
  • 网络Daily Economy;MK NEWS;Everyday Economics
  1. 研究团队负责人郭烈锦说,“超临界水蒸煤”将在氧化反应过程中产生水,而不是二氧化硫、一氧化氮或PM2.5颗粒,《每日经济新闻》周二报道。

    Guo Liejin , head of the research team , said the technology called " supercritical steaming coal " will generate water instead of sulfur dioxide , nitric oxide or PM2.5 particles in the oxidizing reaction process , news portal nbd.com.cn reported Tuesday .

  2. 如没有可接受理由,任何延迟完成的挖掘工程须缴付每日经济费用。

    Without acceptable reasons , a daily economic cost will be charged for any delay .

  3. 海螺章明,秘书局的水泥静态的“每日经济新闻”说。

    Conch Cheung-ming , secretary to the Board of cement in static " Daily Economic News ", said .

  4. 据《每日经济新闻》报道,咖啡里加大量咖啡伴侣可能损害健康。

    Drinking coffee with too much coffee-mate can be dangerous for your health , the National Business Daily reports .

  5. 一位律师在接受每日经济新闻采访时称,一旦被摘牌,这些公司将被扔进垃圾股市场。

    These companies will be considered junk bonds once they are delisted , a lawyer told the National Business Daily .

  6. 对于上述观点,多位接受《每日经济新闻》记者采访的专家表示赞同。

    In terms of the views above , many experts interviewed by journalists from Daily Economic News all approve of them .

  7. 但据《每日经济新闻》记者了解到的情况来看,双方似乎是不欢而散。

    However , according to the " Daily News " reporter learned of the situation , both sides seem to be broke up .

  8. 《每日经济新闻》表示,到今年年底,甲流疫苗产业价值将达到30亿元。

    National Business Daily says the A ( H1N1 ) vaccine business will be worth 3 billion yuan by the end of the year .

  9. 每日经济新闻报称,在这月月初完成生产最后一笔订单后,该厂便再没有了生产任务。

    The National Business Daily said the factory has no orders to process after it manufactured the last batch of products earlier this month .

  10. 据《每日经济新闻》网报道,经过一项最新调查显示,经济和金融类院校毕业生最有'钱'途。

    Graduates in economics and finance still have great prospects for making big money , the National Business Daily reported , citing a new survey .

  11. 昨日,一位长期跟踪汇率问题的媒体人士告诉《每日经济新闻》记者,除了经济方面的原因,美国还有其他目的。

    Yesterday a person keeping track of the issue of foreign exchange rate told our journalist that apart from economic factors , America has other purposes .

  12. 据每日经济新闻报道,上海一家投资公司取名“打水漂”(投资是在浪费钱)。

    A Shanghai-based investment company called itself " Dashuipiao " ( investment will be a waste of money ) , the National Business Daily newspaper reported last Tuesday .

  13. 每日经济新闻报周二称,坐落在江苏省南京市的工厂现在已经停产,正在存档清算资产。

    The plant , located in Nanjing , Jiangsu province , has stopped operations and filed applications to liquidate its assets , the National Business Daily said on Tuesday .

  14. 据《每日经济新闻》粗略统计,今年以来,已经有15家企业先后向证券监管部门提出申请撤销首发上市的计划。

    According to the " daily news " rough statistics , since this year , has 15 enterprises to securities regulatory successively put forward the plan for the cancellation of IPO .

  15. 中石化销售公司一位高管在接受《每日经济新闻》专访时透露,中石化已在部分地区暂停了油品的外采,进一步提高外采油品的质量标准。

    " Sinopec has halted its purchase of refined oil products in certain areas , and has improved standards of refined oil supply ," a Sinopec executive of told National Business Daily on Wednesday .