
  • 网络Doctor who;Dr Who;who;doctor
  1. 两人都辩解道,史密斯之所以拿得多,是因为在2010-2014年拍摄的BBC系列剧《神秘博士》中的出色表现。

    The duo claimed that Smith earned more money because of his stint on the BBC series Doctor Who , which he starred on from 2010-2014 .

  2. 据《RadioTimes》报道,在接受《神秘博士》杂志采访时,Moffat透露Coleman本来是要在第八季结局的时候死在天堂的。

    In an interview with Doctor Who Magazine , via Radio Times , he reveals Coleman was originally going to leave during the Season 8 finale , Death in Heaven .

  3. 没错,这些视频的内容与“蓝色彼得”(BluePeter)或“神秘博士”(DoctorWho)完全不同:作品谈不上有什么价值;

    True , the content is rather different to the fare served up on Blue Peter or Doctor Who : the production values are languid ;

  4. 对上世纪70年代的儿童来说,这些似乎是最具吸引力的选项,那时的英国人酷爱科幻小说、《超人》(Superman)和《神秘博士》(DoctorWho)。

    These seemed the most attractive options for a kid in 1970s Britain who adored sci-fi , Superman and Doctor Who .

  5. 这是BBC纪录片《企鹅群里有特务》中最叹为观止的场景之一,旁边讲解者是出演《神秘博士》的苏格兰演员大卫·田纳特。

    It is one of the amazing scenes in a three-part BBC TV documentary , Penguins - Spy in the Huddle , narrated by former Doctor Who star David Tennant .

  6. 没错,这些视频的内容与蓝色彼得(BluePeter)或神秘博士(DoctorWho)完全不同:作品谈不上有什么价值;主要题材是针对电玩、恶作剧和那些令所有青少年着迷的东西。

    True , the content is rather different to the fare served up on Blue Peter or Doctor Who : the production values are languid ; the subject matter focused principally on video games , pranks and that all encompassing teen obsession : stuff .

  7. Moffat还是《神秘博士》的主要编剧和执行制作人,他说,将来一定会有更多的剧集。

    Moffat - lead writer and executive producer on Doctor Who - said there would definitely be more instalments in the future .

  8. 好了,都解决了,Christy住Howard那里,Penny回到她自己的公寓,我可以看“神秘博士”的最后24分钟。?

    Sheldon : Well , then it 's all settled . Christy will stay with Howard , Penny can go back to her apartment and I 'll watch the last 24 minutes of Doctor Who .

  9. 英国广播公司称,英国演员彼得·卡帕尔蒂将主演《神秘博士》的下一部续集,《神秘博士》是一部连载多年的科幻连续剧。在周日BBC的一个电视节目中,这个“第12位”神秘博士演员确定的消息得到证实。

    And the BBC says British actor Peter Capaldi is the next star of the long-running science fiction series " Doctor Who . " The highly anticipated announcement of the 12th doctor was made during a live television broadcast Sunday .

  10. 接近30%的受访对象将《神探夏洛克》放在第一名,紧随其后的是《神秘博士》里面的博士、《路德》里面的伊德瑞斯·艾尔巴、《弗尔蒂旅馆》里的罗勒以及《英国疯狂汽车秀》里的stig。

    Almost 30 % of respondents put Sherlock Holmes top , ahead of the Doctor of Doctor Who fame , Idris Elba 's Luther , Fawlty Towers ' Basil and Top Gear 's Stig .

  11. 该剧剧本剧本据说“具有爆炸性和启发性”,托比·海因斯(TobyHaynes)担纲导演,托比·海因斯曾执导《神探夏洛克》、《黑镜》、《神秘博士》。

    Filming has begun on what 's been promised to be an " explosive and illuminating " Brexit thriller , directed by Toby Haynes , who 's worked on the likes of Sherlock , Black Mirror , and Doctor Who .

  12. 是不是听上去像是《神秘博士》里的东西?

