
  • 网络chlorthion;Chlorothion;phosnichlor
  1. 工作场所空气中三氯硫磷卫生标准的研究

    Study on the Health Standard for Thiophosphoryl Chloride in the Air of Workplace

  2. [目的]研究工作场所空气中三氯硫磷卫生标准。

    To establish national health standard for thiophosphoryl chloride in the air of workplace .

  3. 双香豆素与三氯硫磷的关环反应

    The Cyclic Reaction of Dicoumarin with Thiophosphoryl Chloride

  4. 在半连续、不搅拌及优化工艺条件下,所得三氯硫磷纯度为96.2%,收率为98.8%。

    Under the no stirrer , semi-continous operation and optimum conditions , the purity of phosphorus sulfochloride is 96.2 % and the yield is 98.8 % .

  5. 其中氯菊酯和倍硫磷、马拉硫磷、敌百虫、氧化乐果,可使DPH探剂与线粒体膜结合后的荧光相对强度增加;

    The presence of Permethrin or Fenthion , Malathion , Trichlorfon and Omethoate increased the fluorescence intensity of DPH in the mitochondrial membrane .