
  • 网络Frankliniella occidentalis;western flower thrips;Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande
  1. 西花蓟马寄主植物研究初报

    Studies on host plants of Frankliniella occidentalis

  2. 西花蓟马的危害及生物防治研究进展

    Damage and bio-control of Frankliniella occidentalis

  3. 西花蓟马Frankliniellaoccidentalis(Pergande)是世界性的、园艺作物上的重要害虫。

    Frankliniella occidentalis is an important invasive pest on horticultural crops worldwide .

  4. 在凤仙花的ImpulseOrange和CajunCarmine品种上开展了花粉和植物不同生长阶段对西花蓟马种群的影响。

    The effects of pollen and plant growth stages on the populations of western flower thrips , Frankliniella occidentalis , were studied on two cultivars Impulse Orange and Cajun Carmine of impatiens .

  5. 西花蓟马Frankliniellaoccidentalis是蔬菜、果树和观赏植物上的主要害虫。

    The western flower thrips ( WFT ), Frankliniella occidentalis ( Pergande ), is a key pest of vegetable , fruit and ornamental crops .

  6. 分子方差分析(AMOVA)表明,云南西花蓟马的遗传变异主要来自于种群内部,种群间的遗传变异水平还非常低。

    The results of AMOVA also suggest that observed genetic differences mainly originate from interpopulation differences , with relative little genetic variation within populations .

  7. 西花蓟马Frankliniellaoccidentalis是一种重要的世界性害虫,主要通过直接取食和传播病毒对多种作物造成危害,是一种危险性入侵生物。

    Western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis , as a major worldwide pest , which primarily through direct feeding on crops and spread the virus cause harm , is a dangerous invasive species .

  8. 西花蓟马(Frankliniellaoccidentalis(Pergande))是一种世界性温室害虫,由于它的寄主广、繁殖快以及抗药性强,其已经给世界许多国家造成了多次灾害性农作物损失。

    Western flower thrips , Frankliniella occidentalis ( Pergande ), is a cosmopolitan glasshouse insect pest in the world and has already caused numerous calamity losses of crops to a lot of countries due to its wide host , fast breed and high resistance to many pesticides .

  9. 3种茄科类作物花期西花蓟马种群调查

    Investigation on Population of Western Flower Thrips in Florescence of Three Nightshades

  10. 不同温度下4株白僵菌对西花蓟马的致病力

    Pathogenicity of four Beauveria bassiana strains against Frankliniella occidentalis at different temperatures

  11. 西花蓟马的发生给农作物造成严重危害和经济损失。

    The serious losses of crops were engendered by Western flower thrips .

  12. 西花蓟马成虫在田间对不同颜色的反应

    Response of Frankliniella occidentalis Adults to Different Colors in Field

  13. 植物源药剂混配防治西花蓟马的药效研究

    Control efficacy of several botanical insecticides mixture on alfalfa thrips

  14. 西花蓟马在康乃馨不同品种上的田间分布

    Distribution of Frankliniella occidentalis on different varieties of Dianthus caryophyllus in the field

  15. 花粉和植物不同生长阶段对西花蓟马种群的影响

    Effects of pollen and plant growth stages on the populations of western flower thrips

  16. 从分子生物学的角度上也证实了西花蓟马近期入侵云南的事实。

    These molecular data are consistent with the recent invasion of Yunnan by F.occidentalis .

  17. 对群体进行中性检验、错配分析表明西花蓟马群体曾经历过近期的种群扩张。

    Neutral test and mismatch analysis indicate that F.occidentalis has undergone a recent population expansion .

  18. 西花蓟马不仅通过直接取食危害植物,而且还能传播多种病毒。

    F. occidentalis not only damages the plants by direct feeding but also transmits many viruses .

  19. 西花蓟马在不同豆科蔬菜上的繁殖力农业用清洗机(不包括种子、谷物及干的豆科蔬菜用机械)

    Cleaning machine , agricultural ( excl. machinery for seed , grain and dried leguminous vegetables )

  20. 是否添加花粉和添加花粉的时间对西花蓟马的为害水平没有显著影响。

    Adding pollen to impatiens had no effect on feeding damage rate regardless of when it was added .

  21. 西花蓟马在烟草植株上的分布特点及防治技术

    Distribution Features and Control Techniques of the Western Flowers Thrips ( F. occidentalis ) on the Tobacco Plants

  22. 昆明大棚月季上西花蓟马种群动态与空间分布

    Population Dynamics and Spatial Distribution of Western Flower Thrips Frankliniella occidentalis ( Pergande ) of Rose in Kunming

  23. 入侵昆虫西花蓟马的潜在适生区分析

    Analysis of potential distribution of the invaded insect Frankliniella occidentalis ( Pergande )( Thysanoptera : Thripidae ) in China

  24. 不同挥发物对西花蓟马成虫的影响不同,即使是同一种化合物,在配制为不同浓度时对蓟马成虫的行为影响也不一样。

    The volatile chemicals have the different effect to the adult thrips , even a same compound at different concentration has different action .

  25. 结果表明:在黄瓜和架豆上西花蓟马的空间分布型一致,均为聚集分布型;

    The results showed that the spatial distribution pattern of the western flower thrips belonged to aggregating distribution on cucumber and green bean .

  26. 对3种茄科类作物(番茄、辣椒、茄子)花期西花蓟马的种群动态进行了调查。

    The experiment investigated on the population of western flower thrips in florescence of three nightshades ( tomato , capsicum and aubergine ) .

  27. 为探明东亚小花蝽对西花蓟马的控制效能,开展了东亚小花蝽成虫对西花蓟马若虫的捕食功能反应与搜寻效应研究。

    To approach the controlling effect of Orius sauteri on Frankliniella occidentalis , this paper studied the functional response and searching rate of O.

  28. 在植物开花后,添加花粉对西花蓟马的种群数量虽有一定影响,但差异不显著。

    Additional pollen after plant flowering had some effects on the population of western flower thrips , but the difference was not significant .

  29. 南方小花蝽5龄若虫对蚕豆蚜的控制能力比雌成虫强,而对西花蓟马的控制能力比雌成虫差。

    The5th instar nymph of O.similis had a better ability to control A.craccivora than female adults , however , the reverse was true with respect to F.occidentalis .

  30. 西花蓟马不仅在园林植物上发生,在蔬菜作物部分品种上的种群数量也已经达到一定规模,如番茄、辣椒等。

    Survey shows the widespread occurrence of western flower thrips has occurred not only on landscape plants but also on vegetable crops , such as tomato and pepper . 2 .