    Sounds like something out of Doctor Who , doesn 't it ?

  13. 显然,神秘博士现在已是人尽皆知。

    Clearly , Doctor Who was becoming Doctor Very-Well-Known .

  14. 但话说回来,我对《神秘博士》了解并不多。

    But then again , I don 't know much about Doctor Who .

  15. 是我的《神秘博士》塔迪斯。

    It 's my TARDIS from Doctor Who .

  16. 送你几个字:神秘博士大会。

    Three words : Doctor Who convention .

  17. 同样经典的英剧还有《神秘博士》,它在中国同样广受欢迎。

    Doctor Who , another classic British TV series , enjoys great popularity in China .

  18. 本期节目带您走进神秘博士的世界,马特史密斯初次亮相美国脱口秀节目。

    Craig welcomes " Doctor Who " star Matt Smith to his first American talk show appearance .

  19. 本剧由前任神秘博士——大卫·田纳特——饰演警探亚力克·哈迪。

    The show stars a former popular Doctor Who -- David Tennant -- as detective Alec Hardy .

  20. 在加盟《神秘博士》的前一周,马特?史密斯曾试镜花生一角。

    A week before landing the part of Doctor Who , Matt Smith auditioned to play John Watson ;

  21. 在火车上的两人就是史蒂芬·莫法特和马克·加提斯,他们因为《神秘博士》而家喻户晓。

    The two men on the train were Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss , already wellknown for their work on Doctor Who .

  22. 《神秘博士》是世界上最长寿的科幻电视剧,第九季于今年播出。

    The series is the most " longevial " science-fiction TV drama in the world , with the ninth season broadcasting this year .

  23. 《神秘博士》的塔迪斯的去留,将由在霹雳猫大战变形金刚的旧战场上的因一场受《权利的游戏》启发的死斗来决定。

    The fate of Doctor Who 's TARDIS will be decided by a Game of Thrones inspired death-match on the battlefield of ThunderCats versus Transformers .

  24. 这只伶牙俐齿的电子狗出现在神秘博士身旁的那一年,恰逢《星球大战》上映。这可完全不是巧合。

    Smart-talking electronic hound who appeared by the Doctor 's side in the same year as Star Wars & which was no coincidence at all .

  25. 熟悉拉丁或电视节目神秘博士的人,很显然了解这种疾病与肥胖有关。

    For anyone familiar with Latin or the TV show Doctor Who , it will be obvious that this particular disease has to do with fat .

  26. 大概有1040万美国人会定期追看《唐顿庄园》,以及《神探夏洛克》和《神秘博士》。

    Around 10.4 million Americans regularly tuned in to watch the last series of Downton Abbey shown over there and similar numbers enjoy Sherlock and Doctor Who .

  27. 他们总是读书,在地下室里玩桌游而不是出去喝酒,看《神秘博士》和《欢乐一家亲》这样的电视节目。

    They read all the time , played Apples to Apples in peoples ' basements instead of going out drinking , and watched shows like Doctor Who and Frasier .

  28. 比如,腾讯拥有超过500集英剧的播放权,其中包括《神秘博士》《皮囊》和《梅林传奇》。

    Tencent , for example , owns the screening rights for more than 500 episodes of British dramas , including smash hits such as Doctor Who , Skins and Merlin .

  29. 我对《神秘博士》了解不多,但是如果你把它放在大门外面再把后门跟你家大门打开,

    I don 't know much about Doctor Who , but if , um , you were to put this right outside your front door and open up the back ,

  30. 影星马特·史密斯还从美国给他寄了一段私人视频作为礼物,视频中马特为他演唱了英剧《神秘博士》的主题曲,他称杰克是这部长寿英剧世界上最大的粉丝。

    Star Matt Smith also sent him personal video from the United States , and sang the Doctor Who theme tune for the boy he called the show 's ' biggest fan in the world ' .