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shén zhǔ
  • God;a spirit tablet
神主 [shén zhǔ]
  • [a spirit tablet] 供奉祖先或死者用的小木牌

神主[shén zhǔ]
  1. 神主赋予这位领袖一种能力。

    And unto the leader they gave a vision .

  2. 神主与在,当睹卿待吾之归程。

    May God be with you , and watch over thee until my return .

  3. 网织的精巧而规矩,八卦形的张开,仿佛得到神主。

    Ten nets are exquisite and regular , seemlingly having gained mercy of gods .

  4. 在神主的帮助下,我开始学着去宽恕&这是所有我需要学的东西中最困难的一课。

    God helped me to learn to forgive & the most difficult of all lessons .

  5. 神主曾对我说,你是我的儿子,我今日生你。

    The LORD hath said unto me , thou art my son ; this day have I begotten thee .

  6. 因为你必赐福与义人。神主阿,你必用恩惠如同盾牌四面护卫他。

    For thou , LORD , wilt bless the righteous ; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield .

  7. 在村子一角的祠堂里,供着窦氏从始祖以下二十代列祖列宗的神主牌位。

    In an old temple at the corner of the village , there were the ancestral tablets of twenty generations dating back to the first Tou who had made his way into these hills .

  8. 蒋同时乞灵于封建地主的神主和西方列强的上帝,这恰恰是蒋介石政权的物质基础所具有的双重性在精神方面的反映。

    This simultaneous calling on the gods of the feudal landlords and the Western powers was , of course , but the spiritual reflection of the dual nature of Chiang 's material bases of power .

  9. 它不但首次提出了完整的生命三要素理论及其功能运作模式,而且其“神主形从”的生命建构原则实现了与现代哲学人类学的理论契合;

    It , for the first time , puts forward a complete theory concerning the three elements and their functional patterns of life , and its constructive principle of life is accordant to the modern philosophical anthropology theory .

  10. 明确的神主人格化崇拜其宗教形式当在秦汉时期,特点为礼制较为健全,国家祭祀体系中神主已经明确的转向对祖先的崇拜。

    Clear concept personified the religious worship in Qin and Han dynasties form , Characteristics as the etiquette system is more perfect , National sacrifices system has made it clear to the gods to the worship of ancestors .

  11. 然后结合中医关于睡眠的阴阳理论、卫气运行理论和神主理论探讨了肾虚失眠的机理。

    Then combining the yin-yang theory of TCM about sleep , theory of the defensive qi move , theory of spirit governing and theory of kidney governing hiding and storing to discuss the important mechanism of deficiency kidney insomnia .

  12. 作为时代生活的精神基础&祖先崇拜成为了死者和生者得以沟通的宗教形式,帝王的灵魂以太庙神主的形式永远存在并且影响着整个国家的精神世界。

    As the spirit of the time life foundation , Ancestor worship became the dead and the living to communication religious form , The soul of the imperial emperor in the form of gods always there and affecting the whole state of the spirit world .