
lùn lǐ xué
  • logic
论理学 [lùn lǐ xué]
  • [ligic] 逻辑学的旧称

  1. 论理学是“废话”,教论理学的人当然是“废物”,“只是个副教授”,而且不属于任何系的。

    Logic was " rubbish ," and so naturally the person teaching logic was a piece of " trash . " he was " nothing but an associate professor ," who belonged to no department besides .

  2. 再次,论文理清了梁启超的基本逻辑思想,梁启超的逻辑思想主要集中在论理学的界说及用语,论理的方式和论理的法则三个方面。

    We should use it carefully . Again , the paper sorts out the basic logical thinking of Liang Qichao . His theory focused on three aspects : the definition of logic , the manner of logic , and the law of logic .

  3. 环境论理学的目的性理论,是把意识的价值还原到自然的价值上去。

    The intention theory of environmental ethic should return consciousness value to natural value .

  4. 论理学对中国画气说的影响

    The Influence of the Chinese Idealist Philosophy on the " Hua Qi-theory "( Painting Style and Rhyme ) of Traditional Chinese Painting

  5. 有限公司采用多播技术的高质量数字电视的主意看起来好像延缓了游戏程序员共同开发程序。我怀疑他应学习黑客论理学,源码开放(非营利)组织万岁。

    The corporate " Quality Digital TV via Multicasting " idea seems to put game programmers off the subject altogether , I suspect it has something to do with hacker ethics , so long live the . org 's !

  6. 论理学影响下南宋诗坛的两种美学倾向从《娇红记》的审美倾向看元代戏曲对小说的影响

    On the Two Aesthetic Tendencies of the Poetry in the Nan Song Dynasty Under the Influence of Neo-Confucianism A Study on the effect of Drama in Yuan Dynasty on the Novel from the Investigation on the Aesthetic Tendencies of Jiao Hong Ji