
  1. 单兵无人车作为未来作战系统(FCS)的重要组成部分,是未来兵器技术发展的一个方向,对其研究有着重要的意义。

    Individual Unmanned Vehicle is an important component of the Future Combat System ( FCS ) and an important development direction of weapons technology . So researching in this field has an important significance .

  2. 针对弹丸发射过程中流场拓扑结构的变化,对OUG方法进行了改进,并且有针对性地提出了高效的并行算法,可以有效地应用到航空、航天和兵器技术等领域的相关研究中。

    To simulate the changes of flow field topological structure , the OUG method is improved and a parallel algorithm is proposed for the OUG method . The parallel OUG method can be used in the studies of aeronautic , astronautic and weapon technology .

  3. 略论推进系统在制导兵器技术发展中的若干贡献

    On contributions of propulsion system to development of guided ordnance Technology

  4. 随着现代兵器技术的快速发展,大型水面舰船在现代战争中发挥着日益重要的作用。

    With the rapid development of the modern weapons technology , the large surface ship that plays in modern wars is becoming more and more important .

  5. 基于SOI材料的兵器微电子技术应用分析

    Application research of micro - electron technology for ordnance equipment based on SOI material

  6. 介绍了SOI材料结构技术用于微电子器件的优势、SOI结构及基于SOI结构材料的兵器微电子技术应用,展望了SOI技术的发展前景。

    In this paper , the superiorities of semiconductor device based on SOI , SOI structure , and micro - electron technology based on SOI material are introduced , and prospects for SOI technology are forecasted .

  7. 国外兵器遥测技术的发展现状及国内兵器遥测技术发展的需求

    The Development of the Telemetering Technology for Ordnance at Home and Abroad

  8. 文章就如何讲好《兵器测试技术》课程以适应21世纪高素质人才培养要求,探讨了互动式的教学方法。

    The paper discusses the interactive teaching in Ordnance Test & Measurement .

  9. 兵器工业技术装备更新改造问题浅议

    Elementary Exploration on the Renewal and Transformation of Technical Equipment of the Ordnance Industry

  10. 利用高新兵器测试技术改造常规武器装备

    Remodel conventional weaponry by high-techs in ordnance measurement

  11. 《兵器测试技术》课程的互动式教学法探讨

    Interactive Teaching in Ordnance Test & Measurement

  12. 近年来数字式高速相机的研制成功为兵器测试技术提供了一种得力的工具,其技术性能,已逐步取代了胶片式相机在试验中的运用。

    In recent years , the appearance of high speed digital camera has provided a right hand tool for weapon Testing technology .

  13. 可以说,先进的兵器铸造技术已经成为当时各国优先发展的高科技,对当时的社会发展具有重要的影响。

    The advanced technology of casting weapon already became high tech which the various countries gave priority to development at that time .

  14. 随着兵器及其控制技术的进步,相关GJ标准渐渐反映出不适应之处,需要深入研究,探讨出更适应系统性能需要的新的理论及其相应的数据处理方法。

    With advances in weapons and their control technology , GJ standards gradually drop behind , it requires in-depth study to explore new theories and data processing methods to more adapt to the needs of system performance .

  15. 早期的武术为后来军事的形成提供了原始兵器、格斗技术和人员的物质基础。

    Wushu in its early period provided the material fundations for the military groups which appeared later , such as the primitive weapons , fighting skills and the warriors .

  16. 对雷达超低空侦察技术、被动声纳超低空预警技术、地面防空兵器数字化火控技术3个方面的发展前景进行了详细论述。

    This paper gives a detailed discussion on the development prospect of radar reconnaissance technology at zero feet , passive sonar early warning technology at low altitude and air defense weapons digitizer fire control technology .

  17. 阵法的发展是一个渐进的过程,它与时代发展和战争水平的发展相同步,并与兵器和军事技术的发展相适应。

    The development of the tactical deployment of troops is a progressive course , it keeps pace with the era development and the war level , and is in conformity with the development of the weapon and military technology .

  18. 精确制导兵器光轴调校技术研究

    The Study on Technology of Optical Axle Adjustment and Calibration for Precise Guidance Weapons

  19. 本文在分析了高聚物的力学性能和力学模型的基础上,主要研究工程塑料、特种防护橡胶和高强有机纤维增强聚合物基复合材料在兵器中的应用技术及相关理论。

    In this dissertation , the mechanical and physical performances of the high polymers are analyzed , and the application technology and related theories in the weapon of engineering plastics , the special kind of protection rubber , high and strong organism fiber reinforced resin matrix composites are researched .

  20. 膛内异常现象探测技术是备受国内外兵器界关注的一项兵器实验测试技术,也是进行膛炸事故调查的一种重要实验测试手段。

    In-bore abnormal phenomenon test and measurement is not only a significant ordnance test technique , but also an important method for the investigation of bore premature .

  21. 摘要制导兵器向信息化方向发展,对制导兵器试验与鉴定技术提出了新的要求。

    The developments of guided weapons towards informational weapons have brought the new needs for the test and evaluation technology of guided weapons .

  22. 近年来,智能化水中兵器获得快速发展,由于水下环境的特殊性,惯性导航和姿态控制,以及基于水声探测的信息系统成为智能化水中兵器的核心关键技术。

    In recent years , intellectualized underwater weapons are developing rapidly . Due to the particularity of underwater environment , inertial navigation , attitude control and acoustic detection have become key technologies of underwater weapons .