
  • 网络second-hand ship
  1. 验船是买家获得了拟购买的二手船的基本资料,认为该船比较接近自己的需求时作出的关键决定。

    The purchaser will decide to survey on board the second-hand ship when he obtains some elemental materials and thinks the said ship relatively meets his requirement .

  2. 买家也可以自费从二手船入级的船级社购买一套该船的检验报告等。

    In addition , the purchaser can buy one survey report of the second-hand ship from ship classification society the said ship applies at his own expense .

  3. 二手船购置价格的确定

    Determination of Purchasing Price for Second Hand Ship

  4. 从短期来看,二手船价格也会对新造船价格产生重大的影响。

    In the short run , the price of secondhand ship has important effect on newbuilding price .

  5. 二手船融资趋向

    Methods of financing secondhand ships

  6. 无论是订造新船还是购买二手船,船舶融资都是所需资金的主要来源。

    Shipping finance is the main resource for purchasing vessels , both new buildings and second-hand acquisitions .

  7. 结论检验检疫机关对于入境二手船应加强卫生监督和卫生处理工作。

    Conclusion The quarantine authorities should strengthen the sanitary supervision and disposal to the secondhand cargo-ships from abroad .

  8. 因此,下面主要叙述买家获得二手船船况的一手资料过程中需要注意的事项。

    So , what will be stated as bellow is some issues the purchaser should pay attention to when obtaining first-hand materials of the said ship conditions .

  9. 发现海岬型船租金对于新造船价没有显著影响力,且五年二手船价在短期受租金影响冲击较大,长期还是受到新船船价单向影响;

    The five years second-hand ship price impulse was responded by hire rate at short run , and impulse responded by new-build ship price at long run .

  10. 对影响新造船市场、二手船市场和拆船市场价格的各方面的因素以及这三个市场的定价原理作出了较为全面的分析。

    And it analyzed various aspects which can impact the price of the new boat market , the second-hand boat market and the boat-breaking market and the pricing principle .

  11. 可以马上启航的二手船相比于新船订单一直存在着很高的溢价,但坊间有迹象显示,二手船价格正在下滑。

    Second-hand boats , available to sail immediately , have commanded a steep premium to orders placed for new ones , but anecdotal evidence suggests that prices are tapering off .

  12. 另外,价格作为影响二手船购船决策的重要因素之一始终处于波动之中,通过研究我们发现,这一波动极具规律性。

    In addition , second-hand ship prices as one of the most important impacting factor in purchase decision-making is always fluctuating , by studying we found that this fluctuation is very regular .

  13. 基于二手船购船决策结果对相关企业提出了保障措施与建议,其中包括了购买二手船的基本要求、购买二手船的时机选择等内容,为相关企业的购船决策提供了有效参考。

    Associated shipping companies safeguard measures and recommendations are proposed based on the results of second-hand ship purchasing decision , which include the basic requirements to purchase second-hand ship , the timing of buying second-hand ship etc.

  14. 收集了超过三十年的二手船价格数据,对价格波动的波幅、波频、周期、梯度进行详细分析,归纳出主要波动特征。

    More than three decades of second-hand ship price data are collected . A detailed analysis of the volatility , wave frequency , period , gradient of price fluctuations has been done to summarize the main fluctuating characters .

  15. 二手船买家获得船况一手资料的通常途径有验船、随船和交船时的坞检或水线以下的检验。

    On one hand , the purchaser can obtain first-hand ship materials by the ways of survey on board , travel following on board and survey in dry-dock or under the water by diver when deliver of the ship .

  16. 最后,由于新造船价格也受资产定价和投机因素的驱动,文章提出了一种可供船舶投资者决策的参考工具,即二手船价格与新造船价格的比率。

    Finally , because newbuilding price is also driven by asset pricing and speculation , this thesis offered a reference tool for the decision of ship investors , that is the ratio of secondhand ship price over newbuilding price .

  17. 然而,航运企业是选择订购新船还是购买二手船,受很多因素影响,甄别这些因素成为解决购船决策问题的首要任务。

    However , it is affected by many factors for shipping companies to choose of ordering new ships , or choose to buy second-hand ships , screening of these factors becomes the top priority task of solving ship acquisition decision-making problem .

  18. 由于海事优先权不因船舶所有权的转让而消灭,也无须登记,这使得二手船买卖无法或很难进行。

    According to the provision that " maritime liens shall not be extinguished by virtue of the transfer of the ownership of the ship and shall not be registered ", it is impossible or difficult to carry out second-hand ships sale and purchase .

  19. 利润率显然承受着压力:巴克莱表示,新造集装箱船舶(中国船厂的特长)的价格在过去一年已下降15%,而二手船买价跌幅三倍于此。

    Margins are clearly under pressure : prices of new container ships ( Chinese yards ' speciality ) have fallen 15 per cent in the past year , says Barclays , while the cost of buying second-hand ships has dropped three times as fast .

  20. 与此同时,文章还介绍了一种研究航运市场变化规律的建模策略,可以作为研究其他市场(运输市场、二手船市场和拆船市场等)的一种参考工具。

    At the same time , this article introduces a modeling strategy for researching on change rule of shipping market , which can be used as a reference tool for researching on other market , such as freight market , secondhand ship market and scrap market .

  21. 谈二手杂货船改装成散货船的实践

    On the practice of alternating the secondhand general cargo ship into bulk carrier