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  1. 论书装设计的基本原则和审美标准

    On Basic Principles and Aesthetic Standards of Books Binding and Design

  2. 论书装设计的个人风格

    On Personal Style in the Design of Book Binding and Layout

  3. 论书摊子工程建设的相关因素与协调

    The Relation Factors and Coordination in Book Stand Project

  4. 我不喜欢以貌取人,以皮论书

    Well , I don 't like to judge a book by its cover ,

  5. 本文首次系统研究唐代论书诗。

    It is the first time to study systemically poems on calligraphy of Tang dynasty .

  6. 其论书著作无疑给当时困惑的书学界带来了新的契机。

    His book was sure to bring a new opportunity for calligraphy development to the bewildered calligraphy study of that time .

  7. 盛唐诗歌与书法的关系对中晚唐诗歌与书法关系有一定的影响,主要表现在诗人善书现象更加普遍和论书诗更加大量的出现。

    The relationship between poem and calligraphy in the high Tang period brought an effect to the middle and late Tang periods , in which it was more popular that the poets were good at calligraphy , meanwhile , more and more poems about calligraphy were written .

  8. 论委托书征求与小股东利益保护

    On Proxy Solicitation and Protection of Minority Shareholders ' Profit

  9. 论判决书的潜在功能&从刘涌案谈起

    On Potential Functions of Written Judgement & Discussion on Liu Yong 's Case

  10. 对《复变函数论》书中几个问题的商榷

    Discussion of Several Problems in " Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable "

  11. 论水书旅游产品开发的社会意义

    On the Social Significance of the Exploitation of the Tourism Products of Shui Character

  12. 论杨书案以诸子为原型的历史小说

    On Historical Novels with the Philosophers of Warring States as Originals by Yang Shu'an

  13. 论工具书的功能

    The argument of the function of reference books

  14. 论判决书中的法律解释

    On the Legal Interpretation in the Judgment

  15. 略论唐代书学理论关于王羲之书法地位的变迁

    On the Change of Wang Xizhi 's Position in the Theory of Calligraphy in the Tang Dynasty

  16. 论畅销书的生命力尽管如此,蒙古博仍以顽强的生命力幸存于今天的内蒙古科尔沁草原。

    For all that , Mongolia Shamanism is still luckily survive in the section of Horqin steppe of Inner Mongolia .

  17. 假期我没读数学书,只读了一本关于物理、包括相对论的书,那本书很好。

    I think I have given up Maths for these holidays , having just read a very good book on Physics in general including relativity .

  18. 论五体书的兼通与互补

    On the Incorporation and Reciprocal Compensation of the Five Style Calligraphy

  19. 论沙孟海的书学新见与思想方法

    On Sha Menghai 's view of Penmanship and His Ideological Methods

  20. 这本论文学的书已印成对开本发行。

    This book on literature has been brought out in folio .

  21. 论标引工具书在标引和检索中的作用

    The Role of Indexing Reference Books in Indexing and Retrieval

  22. 《社会契约论》一书是卢梭这一思想的集中体现。

    The book Social Contract is the concentrated embodiment of his thoughts .

  23. 论《宋书》的文学史料价值

    On the Value of the Literature Materials of Song Annals

  24. 论手术同意书格式免责条款的解释原则

    On the Interpretation Rule of Exemption Clauses of Operation Approval

  25. 论翻译工具书的研编

    On Compiling Reference Books for Translation or Translation Studies

  26. 论电子工具书在虚拟参考咨询中的作用

    Discussion on the Functions of the Digital Reference Books on the Virtual Reference Services

  27. 略论古代埃及书吏的德育教育

    Moral Education of Scribes in Ancient Egypt

  28. 在本章的后半部分,着重的介绍了《关于社会存在的本体论》一书。

    In the second half of this chapter , mainly introduces " about social beingontology " .

  29. 在他的《君主论》一书中,马基雅弗利审视了统治者是如何保住自己的权力的。

    In his book The Prince , Machiavelli examines what rulers actually do to maintain power .

  30. 《盐铁论》一书是西汉中期的一本重要著作。

    " Yan tie lun ", a book Western Han Dynasty , intermediate stage important work .