
bái dì
  • White ground;unplanted land;land without trees, buildings, etc.
白地 [bái dì]
  • (1) [farmland that is not tilled]∶无庄稼的田地

  • (2) [bare land;wilderness]∶没有树木、房屋等的土地

  • (3) [white background]∶(白地儿)白色的质地

  • 白地儿红花布

  1. 我可以坦白地说,我们最差的顾问挣不到一分钱。

    I make it no secret that our worst consultants earn nothing

  2. 这个女孩决定坦白地把一切都告诉我们。

    The girl decided to open up and tell us everything .

  3. 我将坦白地把一切事情告诉你。

    I 'll tell you everything in plain words .

  4. "不,我承认。"库尔特坦白地说,"成长不是一个被承认的过程。"

    " No , I admitted . " You know , " Kurt said simply , " growth is not an admitted process . "

  5. 人们不直白地说出自己的想法。

    People don 't just speak their minds .

  6. 白地防污剂BP在活性染料印花中的应用

    Application of Anti - fouling Agent BF to Reactive Printing

  7. 但坦白地讲,越是大型企业的CEO就越少表现出这种姿态。

    Frankly , especially among larger company CEOs , that 's fairly unusual .

  8. 如果一个人像这样直率,坦白地跟你分享她的感觉,你可以说她非常坦诚(shewearsherheartonhersleeve/clothing)。

    When a person shares her feelings freely and openly like this , you might say she , or on her clothing .

  9. 十分坦白地说,从来没人问过我IBM是否可以使DB2更慢一些,或更难于使用,或不那么可用&您应该已经明白了。

    Quite frankly , I 've never been asked if IBM could make DB2 slower , or more difficult to use , or less available-well , you get the point .

  10. 然而,HeadFirst的编辑相当直白地说出这个谚语,“一副图画能够比得上千字的描述”,并且他们肯定找到了用图片取代冗长文章的好方法。

    Well , the Head First editors took the saying ," A picture is worth a thousand words " quite literally , and they definitely found a good way to use pictures as a substitute for long , drawn out text .

  11. 一些评论人士——其中很多是美国人,例如经济学家保罗?克鲁格曼(PaulKrugman)——不分青红皂白地抨击欧洲的财政整固战略。

    Some commentators - many of them American , such as the economist Paul Krugman - condemn Europe 's fiscal consolidation strategies indiscriminately .

  12. 我们曾利用这种废水培养白地霉(Geotrichumcandidum)作为单细胞蛋白饲料,从而减少对环境污染。

    The effluent was used to culture Geotrichum candidum as SCP ( single-cell protein ) feed , thus reducing environmental pollution .

  13. 实际上,我们只要假设我在第一步中用的是Maven,因为坦白地说,它是我个人偏爱的构建平台。

    In fact , let 's just assume that I 've used Maven for the first step , because , quite frankly , it 's my preferred build platform .

  14. 第一次看TonyLeung的电影是1991年在《喋血街头》里,但坦白地说,那部电影给我印象最深刻的是导演吴宇森。

    The first time I saw Tony Leung Chiu Wai was in'Bullet in the Head'in1991 , but honestly , it was the director John Woo who made the biggest impression on me .

  15. 目的按照传统的分类方法,地霉主要分为白地霉(Geotrichumcandidum)、头地霉(Geotrichumcapitatum)、棒地霉(Geotrichumclavatum)。

    Objective According to the traditional classification method , Geotrichum mainly concludes Geotrichum candidum , Geotrichum capitatum and Geotrichum clavatum .

  16. 白地霉(Geotrichumcandidum)是地霉属的经典代表菌种,白地霉引起的感染可侵犯呼吸系统、消化系统、循环系统、耳、关节及皮肤。

    Geotrichum candidum is a typical strain of Geotrichum , which can cause systemic infections such as respiratory system , alimentary system , recirculating system , ear , article and skin .

  17. 除磷酸己糖激酶外,在白地霉无细胞提取液中测出有EMP途径及磷酸戊糖循环的主要酶类,葡萄糖和木糖培养的菌体在各酶活力方面无显著差异。

    All the key enzymes but phosphohexokinase of the EMP and the pentose phosphate cycle were found in cell-free extracts of Geotrichum candidum and the activities of these enzymes were substantially equal in the extracts from xylose-grown and glucose-grown cultures .

  18. 实验结果表明,添加PVP配制的防沾色剂对防止印花织物白地沾污具有一定的效果;PVP能有效去除活性染料染色后的浮色染料,提高活性染料染色后的皂洗效果。

    The experiments showed that the addition of PVP to stain-proofing agents resulted in some degree of anti-staining effect on the white background of the printed fabrics , and PVP could remove effectively the loose color in the reactive dyeing to increase the soaping effect in reactive dyeing .

  19. 尽管这家网站的息税折旧和摊销前利润(EBITDA)还不到50万英镑,但在2011年,谷歌以3770万英镑的价格收购了它,因为它明明白白地展示了自己对谷歌的战略价值(或者说威胁)。

    Despite having less than £ 500000 of earnings before interest , tax , depreciation and amortisation , it was sold to Google in 2011 for £ 37.7m , having articulated its strategic value ( or threat ) to its acquirer .

  20. 迪娜,你就不能坦白地告诉我是你忘记了吗?

    Dina , can you honestly tell me that you forgot ?

  21. 我觉得我有义务要坦白地对你说。

    I feel it my duty to speak frankly to you .

  22. 坦白地告诉我她能搞定

    Being open about it says to me she can handle it .

  23. 白地霉最低,酶活仅5.0IU/ml。

    And Geotrichum candidum produces the lowest , only 5.0 IU / ml.

  24. 她常见艾希礼争论,坦白地说出自己的意见。

    Occasionally she had argued with Ashley and frankly aired her opinions .

  25. 那我就坦白地跟你说。

    So I 'm gonna be completely candid with you .

  26. 颤抖吧!斯巴达将被烧做白地!波斯信使如是说。

    Be afraid ! Sparta will burn to the ground !

  27. 意大利选民们在上星期一明明白白地讲了两件事。

    The Italian electorate said two things loudly and clearly last monday .

  28. 如果你坦白地说,我还是会喜欢你。

    I shall like you none the worse if you speak frankly .

  29. 它们不是存心需要隐讳的事,我可以把它们坦白地说出来。

    They are not mental reservations , I will state them frankly .

  30. 很坦白地讲,长期下来,我们的大脑的重量会减轻。

    Quite literally , over time , our brains lose their heft .