
èr qiú jī dīnɡ èr suān
  • dimercaptosuccinate
  1. 中药肝豆片Ⅰ号与二巯基丁二酸治疗肝豆状核变性疗效的比较

    Comparative Study on Therapeutic Effects of Gandou Tablet ⅰ and Dimercaptosuccinate Acid in Treating Wilson Disease

  2. 雄性SD大鼠腹腔注射乙酸铅水溶液染毒25d后,通过饮水服用二巯基丁二酸(DMSA)10d。

    Male SD rats are treated Pb by ip for 25 d , and then fed DMSA through drinking water for 10 d.

  3. 为证实口服二巯基丁二酸(DMSA)治疗路易氏剂中毒的效价,以狗为实验动物,进行实验治疗研究。

    To confirm the antidotal action of dimercaptosuccinic acid ( DMSA ) against lewisite intoxication , a study on experimental therapy in dogs was carried out .

  4. 小鼠一次灌胃二巯基丁二酸(DMSA)混悬剂的LD(50)为6g/kg,大白鼠为4g/kg。

    After a single intragastric gavage to mice and rats , the LD_ ( 50 ) of 2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid ( DMSA ) were found to be 6 and 4g / kg , respectively .

  5. 目的:制备抗重度路易氏剂中毒静脉注射用的二巯基丁二酸类抗毒药(DMSA)。

    Objective : To prepare antidote of the type of dimercaptosuccinic acid ( DMSA ) for the treatment of animal with heavy lewisite intoxication through intravenous injection .

  6. 目的:观察了解云南绿茶对染铅小鼠的驱铅作用并比较云南绿茶与二巯基丁二酸(DMSA)的驱铅效果。

    Objective : Compared with the Dimercaptosuccinic Acid ( DMSA ), we studied the effect of Yunnan Green Tea ( YGT ) on the excretion of lead in lead-exposed mice .

  7. 口服二巯基丁二酸治疗慢性汞中毒

    Treatment of Chronic Mercury Poisoning through Oral Administration of Dimercaptosuccinic Acid Capsules

  8. 口服二巯基丁二酸的毒性和对铅、铜、锑、锶、铊、钷的促排作用

    Dimercaptosuccinic acid per os promoted the excretions of pb , cu , sb , sr , tl and PM

  9. 出院后予二巯基丁二酸和青霉胺交替服用,并同时服肝豆片和葡萄糖酸锌以维持治疗。

    After discharge , the maintaining therapy given to them was dimercaptosuccinic acid and penicillamine alternatively combined with Gandou tablet and zinc gluconate orally .