
  • 网络Election rules;electoral formulas
  1. 如果违反选举规则,人们将有牢狱之灾。

    People can be imprisoned if they violate the electoral rules .

  2. 近几十年来,通过了反对不公平选举规则的法律。

    In recent decades , laws against unfair rules for voting have been passed .

  3. 乔恩·赫斯特德称,共和党认为,这个规定可能导致俄亥俄州88个郡制定出不同的选举规则。

    Jon Husted said Republican argues the ruling could enable Ohio 's 88 county boards of elections to set different rules .

  4. 多亏了伊利诺斯和其他州复杂的选举规则,罗姆尼将获得至少三分之二的伊利诺斯州代表的支持。

    Because of the complicated electoral rules in Illinois and many other states , that will bring him at least two-thirds of the delegates from the state .

  5. 根据民主党的选举规则,他将和克林顿参议员按照得票比例来分摊密西西比州的33名代表名额。

    The 33 delegates at stake will be divided with opponent Senator Hillary Clinton because Democrats divide delegates proportionally according to the vote totals for each candidate .

  6. 然而,在权力竞逐的过程中,出现了诸多失序现象,如破坏选举规则、汉视选举程序、拒绝承认选举结果等事例。

    However , a lot of disorder phenomena have existed in the process of power competition , for example , disrupting the electoral rules , ignoring the electoral process , buying votes and other acts .

  7. 然而在喀布尔,一些人对卡尔扎伊仅仅遵从了选举规则就得到称赞的情况感到不理解。

    Some in Kabul , however , failed to see why Mr Karzai should be lauded simply for agreeing to play by the rules & " It is like congratulating someone for going to prison ," said one diplomat .

  8. 在调查的过程中笔者发现,这些看似并不熟悉选举规则的候选人,在选举的政治传播过程中所采取的拉票策略,印证了传播学当中的一些理论。

    In the course of investigation I found that those candidates who seemly unfamiliar with the rules of the election had confirmed some of the theories of communication in the election process of political communication through the " votes " strategy .

  9. Diallo说,他们审查了选举委员会规则,全国选举规范以及宪法,准备为全国走出危机进行评估并提出建议。

    Diallo says they examined the internal rules of the electoral commission , the country 's electoral code and the constitution , and prepared an assessment and recommendations to get the country out of crisis .

  10. 从体制到程序&中国直接选举制度规则与实践的落差分析

    From Institution to Procedure & An Analysis of the Gap between the Institutional Rules and Practice in China ′ s Direct Election

  11. 所有其它选举的缺席投票规则由各州制定,各不相同。

    Absentee voting rules for all other elections are set by the states , and vary .

  12. 登记后一个月内的“选举法”的规则的供应是必需的,以及选举委员会的需要,使他们供公众查阅。

    The supply of the rules is required by the Electoral Act within one month of registration , and the Electoral Commission is required to make them available for public inspection .

  13. 而村委会选举制度是规范村委会选举的规则和原则的总称,主要包括以下几个方面的内容:选举方式、选民资格、候选人提名权、选举过程、选举监督与选举救济。

    The system of village committee election ( short for SVCE ) is the floorboard of the rules and principles which supervise the election of village committee .