
lì qīnɡ lù miàn
  • asphalt pavement;bituminous pavement;bitumen
  1. GTM沥青路面平整度影响因素及保证措施

    Influence Factors and Guarantee Measures to the Smoothness of GTM Bituminous Pavement

  2. 针对目前半刚性基层沥青路面的主要破坏形式&车辙,通过结构力学计算,指出沥青材料层的永久变形主要由两部分组成,并据应力应变分布图找出9cm厚沥青层的合理分层;

    In light of the main destructive mode , tracing rut , of semirigid base course bituminous pavement , the author points out that permanent deformation of bituminous layer is composed of two parts through structural mechanics calculation .

  3. SBR复合材料在沥青路面层间结合中的应用研究

    Application of SBR compound materials to the combination of bitumen pavement layers

  4. 本研究结果可为FCC油浆在沥青路面工程中的应用提供依据,具有重要实际意义。

    The research provided valuable demonstration for fluid catalytic cracking slurry application in asphalt pavement construction .

  5. 沥青路面、AC+RCC路面和柔性桥面铺装这三种结构的上层均为沥青混凝土层(简称为AC层)。

    All top layers of asphalt pavement , AC + RCC pavement and bridge deck are asphalt concrete layer ( shorted for AC layer ) .

  6. FWD荷载下的多层弹性体系沥青路面动力响应

    Dynamic Response of Multi-layered Pavements Subjected to FWD Dynamic Loads

  7. 本文针对沥青路面修复机控制系统,应用模糊控制理论与传统PID控制的原理,设计了一种基于单片机的模糊自适应PID温度控制器。

    This thesis , adopting Fuzzy Control Theory and the principle of Traditional PID Control , has designed a kind of Fuzzy-PID ( FPID ) self-adapting automatically temperature controller based on MCU .

  8. 排水性沥青路面(PorousPavement)由于其优良的迅速排水、抑制水雾、防止漂滑、降低噪音等性能日益得到工程界的广泛关注,越来越多的应用于工程实践。

    Due to the excellent performances , such as quick drainage , moisture reduction , hydroplaning prevention and low noise , porous pavement has become more and more popular in the construction of HMA pavement .

  9. 对沥青路面机械化施工过程建立了面向对象的Petri网仿真模型,利用Petri网关联矩阵分析法研究了基于资源生产周期的资源瓶颈识别方法。

    The object-oriented Petri nets model for asphalt pavement mechanization construction is built . With Petri nets incidence matrix analysis method , resource bottle-neck ( identification ) based on resource circle time is studied .

  10. 介绍了沥青路面车辙预测模型,该模型通过落锤式弯沉仪(FWD)弯沉盆反算路面不同层位的模量。

    First , a rut prediction model , in which the moduli of different layers were inversely calculated by the FWD ( Falling Weight Deflectometer ) deflection basin , was introduced .

  11. 为了研究半刚性基层沥青路面上超薄白色罩面(UTW)结构设计方法,采用三维有限元方法计算了UTW路面结构的荷载应力。

    In order to investigate the design method for UTW structures on semi-rigid asphalt pavement , a 3-D FE code is employed to calculate the load-induced stresses of a UTW structure .

  12. 文章以广西南宁友谊关高速公路加铺沥青路面改造工程为依托,介绍了TLA改性沥青TLA掺量的确定及制作方法;

    Friendship With the asphalt pavement improvement works in Nanning to Youyiguan Expressway as an example , the Paper introduces how to determine the TLA modified asphalt dosage and the production method for mixture .

  13. 引入IRI与连续平整度仪测定的标准差σ的关系后,得到动荷系数与σ及车速的关系式,最后结合沥青路面和水泥混凝土路面行驶质量评价标准,提出各路面等级的动荷系数。

    When IRI was replaced with standard deviation (σ) of profilometer , another equation of DAF can be expressed with σ and vehicle velocity . With the riding quality evaluation ranking criterion , the dynamic amplification factor of each rank was also achieved for bituminous pavement and cement concrete pavement .

  14. 借鉴AASHTO沥青路面结构设计与路面管理一体化思想,介绍了路面结构设计与路面管理在指标上的一致性。

    First , in view of the integral ideas from AASHTO , the AASHTO asphalt pavement structures design method is introduced , and the index ( i.e. PSI ) applied in pavement structures design and pavement management keeps high consistency are pointed out .

  15. 利用自动沥青路面分析仪测量模拟结构的疲劳寿命,验证了冲击韧性与沥青混合料抵抗反射裂缝能力的相关性,并建立了ATB等六种混合料级配的冲击韧性与疲劳寿命的数学关系。

    To validate the relationship between impact toughness and the anti-reflective cracking ability of the asphalt mixture , by using the APA ( asphalt pavement analyzer ) which is used to simulate the fatigue life of the structure , and establish a mathematical relationship for six kinds of asphalt treated .

  16. 根据沥青路面结构行为理论对行驶质量指数(RQI)建立了预测模型,并给出了在分析期内的预测曲线,为沥青路面养护决策的优化提供了依据。

    According to structure behavior theory of asphalt pavement , it establishes the predictive model on riding quality index , and gives the predictive curve in the analytical age and provide the foundation of optimal maintenance and rehabilitation strategies of asphalt pavement .

  17. 浅谈低剂量水稳基层沥青路面结构设计

    Discussed low dose water steady basic unit bituminous pavement structural design

  18. 硅藻土改性沥青路面的设计与施工

    Design and construction of modified asphalt road surface with diatomaceous earth

  19. 高速交通条件对沥青路面疲劳性能的影响

    Effect of High Speed on the Fatigue Performance of Asphalt Pavement

  20. 加强热拌沥青路面再生利用降低养护成本

    Strengthening the Reuse of Hot-mixed Bitumen Pavement , Reducing Maintenance Cost

  21. 高速公路沥青路面路况评价与养护决策的研究

    Research on Assessment of Expressway Asphalt Pavement Condition and Maintenance Method

  22. 车辙是沥青路面的主要病害。

    Rutting is a kind of main damages of asphalt surfaces .

  23. 沥青路面热补养护技术在高速公路中的应用

    The Application of Bitumen Pavement Hot Repair Maintenance Technology to Freeway

  24. 沥青路面抗滑表层构造特征及其影响因素分析

    Analysis of Structural Features and Influence Factors of Skid-resistant Bituminous Pavement

  25. 高等级沥青路面基层底裂缝扩展规律

    Research on Crack Extension at Bottom of Asphalt Pavement Base Course

  26. 沥青路面早期破损原因分析及其预控

    Analysis of Early Damaging Reasons of Asphalt Pavement and Its Pre-control

  27. 旧沥青路面面层有效厚度模型研究

    Research on Effective Thickness Model of Existing Asphalt Pavement Surface Course

  28. 基于现代检测技术的沥青路面评价新方法

    New Methods for Asphalt Pavements Evaluation Based on Modern Inspection Technologies

  29. 沥青路面轴载换算季节修正系数

    Season - correcting coefficient of axle load conversion for asphalt pavement

  30. 沥青路面行驶质量指数预测模型

    Foundation of Predictive Model on Riding Quality Index in Asphalt Pavement