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  • 网络reelability
  1. 研制开发出ZSC-901煮茧专用助剂及配套的添加装置,可提高蚕茧解舒率,降低缫折,提高台时产量。

    The newly-developed special agent ZSC-901 for cocoon cooking and feeder can improve reelability percentage and silk yielding with cocoon consumption reduced .

  2. 家蚕荧光茧色与解舒关系的研究

    Study on the Reaction of Fluorescent Colours of Cocoon With Reelability

  3. V型煮茧机有助于改善生丝净度成绩,提高解舒,降低二度变化,从而提高产品质量。

    The V type cocoon boiling machine is beneficial to ameliorate the clean degree score of raw silk , and improve the production quality .

  4. 本文用DSC法研究了不同品种均不同荧光色茧层的热分解温度Tdmax,同时还配合蚕茧的解舒试验。研究了蚕茧的荧光色与解舒性能之间的关系。

    Investigates the temperature of thermal decomposition of the different fluorescent cocoon layers of some races and the relationship between the fluorescent colour and the reelability of the cocoon .

  5. 提高丝素的结晶度,有利于茧丝强力和茧的解舒率提高;

    The crystallinity is higher than that of the inferior-quality cocoon .

  6. 触蒸前处理中使用亚硫酸气体提高夏茧解舒率的实践

    Enhance the Reelability ot Summer Cocoons by Sulfurous Gas in Direct-Steaming Pretreatment

  7. 对影响解舒的难易性提供了新的依据。

    New evidence is obtained about the degree of difficulty in reeling .

  8. 落绪原因及提高解舒的途径

    The cause of dropping end and ways of raising the reelability percentage

  9. 四百粒解舒率的分布及其特征数

    The distribution of reelability percentage of 400 cocoons and their characteristic values

  10. 解舒与蚕茧使用价值关系初探

    Preliminary Investigations on the Relation between Reelability and Use Value of Cocoons

  11. 家蚕茧解舒优劣的检测研究

    Studies on Detection Method for Cocoon Reelability of Bombyx Mori

  12. 上蔟环境影响桑蚕茧解舒的机理及提高蚕茧解舒率的研究

    Effect of Mounting Conditions on the Mechanism of Cocoon Reelability and Its Improvement

  13. 天蚕茧解舒新工艺研究

    A Study on New Process of Yamamai Cocoon Reeling

  14. 解舒张力测试系统应用分析

    Analysis on the Application of Dissociating Tension Measuring System

  15. 大气温湿度与春茧解舒率的相关性分析

    Relation Analysis Between Reeling Ability of Spring Cocoons and Atmosphere Temperature and Humidity

  16. 湿热处理提高劣质茧解舒的研讨

    Improving Reelability of Inferior Cocoons by Wet-heat Treatment

  17. 缩皱与蚕茧解舒的关系

    Relationship between the Cocoon Wrinkles and Cocoon Reelability

  18. 蔟中湿度增加,有影响解舒的倾向;

    On the other hand , increasing of humidity in cluster may affect reelability .

  19. 本文采用系统选择、杂交改良等方法。对解舒、净度、强伸力、茧丝长等家蚕主要丝质性状进行了研究。

    Studies were made on the main technological characters of cocoon filament of Bombyx mori .

  20. 优化蚕期结构提高蚕茧解舒

    Optimizing Rearing Seasons and Improving Cocoon Reelability

  21. 蚕茧荧光分类提高解舒率及出丝率的研究

    Studies on Increasing Reelability and Raw Silk Rate According to Classification of Cocoon Fluorescent Clour

  22. 蚕茧解舒率与茧层丝胶初期溶解速度关系的探讨

    On the Relation between Cocoon Reelability Percentage and Cocoon - Shell Sericin Initial Dissolving Rate

  23. 这种差异导致三级色茧的解舒和洁净成绩劣于一、二级色茧。

    Such differences result in the inferior reelability and neatness of gra-de-3 as compared with grade-1 and grade-2 .

  24. 本文就触蒸前处理对茧的解舒和生丝抱合力的影响作了探讨。

    The effect of direct steaming pretreatment of cocoon on cocoon reelability and raw silk cohesion is discussed .

  25. 本研究用解舒率不同的两种鲜茧为试料,探讨了-7℃,-25℃两种温度下冷藏不同时间对茧丝工艺性质的影响。

    Cocoon qualities were studied by storing two kinds of fresh cocoon of different reelability per-centagesat temperature-7 ℃ and-25 ℃ .

  26. 而合理的环境能阻止丝胶的胶凝作用,茧丝间胶着力弱,蚕茧解舒优。

    However , proper conditions can prevent sericin from gelation and improve cocoon reelability due to weaker gumming force among bayes .

  27. 缩皱粗细与解舒率、解舒丝长呈极显著的正相关性。

    There are remarkable relations between the size of wrinkles and the cocoon reelability , the length of non broken cocoon filament .

  28. 通过提高蚕茧解舒率的农村生产试验,验证了蚕茧解舒理论,取得较大经济效益。

    Based on the experiment in countryside to improve the cocoon reelability , the theory was confirmed and large benefits had been obtained .

  29. 煮茧是丝绸生产中缫丝前的一个主要工艺流程,是关系到蚕茧解舒率,提高生丝质量的一个重要工序。

    Cocoon cooking process is primary important in silk-reeling process , which concerns the quality of raw silk and the strech of pod .

  30. 针对四川地区蚕茧解舒率在较长时期内持续处于低线的现状,阐述了解舒率不高的主要成因,探索了提高解舒率的途径和主要措施。

    Targeting the long_standing lower cocoon reelability in Sichuan area , investigations are made on the major causes , and the measures to improve reelability .