
  • 网络Canteen management
  1. 基于J2EE高校食堂管理系统的研究开发设计及利用

    The Design and Application of University Canteen Management System Based on J2EE

  2. ◇本订餐系统适合于学校、企事业单位等没有特殊需求的食堂管理◇一人、一卡、一户、一库,帐户公共数据集中管理、全局共享;

    The ordering system is suitable for schools , enterprises and other special needs not one canteen management ◇, one card , one , one bank , the account management of public data sets , global share ;

  3. 基于B/S模式下的高校食堂管理系统设计

    Design of University 's Refectory Management Based on B / S

  4. 方法:采用文献检索、事故分析、现场调查和Delphi等研究方法,通过对野外施工食源性疾病危害分析、建立关键控制点,形成野外施工食堂管理HACCP管理规范,并组织实施。

    Methods : Literature retrieval , accident analysis , field investigation and Delphi research methods were used to form hazard analysis , CCP and HACCP management specification in field work site .

  5. 心理健康教育在部队食堂管理中的作用和方法分析

    Function and Methodology of Mental Health Education in Managing Canteen of Armed Forces

  6. 对芜湖铁路高级技校食堂管理模式的探讨

    Study on management mode of dining room in Wuhu Railway Higher Technique School

  7. 本文论述了高校食堂管理改革研究的历史、现状及研究意义。

    This thesis discussed the history , current situation , and research of college dining service management .

  8. 系统解决的问题涵盖了当前食堂管理过程中全部的业务,做到配置灵活、使用方便。

    The system is overall flexible and convenient to use in that it helps to solve problems involving all the procedures of the current catering management .

  9. 由于无需考虑学生的日常生活,日制学校可以将重点放在教学上而不是放在像宿舍和食堂管理这些方面。

    126 . Since it is unnecessary to consider student 's routine life , day school can lay stress on teaching instead of other aspects , such as management of dormitory and cafeteria .

  10. HACCP体系在企业职工食堂卫生管理中的应用

    Application of HACCP System for Sanitation Management in Enterprises Canteens

  11. 将HACCP这一世界公认的食品安全控制系统引入野外施工食堂卫生管理当中。

    The research aims to introduce the international HACCP system to management of canteen in field work site .

  12. 结论HACCP系统对于提高学校食堂卫生管理水平、预防集体食物中毒及食源性疾患发生有较好的作用。

    Conclusions The application of HACCP system for sanitary supervision of the school eatery was an important means for improving the level of sanitary supervision , preventing collectivity food poisoning and diseases .

  13. IC卡食堂就餐管理系统的多机异步通讯设计

    On the Asynchronous Communication Design of the Dining Management System Employing IC Card

  14. 长春市建筑工地食堂卫生管理现况调查与对策分析

    Investigation on the Management Condition and Health Supervision for the Canteen of Construction Sites in Changchun City

  15. 结果63.6%的学校按要求制定了食堂卫生管理制度,仅2所学校有学校营养午餐配餐制度。

    Results Most schools ( 63.6 % ) had food hygiene regulations , and only a few schools had school nutrition lunch regulations .

  16. 目的研究危害分析与关键控制点预防控制系统[1-2]在学校食堂卫生管理中的应用效果,为学校食堂卫生管理运用此方法提供依据。

    Objective To study effect of HACCP ( Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point ) on sanitation management of school eateries and provide basis for sanitation management of school eateries .

  17. 食堂智能卡管理系统

    Management System of Smart-Card for the Canteen

  18. IC卡食堂售餐管理系统高精度酒精定量发售自控系统的研究与设计

    The Study and Design of the Automatic Control System for High Precise Quantitative Selling of Alcohol

  19. 我们选派两名教师代表参与食堂监督和管理,师生生活明显改善。

    Two teachers oversee the food preparation of the canteen everyday to ensure the meals of both the teachers and students .

  20. 结果经过1年多的卫生整治,学校食堂的卫生管理、硬件设施、卫生设备、卫生状况大有改观。

    Results with one more years health punishment , the health management , health hardware , health equipment and health condition in these school dinning-rooms had been improved greatly .

  21. 为掌握市场经济形势下济南市的学生食堂食品卫生管理状况,随机抽取70所学校食堂(大学30所、中学30所、培训学校10所)进行调查。

    In order to keep abreast of the food hygienic condition of school mess halls in Jinan , 70 mess halls ( university 30 , middle school 30 , training school 10 ) were randomly selected for investigation .

  22. 目的在学校食堂应用HACCP管理系统,保证食品质量安全,预防食物中毒发生。

    Objective By using of HACCP in refectory , to ensure the food safety and prevent food poisoning .

  23. 谈高职院校食堂饮食安全的管理工作

    On the food safety supervision of dining-halls at higher vocational colleges

  24. 食堂信用卡微机管理系统

    A Credit Card Microcomputer Managing System for Restaurants

  25. 生活小百科网:后勤管理:负责公司食堂及宿舍的管理;

    Logistics Management : Responsible for the management of canteens and dormitories of the company ;

  26. 探讨学校食堂食品卫生量化等级管理模式,为加强学校食堂食品卫生管理提供依据。

    To explore the model of magnitude classificatory management on food sanitation of school refectories .

  27. 经过HACCP体系在石河子高中学区食堂半年的运行,该食堂的管理层及加工操作人员的食品卫生安全意识明显增强;都能够遵守HACCP体系制定的标准操作规范,在操作过程更加精确。

    After half a year of HACCP implementation , the canteen operator and management have enhanced food hygiene and safety awareness and can comply with the standards operating specifications , the operating process more precise .

  28. 结果82.10%的学校建立了食堂卫生组织领导机构和食堂卫生管理制度;

    Results Both health administrative organization and hygiene system were established in 82.10 % school dininghalls ;

  29. 结论:学校食堂存在严重的卫生问题,是食源性疾病的重大隐患,学校领导应加强食堂的卫生管理,卫生部门应加大监督执法力度。

    Conclusions : Poor hygienic conditions of the dinning halls might result in food - borne diseases , schools should improve the hygienic conditions of the dinning halls , and health administration departments should strengthen sanitary supervision .