
  • 网络second order transition
  1. 之后在第一次转变的基础上又出现了第二次转变,转向了保守的传统道德主义和对外侵略主义。

    The second turn saw the change to the conservative , traditional moralism and jingoism .

  2. 第二次转变:洲际比赛的出现:由游戏到竞技;

    The second change was appearance of intercontinental competitions which shifted volleyball from game to athletics .

  3. 本文试图运用符号学方法对李银河事件简单地进行分析,集中于此事件的符号意义生成和二次转变。

    This article attempts to analyze Li Yinhe event simply by semiotic method , focusing on meaning generation and it 's twice transition .

  4. 在所研究的掺硅浓度范围内发现电阻温度转变曲线有二次转变台阶。

    Double step in the transition curve of resistance versus temperature was observed for the doping concentration from 0.1 wt % Si and 1.0wt % Si .

  5. 对政府职能转变的历史趋势及理论分析表明,我国转变政府职能的改革要实现第二次转变,其突破口是政事分开、管办分离。

    The history and the rule of China government function change leads to the conclusion that the key of the second change of government function is separating public service units from government .

  6. 我国渔业增长方式成功地实现了从捕捞为主向养殖为主的第一次历史性转变,目前正处在第二次转变的高位起点上。

    Our country fishery growth way realized successfully transformed primarily from fishing for to the cultivation first historicity primarily , at present was occupying in the top digit beginning which second time transformed .

  7. 普通迫害文本只有受害者的第一次的转变不幸的转变,然而神话进行了第二次转变幸运的转变,即神圣化的转变。

    In ordinary texts of persecution , there was only the first transformation of the victims - the unfortunate transformation . But in myths , there was a second transformation - a blessed and sanctified transformation .

  8. 20世纪80年代初期,我国的台湾地区完成了第一次人口转变,接着很快步入第二次人口转变阶段。

    In the 1980s , Taiwan has finished the first demographic transition , and then stepped into the stage of second demographic transition with a high speed .

  9. 近年欧洲人口转变出现新的形式和特点,并发展出“欧洲第二次人口转变”理论。

    In the recent decades , population changes in Europe show new trends and features , basing on which the " European Second Demographic transition theory " has been proposed .

  10. 考察伦理学的整个发展历程并适应现实发展的需要,必须全面认识伦理学的二次根本性的转变。

    Thus , after surveying the development of ethics , we must thoroughly comprehend the second fundamental turning point in ethics to adapt it to the needs of current progress .

  11. 第一次临界凝胶化转变发生时的转化率与固化温度有关,而第二次临界凝胶化转变发生时,其转化率几乎固定(约0.54),与固化温度无关。

    It was notable that the curing conversion of the first gelation was dependent on curing temperature , whereas the second gelation ( chemical gelation ) occurred almost at the constant conversion ( about 0.54 ) at different curing temperature .