
  • 网络Soldiers
  1. 那又怎样,阿兵哥都会赌。

    So what ? Soldiers do that .

  2. 年仅16她便与阿兵哥结婚,好从孤儿院脱身。

    At the young age of16 , she married a soldier to free herself from the orphanage .

  3. 你听着,阿兵哥,我们这里出问题了。

    Look , private , we 've got a problem here .

  4. 你离家好远,阿兵哥。

    You 're a long way from home , private .

  5. 在传统战争影片中,敌人都是无名无姓的。给敌人赋予人性的光彩会令“咱们的阿兵哥”和观众怀疑道义的存在。

    Opponents with humanity would rob " our boys " and the audience of moral certitude [ 2 ] .

  6. 一开始,他发推说,“我要向菲律兵小姐和哥论比亚小姐郑重道歉。那着实是个无心之过,但我深感后悔。”

    He tweeted , " I want to apologize emphatically to Miss Philippians and Miss Columbia . This was a terribly honest human mistake and I am so regretful . "