
  • 网络special training;specific training;Special Training for Seafarers
  1. 计划生育门诊每天需要照看数百个病人,而且职员们没有接受过关于HIV阳性方面的特殊培训。

    Family planning clinics often process hundreds of patients in a day and the staff receive little or no special training on advising HIV-positive clients .

  2. 注意,操作早期绝育手术的需要经过特殊培训。

    However , early-age neutering requires special training of veterinarians .

  3. 接受过含DCM去漆剂安全和专业使用的特殊培训,并提供成员国承认的证书或其它证明文件;

    After specific training in the safe and competent use of DCM-containing paint strippers ; supported by a certificate or other documentary evidence recognized by the Member State .

  4. 经1249例临床观察,活性金单环165是一种不需特殊培训易于推广的、安全、经济并能长期放置的IUD。

    The 1249 clinical observations indicated that the medicated stainless steel ring 165 is a convenient , safe , cheep IUD that can be widely promoted for longer duration .

  5. 你在编程方面受到过特殊培训吗?

    Have you gotten any special training in programming ?

  6. 这项计划包括灵活的工作时间,导师指导和管理人员的特殊培训。

    The program includes flexible hours , mentoring , and special training from managers .

  7. 有时候我们会走访一些订阅了企业许可证以及希望获得特殊培训的客户。

    PS : We sometime visit clients that ordered enterprise licenses and wanted some special training .

  8. A:有,我想知道贵公司将来是否提供特殊培训的机会。

    A : Yes , I 'd like to know if there would be any future opportunities for specific training .

  9. 定制课程为那些希望向其员工团队提供特殊培训或发展计划的公司量身定制。

    Customised programmes are tailor-made for companies that want to offer specific training or development to a group of their employees .

  10. 据李斌介绍,《芈月传》的演员们在拍摄前接受了中国古代礼仪的特殊培训。

    According to Li , the cast of The Legend of Miyue received special training on ancient Chinese etiquette before shooting .

  11. 这个系统既可用于油船船员的特殊培训,也可作为航运院校的辅助教学软件。

    The system can be applied in special training for oil tanker crews and assistant education software for shipping colleges as well .

  12. 对于网站来说,容易使用意味着具有清晰的屏幕布局和工作流逻辑,不需要特殊培训,等等。

    The usual Web-oriented definitions call for easy-to-use sites that have clear screen layouts and workflow logic , don 't require specialized training , and so on .

  13. 为提高非洲临床医务人员对艾滋病的诊疗技术,采取集中理论学习与特殊培训相结合的方法,对临床医务人员进行分阶段、有计划、有系统的理论学习与安全操作技能的培训。

    African clinical medical staffs were trained with learning theory and special training approach to improve their diagnostic and treatment skill . The training had stage , plan and systematic .

  14. 本国法律学习依然是多数律师的首要任务。但随着法律行业的国际扩张愈演愈烈,为补充本国法律学习而进行特殊培训的需要也因此日益增加。

    The ever-greater international expansion of the legal industry has created an increasing need for specific training to supplement the domestic law studies that remain the principal focus for most lawyers .

  15. 另外,对于难以迁移或不可能迁移的应用程序,以及故障排除、支持或服务台等迁移后任务,可能需要特殊培训。

    Also , special training might be required for difficult-to-migrate or even un-migratable applications , as well as for post-migration tasks such as troubleshooting , support , or the help desk .

  16. 例如,有儿童教授的事情,如寻找其他的孩子,而他们谈话,谈论其他人的利益,甚至面带微笑的群体的特殊培训。

    For example , there are special training groups wherechildren are taught things like looking at other children while talking tothem , talking about other people 's interests , and even smiling .

  17. A:没问题,我接受过计算机方面的特殊培训,而且我还能熟练操作一般的办公设备,比如传真机和复印机。

    A : Yes , I can . I have received some special training in computers . Besides I am good at operating common office machines , such as fax machines and duplicating machines .

  18. 不难想象未来的车辆在99%的情况下自动驾驶,但在控制中心会有经过特殊培训的专业人员,他们随时准备在汽车发出信号表明其遭遇正常运行环境以外的情况时接手。

    It 's easy to imagine a future where vehicles operate 99 per cent autonomously , but somewhere a control centre contains specially trained people , ready to take over when a car signals that it has encountered something outside the bounds of its normal operating environment .

  19. 然后回顾了与员工培训相关的理论,像人力资本理论、一般培训和特殊培训理论、终身教育理论和学习型组织理论等,通过对理论的回顾,为下文的分析奠定了理论基础。

    Then this paper reviews the theories related to employee training , such as the human capital theory , training and special training theory , life long education theory and the learning organization theory . With the review of the theory , paper laid a theoretical foundation for next analysis .

  20. HIV检测并没有什么难的,不需要特殊的培训和独特的咨询技巧。

    HIV testing is not difficult , it doesn 't require special training or unique counselling skills .

  21. 大多数人都将能够使用OpenOffice,而不需要任何特殊的培训,因为菜单、菜单内容和功能都几乎与其他办公套件相同。

    Most people will be able to use OpenOffice without any special training because the menus , their content , and the functions behind them are nearly identical to other office suites .

  22. 美国高层建筑清洁工根据地方标准需要特殊的培训。

    American high-rise washers need specific training in regional standards .

  23. 电脑技术怎么样?你有没有受过什么特殊的培训?

    How about computer skills ? Have you had any special training ?

  24. 客户特殊要求培训的依客户对生产其产品的员工需要达到的程度来设定培训课程。

    If client have special training , the course will setting on clients ' request .

  25. 第四,服兵役作为一种特殊的培训对顶尖人才的成长大有裨益。

    The fourth general finding concerns military service , which is considered a special form of human capital acquisition for high achievers .

  26. 例如,我们某些合作伙伴需要向新教师进行特殊的培训时,我们可以帮助定制和落实培训。

    For example , some of our partners may need special training packages for their new teachers ; we can help them design and deliver these trainings .

  27. 另外,一些动物经过特殊的培训会成为埃及人的助手。比如,警察外出巡查时便会带上训练有素的狗,有时甚至是猴子。

    Other creatures were specially trained to work as helper animals . Egyptian police officers , for example , were known to use dogs and even trained monkeys to assist them when out on patrol .

  28. 售卖员应该询问哪些问题呢你跑步时间为多长?你每周大概跑几英里?你是接受特殊的培训吗?你一般在哪里跑步?你体重多少??

    What questions should the salespeople ask How long have you been running How much mileage are you doing per week Are you training for a particular event Where do you do most of your running How much do you weigh Are you aware of any foot problems

  29. 西部特殊教育师资培训探究

    Research on Teacher Training of Special Education in West China

  30. 上海市特殊教育师资培训的目标、内容和策略

    Objective , Contents and Strategies for Special Education Teacher Training in Shanghai