
  • 网络Pralidoxime;PAM;pam-i
  1. 结果有机磷农药中毒及注射阿托品解救后,Lpo明显增高,使用解磷定(Pam)30min后,Lpo明显降低;

    Results lpo was higher significantly in the poisoning and rescue with the injection of atropine , and lpo was lower significantly with the action of pralidoxime ( PAM ) after 30 minutes ;

  2. 结论急性灭多威与OP混配中毒,可用足量At并谨慎使用肟类ChE复能剂治疗。氯解磷定对急性中、重度OP与CB混配中毒患者出现的烟碱样症状有较好的疗效。

    Conclusions Pralidoxime is effective against muscular fasciculation and other nicotinic effects and can be used as auxiliary therapeutic drugs for atropine in the treament of acute insecticide mixture poisoning of methomyl and OP.

  3. 目的:了解子母囊活性碳(MMAC)血液灌流治疗有机磷农药中毒时对甲胺磷、阿托品、解磷定及肝素的吸附作用。

    Objective : To investigate the effect of hemoperfusion with active carbonic absorbent ( MMAC ) on Jia ′ anlin ( an organophosphorous pesticide ), atropine , pralidoxime iodide ( PAM ), and heparin in emergency of patients with acute poisoning of organophosphorous pesticide .

  4. 目的:测定人血清中碘解磷定的浓度。

    OBJECTIVE To determine the concentration of pralidoxime iodide in human serum .

  5. 非灌流组在综合治疗基础上单用解磷定。

    The non-hemoperfusion group was treated with pralidoxime alone .

  6. 有机磷农药中毒治疗中抗胆碱药与氯解磷定的联合应用

    Combined use of anticholine drug with pralidoxime chloride for acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning

  7. 氯解磷定对急性氧乐果中毒大鼠的疗效和作用机制

    Therapeutic efficacy and mechanism of pralidoxime chloride on acute omethoate poisoned in rats

  8. 氯解磷定在急性辛硫磷中毒大鼠体内药代动力学

    Pharmacokinetics of pralidoxime chloride in acute phoxim-poisoning rats

  9. 氯解磷定制剂是普遍被专业灭虫者用于农场中。

    Organophosphate pesticides are typically used in the farm setting and by professional exterminators .

  10. 氯解磷定对水胺硫磷中毒大鼠的神经肌肉传导作用

    The neuromuscular transmission effects induced by pralidoxime chloride on rats with acute isocarbophos poisoning

  11. 硫胺素对正常及有机磷中毒家兔解磷定药代动力学的影响

    The influence of thiamine on PAM-I kinetics in normal and DDVP - poisoned rabbits

  12. 碘解磷定注射液的稳定性

    Stability of pyraloxime Iodide Injection

  13. 结论应用大黄治疗急性口服有机磷农药中毒,可减少阿托品及氯解磷定的用量,使治愈时间提前。

    Conclusion Rhubarb for AOPP can reduce the dosage of atropine and pralidoxime chloride and shorten the healing time in advance .

  14. 肟类药物除2例用碘解磷定外,其余均给予氯解磷定治疗,用量0.5~30.0g。

    Except that 2 patients were given pralidoxime iodide 0.5 ~ 1.5 g , others were treated with 0.5 ~ 30.0 g of pralidoxime chloride .

  15. 方法对有机磷中毒患者采用传统的洗胃、解磷定、阿托品积极的综合治疗。

    Methods Is poisoned the patient application tradition gastric lavage to the organic phosphorus , the pyridine aldoxime methyliodide , the atropine , the positive complex therapy .