
  1. 结果显示,厦门西海域或同安湾其总氮和总磷每年环境容量的总价值达上亿元,50年的总价值高达几十亿。

    The result shows : the total value of marine environmental capacity in Xiamen West Sea and Tong'an Bay accounts for billion Yuan in one year and tens of billion Yuan in50 years .

  2. 衡量中国经济突飞猛涨的一个指标,一直是这样一个令人瞩目的事实:中国每年新增装机容量相当于英国的整个电网。

    One measure of China 's soaring economic growth has been the attention-grabbing fact that it adds new power generating capacity each year equal to the UK 's entire electricity grid .

  3. 近年来,我国风电产业发展非常迅猛,每年新增装机容量和累计装机容量均居世界第一,风电已成为我国能源生产的重要组成部分。

    In recent years , wind power industry is growing very fast in China . Both annual increase of installed capacity and total installed capacity rank first in the world , and wind power has become an important part of energy production in our country .