续教育工作的探索及成功实践,验证上述继续教育模式的可行性。

    At last this article verifies the feasibility of the continuing education model through the rural workers continuing education and successful practices in Shenzhen city employee institute of continuing education .

  21. 时间过的真快,一转眼我在中央美术学院继续教育学院学习已经一年多了。

    Time off really fast , a blink of an eye I 'm at the Central Academy of Fine Arts College of Continuing Education to learn more than a year .

  22. 两北师大继续教育学院远程教学平台主要由四个系统组成:网络教学系统、网络教学管理系统、教学资源管理系统和网络课程开发工具。

    This platform mainly consists of four systems : the net teaching system , the net teaching management system , the teaching resource management system and the network course development tool .

  23. 继续教育学院是负责学校成人学历教育和教师培训兼及社会培训的管理型学院。

    Continuing Education College ( CEC ) is mandated by ECNU to be responsible for adult schooling at the tertiary level , in-service training of teachers and general training of the public .

  24. 去年十月份,清华大学的下属院校&清华继续教育学院在河南这个经济欠发达的省份设立了分校,叫清华大学河南IT软件人才培训中心。

    Last October , Tsing Hua university 's sub-college , Tsing Hua continue education school set its new sector named IT talents training center ( ITTTC ) in Henan , a less-developed province .

  25. 他17岁离开学校,从巴塞尔本地银行股市部门的低层干起,8年之后才从当地一所继续教育学院获得了一个文凭。

    He left school at 17 and took up lowly positions in the stock market departments of Basle banks , before gaining an academic qualification eight years later at a local further education institute .

  26. 高校研究院管理体制的讨论&剖析同济大学科学技术研究院从同济大学继续教育学院谈风景园林的继续教育问题

    Discussion on Management System of Research Institutes in High Institutions A Case Study on S T Research Institute in Tong Ji University ; Viewing Landscape Architecture Continuing Teaching from Continuing Education College of Tongji University

  27. 本系统以全国独一无二体制的新疆生产建设兵团为背景,从兵团的人才需求特点分析和非学历教育特点分析研制兵团广播电视大学继续教育学院教育教学信息系统。

    This system based on Xinjiang Construction Corps as the background , the corps personnel demand characteristic analysis and non-academic education characteristic analysis Continue education institute of TVUs in Xinjiang Construction Corps education teaching continued the information system .

  28. 设有研究生院和继续教育学院学校拥有19个国家级重点学科,14个部级重点学科一;10个博士后流动站;2个国家级重点实验室,18个部级重点实验室;4个国家级研究中心,9个部级研究中心。

    CAU is now has 19 state key disciplines , 14 ministry key disciplines , 10 post doctorate stations . 2 state key laboratories , 18 ministry key laboratories , 4 state research centers and 9 ministry research centers .

  29. 另一方面,教师教育培养机构加大了对在职培训的重视,像是大学、继续教育学院、远程教育学院、社会团体等都参与到教师教育的在职培训工作中来。

    On the other hand , teacher education and training institutions to increase emphasis on job training , such as the University Continuing Education , Distance Education , social groups are all involved in teacher education in-service training in the past .

  30. 另有专业学位教育研究生5386人,外国留学生255人,独立__二级学院(城市学院)学生6327,继续教育学院学生12646人,研究生进修班学生1700人。

    What is more . there are also 5 386 postgraduates for discipline degrees , 25 ' overseas students , 6 327 students of the City College , 12 646 students of Continual Education College and 1 700 students who are making advanced study for graduates .