
  • 网络Relay coil;FJDQJA
  1. 因此,正确设计基本的时间顺序循环控制程序应注意I/O点、辅助点继电器线圈及TIM动作原理和动作条件;

    Therefore , proper program design of sequence and cycle control should notice as follows : make I / O point 、 coil of relay of auxiliary point and act principle and act condition of TIM definite ;

  2. 在PLC编程实践中,受双线圈输出概念的启发,观察到程序中应用双线圈操作(同一等效继电器线圈被两次或两次以上编程)的现象非常普遍;

    In the PLC programming practice with " double coil output " inspiration , it is observed that the phenomenon to the procedure in applies " double coil operation "( identical equivalent relay coil was programmed by two or above two ) to be extremely common ;

  3. 双线圈继电器线圈互感效应导致的可靠性问题案例研究

    Case study of reliability induced by coil mutual inductance effect of the double-coil relay

  4. 对某微型继电器线圈开路的失效分析

    Analysis of Coil Open of a Relay

  5. 检测的项目包括继电器线圈电阻、触点接触电阻、耐压与绝缘、动作参数、时间参数以及二次吸合电压等工位。

    The check menus have resistance of windings , contact resistance of contactor , insulation , operate parameters , time parameters etc.

  6. 其中电机启动触点连接数字输入模块,电机继电器线圈和电磁阀线圈连接数字输出模块,液位计和流量计连接模拟量输入模块。

    Electric machine contact points are link to DI module . The coils of electric machine relay and electromagnetic valve are link to DO module . Level gauges and flowmeters are link to AI module .

  7. 以某继电器的线圈架为例,介绍一种点式浇口在两板注射模上的应用。

    Taking the bobbin of certain relay as an example , introduce an application of the point-gate on the two-plate injection mold .

  8. 适宜在交流接触器、磁力起动器、交流继电器等用线圈的电器产品上应用。

    The pulse micro-current coil is suitable for electric products which use coils such as AC contactors , magnetic starters , AC relays , etc.

  9. 本文对固体继电器与传统线圈继电器进行了比较,提出了一种固体继电器应用电路,并给出了试验数据。

    A comparison of Solid State Relay ( SSR ) and traditional relay is made , and a application circuit of SSR is presented with testing data .

  10. 微电磁继电器的平面励磁线圈电阻约20Ω,外加5V电压时,微电磁继电器可实现吸合动作。吸合后,微电磁继电器的导通电阻为14.5Ω,继电器的响应时间为1ms。

    Experimental result shows that when the micro electromagnetic relay in the resistance of the excitation coil of 20 Ω works at 5 V , its contact resistance is 14.5 Ω and respond time is about 1 ms under the electromagnetic actuation .

  11. 打开系统继电器输出泵继电器线圈电路

    Open system relay output circuit to the pump relay coil

  12. 介绍中间继电器和信号继电器电流线圈的计算,着重分析信号继电器所需满足的条件和在不同情况下的选型。

    Calculation of current coil is discussed to middle relay and signal relay , lay stress on signal relay that contents condition and selects a type in different circumstances .

  13. 在交流控制回路中应少采用小型高阻抗中间继电器,当采用小型高阻抗中间继电器时,应注意对继电器线圈电源回路的屏蔽或隔离。

    The application of small type interposing relay with high reactance in AC control circuits should be avoided , otherwise the power circuit of relay coil should be shielded or isolated .

  14. 分析电磁继电器电磁机构的动态过程,将小波变换作为一种新型的时频域分析工具引入到继电器线圈电流波形的信号检测中,分析继电器触动时间。

    Wavelet transform method is introduced as a new signal-processing tool in the coil current signal analysis to obtain the armature actuation time .