
  1. 尽管如此,现金流巨轮继续转动。

    And still , the cash juggernaut rolls on .

  2. 还有风车翼的叽嘎声,以及磨坊主人的叫喊声。风车翼虽仍继续转动,但石磨却没东西可磨。

    The sails had kept turning , but the millstones had nothing to grind .

  3. 我们继续转动旋钮。

    We keep turning the dial .

  4. 肩膀继续转动。

    The shoulders continue to roll .

  5. 继续转动中风从他的腿并允许武器使比赛节奏,无论得到发展。

    Continue to drive the stroke from the legs and allow the arms to match whatever rhythm that develops .

  6. 机器转动着,转动着,还要继续转动,永远转动。机器停止就意味着死亡。

    The machine turns , turns and must keep on turning-for ever . It is death if it stands still .

  7. 我们在1:03秒位置回到击球点,观察他在正手随挥的同时也继续转动上身。

    We go back to contact at1:03 in the video and watch how Frank also continues to rotate his upper body during his forehand follow through .

  8. 所以车轮不可能继续转动,由于我给了它一个力,它就只会转动。

    So it is not possible for the wheel to keep rotating , and as a result of this torque that I give it , that it simply goes around .

  9. 地球还在继续转动,最令世界担忧的还是欧元区和美国财政悬崖问题,但如今是时候把注意力转向另外一件事了,那就是:人口,以及人口的统计特征。

    As the world continues to turn , and worries about the eurozone and the fiscal cliff dominate , it is time to take notice of something else : people , and their statistical characteristics .

  10. 可是他的风车翼仍像往昔一样继续在转动着。

    And yet the sails of his windmill kept turning as in the old days .

  11. 仍有一座风车磨坊一直与那些蒸汽驱动的面粉厂相抗衡,继续地转动扇叶。

    One windmill held out against the steam-driven flour mills and kept on turning its sails .

  12. 然后轻轻将镜头的调焦筒拉出,镜筒就可以继续向左转动以获得更近的对焦距离。

    THEN pull the focusing barrel out slightly , and the lens barrel can be swung over farther to the left , to get into the close focusing range .

  13. 继续工作来回转动一针,包装,在以前的包装对各个末端。

    Continue to work back and forth , wrapping and turning one stitch before the previous wrap on each end .

  14. 回到火旁,在鸡上抹黄油,继续烤,并转动着手里的铁焊。表情快乐。

    Then she went and placed the chickens over the fire again , basted them with butter .