
zhuānɡ yùn qián jiǎn yàn
  • preshipment inspection
  1. 装运前检验实体应考虑(c)项所列的特定因素;

    The preshipment inspection entity shall take into account the specific elements listed in subparagraph ( c );

  2. 各成员应在《wto协定》对其生效时,向秘书处提交其实施本协定的法律和法规的副本,以及与装运前检验有关的其他法律和法规的副本。

    Members shall submit to the Secretariat copies of the laws and regulations by which they put this Agreement into force , as well as copies of any other laws and regulations relating to preshipment inspection , when the WTO Agreement enters into force with respect to the member concerned .

  3. 认识到gatt1994的原则和义务适用于wto成员政府授权的装运前检验实体的活动;

    Recognizing that the principles and obligations of GATT 1994 apply to those activities of preshipment inspection entities that are mandated by governments that are Members of the WTO ;

  4. 菲律宾已经完成了逐步淘汰强制性装运前检验的目标。

    The Philippines completed its phase-out of compulsory preshipment inspections .

  5. 注意到一些发展中国家成员求助于装运前检验;

    Noting that a number of developing country Members have recourse to preshipment inspection ;

  6. 用户成员应保证其装运前检验体为此保留程序。

    User Members shall ensure that preshipment inspection entities maintain procedures to this end .

  7. 各成员应鼓励装运前检验实体和出口商共同解决双方的争端。

    Members shall encourage preshipment inspection entities and exporters mutually to resolve their disputes .

  8. 如出口商提出请求,则装运前检验实体应提供实际信息。

    The preshipment inspection entities shall provide the actual information when so requested by exporters .

  9. (ⅰ)由一代表装运前检验实体的组织提名的一组成员;

    ( I ) a section of members nominated by an organization representing preshipment inspection entities ;

  10. 用户成员应保证装运前检验实体在检验装运货物时避免无理迟延。

    User Members shall ensure that preshipment inspection entities avoid unreasonable delays in inspection of shipments .

  11. 出口成员应保证其与装运前检验活动有关的法律和法规以非歧视的方式实施。

    Exporter Members shall ensure that their laws and regulations relating to preshipment inspection activities are applied in a non-discriminatory manner .

  12. 用户成员应保证其签约或授权的装运前检验实体的所有检验人员统一执行检验。

    They shall ensure uniform performance of inspection by all the inspectors of the preshipment inspection entities contracted or mandated by them .

  13. 专家组的决定对属争端方的装运前检验实体和出口商具有约束力。

    The decision of the panel shall be binding upon the preshipment inspection entity and the exporter which are parties to the dispute .

  14. 装运前检验实体指由一成员签约或授权实施装运前检验活动的任何实体。

    The term " preshipment inspection entity " is any entity contracted or mandated by a Member to carry out preshipment inspection activities .

  15. 期望迅速、有效和公正地解决出口商和装运前检验实体之间在本协定项下产生的争端;

    Desiring to provide for the speedy , effective and equitable resolution of disputes between exporters and preshipment inspection entities arising under this Agreement ;

  16. 在上述程序的任何阶段,装运前检验实体应向出口商提供对价格进行说明的机会;

    At any stage in the process described above , the preshipment inspection entity shall provide the exporter with an opportunity to explain the price ;

  17. 认识到宜使装运前检验实体的经营及与装运前检验相关的法律、法规具有透明度;

    Recognizing that it is desirable to provide transparency of the operation of preshipment inspection entities and of laws and regulations relating to preshipment inspection ;

  18. 145.中国代表表示,目前已有商贸检验机构(包括合资机构)从事装运前检验。

    145.The representative of China stated that , currently , there were trade and commerce inspection agencies ( including joint-venture agencies ) engaged in preshipment inspection .

  19. 或在所涉装运前检验实体中有财务利益且其装运货物将由该装运前检验实体进行检验的任何实体;

    Or any entities which have a financial interest in the preshipment inspection entities in question , and whose shipments the preshipment inspection entities are to inspect ;

  20. 用户成员指政府或任何政府机构签约或授权使用装运前检验活动的成员。

    The term " user Member " means a Member of which the government or any government body contracts for or mandates the use of preshipment inspection activities .

  21. 就本协定而言,这些程序应由一代表装运前检验实体的组织和一代表出口商的组织联合组成的独立实体管理;

    These procedures shall be administered by an independent entity constituted jointly by an organization representing preshipment inspection entities and an organization representing exporters for the purposes of this agreement ;

  22. 装运前检验实体不得依靠供出口到不同进口国的货物的价格而对装运货物任意强加最低价格;

    The preshipment inspection entity shall not rely upon the price of goods offered for export to different countries of importation to arbitrarily impose the lowest price upon the shipment ;

  23. 出口成员应以能够使其他政府和贸易商知晓的方式,迅速公布所有与装运前检验活动有关的适用法律和法规。

    Exporter Members shall publish promptly all applicable laws and regulations relating to preshipment inspection activities in such a manner as to enable other governments and traders to become acquainted with them .

  24. 未经国家质检总局批准,直属检验检疫局不得组织实施装运前预检验。

    Without the approval of siqsaq , no the inspection and quarantine administrations may arrange for and implement such pre-inspections .

  25. 装运前预检验人员应当通告收货人,该不合格旧机电产品将不被允许进入中国。

    The pre-inspection personnel shall notify the consignees that the unqualified used mechanical and electrical products are denied entry into China .

  26. 确定检验项目和检验方法,制订检验方案,并根据检验方案开展装运前预检验工作。

    Determine the inspection items and methods , formulate the inspection program , and conduct the pre-inspection in accordance with the program .

  27. 保证工作质量,对所出具的《装运前预检验报告》的真实性、准确性负责,并承担相应的法律责任。

    Ensure work quality , take responsibility for the authenticity and accuracy of the Report on Pre-inspection Before Shipment being issued , and undertake corresponding legal liabilities .

  28. 对需要实施装运前预检验的,备案机构出具《进口旧机电产品装运前预检验备案书》。

    Where a pre-inspection is needed , the record-keeping administration will issue the Letter of Record-keeping for Pre-inspection Before Shipment of Used Mechanical and Electrical Products to Be Imported .

  29. 国家质检总局可以视情节轻重给予警告、暂停从事有关检验工作或者吊销其装运前预检验机构资格的处罚。

    SIQSAQ may , based on the seriousness of the circumstances , give such punishment as warning , suspension of the inspection work , or disqualification for engaging in pre-inspections .

  30. 国家质检总局统一负责对进口机电产品装运前预检验的人员的培训、资格认可和管理。

    SIQSAQ is in charge of the training , qualification accreditation and administration of the persons engaging in the pre-inspections before shipment of used mechanical and electrical products to be imported .